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Michael Gurven, PhD, University of New Mexico
(evolutionary medicine, indigenous health, aging and human life history evolution,
cooperation, foraging, hunter-gatherer ecology, social networks, South American Indians; Bolivia, Paraguay)
Charlie Hale, PhD, Stanford University
(Race, Anti-racism, Activist Anthropology, Latin America)
Joint Appointment: Global Studies
Doug Kennett, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Environmental Archaeology, Human Ecology,
Demography, Agriculture, Isotope Geochemistry, Genomics; Western North America, Mesoamerica)
David Lawson, PhD, University College London
(behavioral ecology, evolutionary demography, population health, international development, the family, parental investment and childhood; Tanzania)
Sarah McClure, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
zooarchaeology, Europe, Mediterranean; ecology; domestication)
Stuart Smith, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(archaeology of Egypt and Nubia [the Sudan], ethnicity, culture contact and imperialism, ideology and legitimization, funerary practice, ceramics and residue analysis)
Amber Vanderwarker, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(archaeology, paleoethnobotany, zooarchaeology; Mesoamerica, southeastern United States, foodways, gender, warfare, Political Complexity, Agriculture)
Casey Walsh, PhD, New School for Social Research
(political economy, Mexico-United States borderlands, water, commodities, history)
Gregory Wilson, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(archaeology, origins of social inequality, warfare; culture contact; Eastern North America, particularly the Mississippi valley and interior southeastern United States)
Associate Professors
Amy Boddy, PhD, Wayne State University School of Medicine
(evolution, genomics, comparative genomics, human biology, evolutionary medicine, fetal-maternal conflict, life history theory, cancer)
Jeffrey Hoelle, PhD, University of Florida
(Environmental anthropology, land use and agriculture, environmental degradation, Brazil, Amazonia)
Assistant Professors
Mohamad Jarada
Raquel Pacheco, PhD, UC San Diego
(gender and sexuality, citizenship, biopolitics, development and indigeneity in Mexico and Latin America)
Elana Resnick, PhD, University of Michigan
(environmental politics, waste, urban infrastructure, racialization, labor, energy, socialism/postsocialism; European Union, Bulgaria)
Nic Thompson Gonzalez
Francesca Bray, PhD, Cambridge University
(social anthropology; technology; agriculture; medicine; science and society; sociology of knowledge; China, Europe, California)
James Brooks, PhD, UC Davis
Joint Appointment: History
Donald Brown, PhD, Cornell University
(sociocultural anthropology, political anthropology, anthropology of history; Southeast Asia)
Manuel Carlos, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(political anthropology; Latin America)
Manuel Carlos
Brian Fagan, PhD, Cambridge University
(Old World archaeology, general prehistory, multimedia teaching)
Lynn Gamble, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(emergent sociopolitical complexity among hunter-gatherer societies in southern California, especially the Chumash Indians; California, North America)
Steven Gaulin, PhD, Harvard University
Michael Glassow, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(archaeology, cultural ecology; western North America)
Mary Hancock, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Joint Appointment: History
Barbara Harthorn, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Elvin Hatch, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(history of anthropology, social history of rural America and New Zealand)
Joint Appointment: Law and Society Program
Michael Jochim, PhD, University of Michigan
(archaeology, hunters-gatherers, European prehistory, archaeological method and theory)
Juan-Vicente Palerm, PhD, Universidad Iberoamericana
Alexander Robertson, PhD/ScD, University of Edinburgh/University of Cambridge
(social change and development, economic and political processes; Africa, Europe)
Katharina Schreiber, PhD, Binghamton University
(archaeology of Andean South America and the southwestern United States, origin and development of complex societies, empire expansion, settlement patterns)
Susan Stonich, PhD, University of Kentucky
Joint Appointment: Environmental Studies
Donald Symons, PhD, UC Berkeley
(physical anthropology, primate social behavior, the evolution of human behavior)
Barbara Voorhies, PhD, Yale University
(archaeology, cultural ecology; Mesoamerica)
Affiliated Faculty
Jaime Alves, PhD, University of Texas at Austin, Associate Professor
(antiblackness, spatial governmentality, and anthropology of policing in Brazil and Colombia)
Appointment in: Black Studies
Mary Bucholtz, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(sociocultural linguistics; language and identity; American English and Spanish)
Appointment in: Linguistics
Leda Cosmides, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(evolutionary psychology, cognition, motivation, emotions)
Appointment in: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Sabine Fruhstuck, PhD, University of Vienna , Professor
(modern/contemporary history, ethnography, sociology, and cultural studies of Japan; power, sexuality, violence, childhood, war and military, knowledge systems)
Appointment in: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Stephanie Hom, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(modern Italy and the Mediterranean; Italian cultural studies; migration and detention; mobility studies; Italian colonialism and imperialism; postcolonial studies; tourism studies; 20th- and 21st-century Italian and italophone literature)
Appointment in: French and Italian
David Novak, PhD, Columbia University, Associate Professor
(Ethnomusicology, Popular Music, Globalization, Japan, Media & Technology)
Appointment in: Music
Laury Oaks, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, Professor
(reproductive politics; health, medicine, and science; feminist and community-based participatory research)
Appointments in: Feminist Studies, Exercise & Sport Studies
Mayfair Yang, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(anthropology, China , critical theory, media, gender, state)
Appointments in: Religious Studies, East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Jane Callister, MFA, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
(critical studies/contemporary culture, impact of new bodies of knowledge on contemporary art practice and theory, painting and drawing, inter-media)
Kip Fulbeck, MFA, UC San Diego
(performative studies, narrative)
Lisa Jevbratt, MFA, San Jose State University
(digital media, art, network, Net art, interactive media)
Joint Appointment: Media Arts and Technology
Shana Moulton
Associate Professors
Assistant Professors
Assistant Teaching Professors
Iman Djouini
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Laurel Beckman, MFA, California Institute of the Arts
Gary Brown, MFA, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Karen Carson
Colin Gardner, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Richard Hebdige, MA, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Joint Appointment: Film and Media Studies
Sheldon Kaganoff
Jane Mulfinger, MA, Royal College of Art, London
Harry Reese, MFA, Brown University
Richard Ross, MFA, University of Florida
Kim Yasuda, MFA, University of Southern California
Affiliated Faculty
Iman Djouini, Lecturer Potential SOE
Appointments in: Art, College of Creative Studies
Lisa Parks, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Professor
Appointment in: Film and Media Studies
Marko Peljhan, Diploma, University of Ljublijana, Slovenia, Professor
(interdisciplinary studies, systemics, tactical media, digital media, performance)
Appointment in: Media Arts and Technology
Jenni Sorkin, PhD, Yale, Professor
(Contemporary art; material culture, craft, and design; art criticism; feminist historiographies and theory; art school pedagogies; queer culture and theory)
Appointment in: History of Art and Architecture
Sven Spieker, DPhil, University of Oxford, Professor
(modern and contemporary art and literature, with emphasis on East-Central Europe, including Russia; avant-garde studies; global art; intersections between media, art, science, and philosophy)
Appointment in: Germanic and Slavic Studies
Jigna Desai
Joint Appointment: Feminist Studies
Diane Fujino, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(Asian American activism studies, Afro-Asian solidarities, Third World racialism, Japanese American history, activist-scholarship, structural inequities of race, class and gender)
Erin Ninh, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Asian American literature and cultural studies, women's literature, comparative ethnic literature, gender and family, sexual violence)
John Park, PhD, UC Berkeley
(immigration law and policy, race theory, political theory and public law)
Xiaojian Zhao, PhD, UC Berkeley
(United States history, Asian American history, gender, and immigration)
Associate Professors
Sameer Pandya, PhD, Stanford University
(creative writing; Asian American literature; cultural studies; postcolonial literature and criticism; sports studies)
Assistant Professors
Alexander Cho, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
(Digital media studies, human-centered design, Asian American media studies, critical race theory, queer studies)
Sucheng Chan, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: Global Studies
Affiliated Faculty
Rudy Busto, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(Chicano/Latino religions, Asian American/Pacific Islander religions, American religions)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Debanuj DasGupta, PhD, The Ohio State University, Associate Professor
(transgender studies, queer theory, transnational feminism and sexuality studies, queer migration studies, South Asia studies, international development and human rights, scholar & activist methodologies)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Kip Fulbeck, MFA, UC San Diego, Professor
(performative studies, narrative)
Appointment in: Art
Pei-Te Lien, PhD, University of Florida , Professor
(race, ethnicity, and gender; transnationalism; Asian American politics)
Appointment in: Political Science
Swati Rana, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(Comparative Ethnic Literature, Asian American Literature, Transnational American Studies, Literary Theory and Methods, Creative Writing)
Appointment in: English
Paul Spickard, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(history; race; ethnicity; immigration; Asian American; African American; interracial marriage; multiracial; identity; global)
Appointment in: History
Mayfair Yang, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(anthropology, China , critical theory, media, gender, state)
Appointments in: Religious Studies, East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Dorit Hanein
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Michelle O'Malley, PhD, University of Delaware
(genetic and cellular engineering, membrane protein characterization for drug discovery, protein biophysics, metagenomics, biofuel production)
Joint Appointment: Chemical Engineering
Kevin Plaxco, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(biochemistry, protein folding, biomolecular engineering)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Beth Pruitt, PhD, Stanford University
(Mechanobiology, microfabrication, engineering and science, engineering microsystems, and biointerfaces for quantitative mechanobiology.)
Joint Appointments: Mechanical Engineering, East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Niels Volkmann, PhD, Max-Planck Institute & University of Hamburg
(Development and application of innovative New Computational, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science Tools to bridge information between the Atomic and Cellular Scales, covering more than six orders of magnitude from Ångstroms to tens of microns)
Joint Appointments: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program,
Associate Professors
Sid Dey, PhD, UC Berkeley
(systems biology, epigenetics, stem cell biology)
Joint Appointment: Chemical Engineering
Yon Visell, PhD, McGill University
(Haptics, robotics, sensors, virtual reality, interactive technologies)
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Assistant Professors
Marley Dewey
Carrie Mills
Arnab Mukherjee, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(protein and cell engineering, genetic tools for molecular imaging, fluorescence imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, anaerobic biosystems, synthetic biology)
Joint Appointment: Chemical Engineering
Ryan Stowers, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
(mechanobiology, biomaterials, hydrogel engineering, tissue engineering)
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
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Cherie Briggs, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(theoretical ecology and systems biology)
Joint Appointments: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Dennis Clegg, PhD, UC Berkeley
(molecular and cellular neurobiology; stem cell biology and engineering; ocular disease)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Zvonimir Dogic, PhD, Brandeis University
(Experimental soft matter physics)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Deborah Fygenson, PhD, Princeton University
(experimental biophysics)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Christopher Hayes, PhD, University of Connecticut
(molecular biology of inter-bacterial competition, type V and VI secretion systems, biochemistry of toxin-immunity protein pairs)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Luc Jaeger, PhD, University Louis Pasteur
(nucleic acid nanotechnology, synthetic biology, nano-biotechnology, RNA structures, RNA evolution, biomaterials, nanomedicine)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Kenneth Kosik, MA, MD, Medical College of Pennsylvania
(neurodegeneration, biophysics of neuroconnectivity, stem cells, synaptic plasticity, microRNAs, evolution of the nervous system)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Michael Mahan, PhD, University of Utah
(microbial pathogenesis; molecular mechanisms of infectious disease, antibiotic resistance; sepsis; vaccine development)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Cristina Marchetti, PhD, University of Florida
(Theoretical soft matter and biological physics)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Denise Montell, PhD, Stanford University
(biomedical sciences; developmental & stem cell biology)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Craig Montell, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(biomedical sciences; neuroscience)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Beth Pruitt, PhD, Stanford University
(Mechanobiology, microfabrication, engineering and science, engineering microsystems, and biointerfaces for quantitative mechanobiology.)
Joint Appointments: Mechanical Engineering,
Norbert Reich, PhD, UC San Francisco
(theoretical biophysical chemistry)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Joel Rothman, PhD, University of Oregon
(biochemical and genetic studies of cellular differentiation and reprogramming; regulation of cell signaling, proliferation, and death)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Omar Saleh, PhD, Princeton University
(single-molecule biophysics, motor proteins, DNA-protein interactions)
Joint Appointments: Materials,
Ambuj Singh, PhD, University of Texas
(machine learning and data mining, network science, social networks, databases, bioinformatics, chemoinformatics)
Joint Appointment: Computer Science
William Smith, PhD, UC Santa Cruz
(developmental biology of marine invertebrate chordates)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Niels Volkmann, PhD, Max-Planck Institute & University of Hamburg
(Development and application of innovative New Computational, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science Tools to bridge information between the Atomic and Cellular Scales, covering more than six orders of magnitude from Ångstroms to tens of microns)
Joint Appointments: Biological Engineering,
Herbert Waite, PhD, Duke University
(comparative biochemistry, marine biomolecular materials, micro and nanomechanics, bioadhesion)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Biological Engineering
Associate Professors
John Lew, PhD, University of Calgary
(biochemistry, molecular biology, enzymology)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Matthieu Louis, PhD, University of Cambridge
(systems biology, systems neuroscience, behavioral neurogenetics)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Sebastian Streichan, PhD, University of Saarland
Joint Appointment: Physics
Assistant Professors
Brandon Greene, PhD, Emory University
(redox biology, enzymology, and bioenergy)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
John Carbon, PhD, Northwestern University
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Rolf Christoffersen, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Louise Clarke, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(biochemistry, genetics)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
James Cooper, PhD, Washington University
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
John Gerig, PhD, Brown University
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
David Low, PhD, UC Irvine
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Daniel Morse, PhD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
(molecular biology, bio-nanotechnology, biomolecular materials, marine biotechnology, biophotonics)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Stanley Parsons, PhD, California Institute of Technology
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Charles Samuel, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Duane Sears, PhD, Columbia University
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Carol Vandenberg, PhD, UC San Diego
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Leslie Wilson, PhD, Tufts University
(microtubule dynamics, functions, and anticancer drug mechanisms)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Affiliated Faculty
Frank Brown, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor
(theoretical /biophysical chemistry)
Appointments in: Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physics
Alison Butler, PhD, UC San Diego, Professor
(bio-inorganic and bioorganic chemistry, metallobiochemistry and chemical biology)
Appointment in: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Rick Dahlquist, PhD, California Institute of Technology, Professor
(relationships between protein structure and function and the phenomenon of chemotaxis in bacteria; biochemistry)
Appointments in: Chemistry and Biochemistry, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Everett Lipman, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(experimental biological physics)
Appointment in: Physics
Cyrus Safinya, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor
(biophysics, supramolecular assemblies of biological molecules, non-viral gene delivery systems)
Appointments in: Materials, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Joan-Emma Shea, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor
(theoretical biophysical chemistry)
Appointments in: Chemistry and Biochemistry, Physics
Boris Shraiman, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(theoretical biophysics)
Appointment in: Physics
Keith Mayes
Christopher McAuley, PhD, University of Michigan
(northern and southern African politics, world systems theory, Black intellectual history, Caribbean and Latin American political economy and economic history of the Americas)
Jeffrey Stewart, PhD, Yale University
(African-American history and philosophy, art history, American studies)
Sabrina Strings
Sharon Tettegah, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(intersection of STEM, Psychology and Education with an emphasis on Black and Ethnic Studies)
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Omise'eke Tinsley, PhD, UC Berkeley
(queer and feminist, Caribbean and African American performance and literature)
Associate Professors
Jaime Alves, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
(antiblackness, spatial governmentality, and anthropology of policing in Brazil and Colombia)
Ingrid Banks, PhD, UC Berkeley
(race, gender, culture, ethnographic methods)
Roberto Strongman, PhD, UC San Diego
(comparative Caribbean cultural studies, literature and religion of the Afro-Americas, gender and sexuality studies)
Assistant Professors
Douglas Daniels, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: History
George Lipsitz, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Joint Appointment: Sociology
Claudine Michel, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
Gerard Pigeon, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
Earl Stewart, DMA, University of Texas
Affiliated Faculty
Stephanie Batiste, PhD, George Washington University, Professor
(performance studies, Black cultural studies, critical race theory, African American literature and American studies)
Appointment in: English
Eileen Boris, PhD, Brown University, Professor
(labor studies; feminist theory; gender, race, class; women's history; women, work and welfare; social politics)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Rudy Busto, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(Chicano/Latino religions, Asian American/Pacific Islander religions, American religions)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Julie Carlson, PhD, University of Chicago, Professor
(British romantic literature, theater studies, trauma studies, imagination and social justice)
Appointment in: English
Mhoze Chikowero, PhD, Dalhousie University, Associate Professor
(African social, cultural and economic history; popular culture and politics in Africa; electrification and energy in Africa; African labor history, HIV/AIDS in Africa)
Appointment in: History
Nadege Clitandre, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(African Diaspora, Gender and Transnationalism, Caribbean Literature, Haiti)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Stephan Miescher, PhD, Northwestern University, Professor
(19th- and 20th-century social history of West Africa; Ghana, colonialism, gender, masculinities; history of development and modernity/modernization; history of sexualities; oral history)
Appointment in: History
Mireille Miller-Young, PhD, New York University , Associate Professor
(gender and sexuality studies; Black cultural studies; film and media studies; pornography and sex work)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Sylvester Ogbechie, PhD, Northwestern University, Professor
(classical African art; modern and contemporary African art; arts of the African diaspora; contemporary African visual culture; African film; theory and methodology of art history; cultural patrimony research)
Appointment in: History of Art and Architecture
Matt Richardson, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(black queer theory; trans theory; black feminist theory; literature and cultural criticism; LGBTQ history and culture and film theory)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Victor Rios, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(urban ethnography, juvenile justice, Latino sociology)
Appointment in: Sociology
Paul Spickard, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(history; race; ethnicity; immigration; Asian American; African American; interracial marriage; multiracial; identity; global)
Appointment in: History
France Winddance Twine, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(The Body, Ethnography, Intimacy, Privilege, Feminist Theory, Critical Race Theory, Visual Sociology, Comparative Racial Studies (Europe/US/South Africa))
Appointment in: Sociology
Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
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Sarah Anderson, PhD, Stanford University
(environmental politics and public policy,American politics, legislatures, political parties, and statistical methods)
Mark Buntaine, PhD, Duke University
(international relations and environmental policy)
Kelly Caylor, PhD, University of Virginia
(ecology and hydrology of drylands, distributed environmental sensing & sensor development, sub-Saharan agriculture, coupled social-environmental systems)
Joint Appointment: Geography
Jayajit Chakraborty
Christopher Costello, PhD, UC Berkeley
(environmental and resource economics)
Roland Geyer, PhD, University of Surry
(industrial ecology and management science, green supply-chain management, life-cycle assessment)
Ben Halpern, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(marine ecology, conservation planning)
Patricia Holden, PhD, UC Berkeley
(pathogens in the environment, microbial ecology of pollutant degradation, soil microbiology)
Arturo Keller, PhD, Stanford University
(water quality management and modeling, fate and transport of pollutants, groundwater protection and remediation, contaminant treatment technologies, watershed management, environmental implications and applications of nanotechnology)
Bruce Kendall, PhD, University of Arizona
(quantitative ecology; conservation biology; nonlinear dynamics; stochastic modeling; population ecology; spatial processes)
Hunter Lenihan, PhD, University of North Carolina
(marine ecological research, including impact assessment; resource restoration and the development of environmental management strategies; community, conservation, and restoration ecology; fisheries oceanography, polar and deep-sea biology, adaptive management of marine resources)
Eric Masanet, PhD, UC Berkeley
(sustainable manufacturing, energy systems analysis, industrial ecology)
Andrew Plantinga, PhD, UC Berkeley
(natural resource economics and policy)
Matthew Potoski, PhD, University of Indiana
(corporate environmental management, political science)
James Salzman, JD cum laude, Harvard University
(environmental law)
Naomi Tague, PhD, University of Toronto
(hydrology, linkages between climate, ecology, and hydrology)
David Tilman, PhD, University of Michigan
(ecology, biodiversity, ecosystem functioning)
Associate Professors
Ranjit Deshmukh, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: Environmental Studies
Robert Heilmayr, PhD, Stanford University
(environmental economics, ecological economics, land systems science)
Joint Appointment: Environmental Studies
Scott Jasechko, PhD, University of New Mexico
(water resources, hydrology, groundwater, sustainability)
Ashley Larsen, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(agricultural and landscape ecology)
Kyle Meng, PhD, Columbia University
(economics, climate change)
Joint Appointment: Economics
Samantha Stevenson-Michener, PhD, University of Colorado at Boulder
(climate modeling, drought, oceanography, climate dynamics)
Assistant Professors
Joan Dudney
Joint Appointment: Environmental Studies
Andy Macdonald
Ruth Oliver
Assistant Teaching Professors
Max Czapanskiy
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Carmen Galaz-Garcia
Alexandra Phillips
Frank Davis, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Jeffrey Dozier, PhD, University of Michigan
Thomas Dunne, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
James Frew, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
Charles Kolstad, PhD, Stanford University
(environmental economics)
Joint Appointment: Economics
Gary Libecap, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Joint Appointment: Economics
John Melack, PhD, Duke University
Joint Appointments: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Oran Young, PhD, Yale University
(environmental institutions, governance for sustainable development)
Affiliated Faculty
Peter Alagona, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(environmental history, history of science, science and technology studies, environmental geography)
Appointment in: Environmental Studies
Kathy Baylis, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(Development economics, food security, international agriculture and conservation policy)
Appointment in: Geography
Olivier Deschenes, PhD, Princeton University, Professor
(labor economics, applied econometrics, econometrics)
Appointment in: Economics
Ranjit Deshmukh, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
Appointments in: Environmental Studies, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Steve Gaines, PhD, Oregon State University, Professor
(marine ecology and conservation, consequences of climate change, biostatistics)
Appointments in: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
David Lea, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Woods Hole, Professor
(biogeochemistry, paleoceanography and its significance in global change problems, using metals in marine biogrenic calcite, chemical oceanography)
Appointment in: Earth Science
Sally Macintyre, PhD, Duke University, Professor
(physical-biological coupling; physical limnology and oceanography with particular emphasis on turbulence and its implications for the biogeochemistry of aquatic ecosystems; tropical, temperate and arctic lakes; flow and ecosystem dynamics in kelp forests)
Appointments in: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Paasha Mahdavi, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Associate Professor
(political methodology, energy and environmental politics, comparative political economy)
Appointment in: Political Science
Wendy Meiring, PhD, University of Washington, Professor
(applied statistics, statistics of space-time processes, environmental statistics)
Appointment in: Statistics and Applied Probability
Matto Mildenberger, PhD, Yale University, Associate Professor
(environmental and climate politics, comparative public policy, political behavior, methodology)
Appointment in: Political Science
Antony Millner, Associate Professor
Appointment in: Economics
David Pellow, PhD, Northwestern University, Professor
(environmental justice studies, ethnic studies, social change, social movements)
Appointment in: Environmental Studies
Ronald E. Rice, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(social effects of new media and telecommunications, communication networks, bibliometrics, public communication campaigns, organizational communication, diffusion of innovations, environmental communication)
Appointment in: Communication
Dar Roberts, PhD, University of Washington, Professor
(remote sensing of vegetation and soils, geobotany and spectroscopy, geology, ecology and ecophysiology)
Appointment in: Geography
Grace Wu, Assistant Professor
Appointment in: Environmental Studies
Brad Chmelka, PhD, UC Berkeley
(self-assembled materials, heterogeneous catalysis, surfactants and polymers, porous and composite solids, magnetic resonance)
Phil Christopher, PhD, University of Michigan
(catalysis, photocatalysis, plasmonics, nanomaterials synthesis, in-situ characterization)
Mike Doherty, PhD, Cambridge University
(Process design and synthesis, separations, crystal engineering)
Glenn Fredrickson, PhD, Stanford University
(statistical mechanics of soft matter, polymer theory, phase transitions, glass transitions, polymer technologies, energy and sustainable technologies, block copolymers, statistical mechanics, composite media)
Mike Gordon, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(surface physics, scanning probe microscopy, nanoscale materials, plasmonics, laser spectroscopy)
Songi Han, PhD, Aachen University of Technology
(magnetic resonance methods and applications, protein biophysics, spectrosopy)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Matt Helgeson, PhD, University of Delaware
(colloidal thermodynamics and rheology, polymer and surfactant self-assembly, nanomaterials, microfluidics)
Eric McFarland, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(energy production, catalysis, reaction engineering, charge and energy transfer)
Michelle O'Malley, PhD, University of Delaware
(genetic and cellular engineering, membrane protein characterization for drug discovery, protein biophysics, metagenomics, biofuel production)
Joint Appointment: Biological Engineering
Jim Rawlings, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
(chemical process monitoring and control, reaction engineering, computational modeling)
Susannah Scott, PhD, Iowa State University
(heterogeneous catalysis, surface organometallic chemistry; analysis of electronic structure and stoichiometric reactivity to determine catalytic function)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Rachel Segalman, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(polymer design, self-assembly, and properties)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Scott Shell, PhD, Princeton University
(molecular simulation, statistical mechanics, complex materials, protein biophysics)
Todd Squires, PhD, Harvard University
(fluid mechanics, microfluidics, microrheology, complex fluids)
Associate Professors
Sid Dey, PhD, UC Berkeley
(systems biology, epigenetics, stem cell biology)
Joint Appointment: Biological Engineering
Assistant Professors
Tyler Mefford
Arnab Mukherjee, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(protein and cell engineering, genetic tools for molecular imaging, fluorescence imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, anaerobic biosystems, synthetic biology)
Joint Appointment: Biological Engineering
Associate Teaching Professors
Joe Chada, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Sanjoy Banerjee, PhD, University of Waterloo
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Owen Hanna, PhD, Purdue University
(theoretical methods)
Leslie Leal, PhD, Stanford University
Glenn Lucas, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Duncan Mellichamp, PhD, Purdue University
(process dynamics and control, process design/
A Profio
Dale Seborg, PhD, Princeton University
(process dynamics and control, monitoring and fault detection, system identification)
Theofanis Theofanous, PhD, University of Minnesota
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Affiliated Faculty
Mahdi Abu-Omar, PhD, Iowa State University, Professor
(Inorganic chemistry, green and sustainable chemistry, and catalysis)
Appointment in: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Christopher Bates, PhD, University of Austin Texas, Associate Professor
(polymer mesostructure and dynamics, energy storage, and crystallization)
Appointment in: Materials
Songi Han, PhD, Aachen University of Technology, Professor
(magnetic resonance methods and applications, protein biophysics, spectrosopy)
Appointments in: Chemistry and Biochemistry, Chemical Engineering
Carrie Mills, Assistant Professor
Appointment in: Biological Engineering
Mahdi Abu-Omar, PhD, Iowa State University
(Inorganic chemistry, green and sustainable chemistry, and catalysis)
Mike Bowers, PhD, University of Illinois
(generation, structure and reactivity of semiconductor and metallic clusters in the gas phase and on surfaces; structures and energetics of synthetic polymers and biopolymers in the gas phase; protein misfolding and aggregation diseases; G-quadraplex formation and stabilization)
Frank Brown, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(theoretical /biophysical chemistry)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Steven Buratto, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(materials chemistry, physical chemistry, near-field scanning optical microscopy (NSOM), nanoscale optical properties of thin films, single molecule spectroscopy of dye molecules, polymer molecules, si quantum dots)
Alison Butler, PhD, UC San Diego
(bio-inorganic and bioorganic chemistry, metallobiochemistry and chemical biology)
Rick Dahlquist, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(relationships between protein structure and function and the phenomenon of chemotaxis in bacteria; biochemistry)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Mattanjah de Vries, PhD, University of Amsterdam
(physical chemistry, prebiotic chemistry, cultural heritage science)
Songi Han, PhD, Aachen University of Technology
(magnetic resonance methods and applications, protein biophysics, spectrosopy)
Joint Appointment: Chemical Engineering
Dorit Hanein
Joint Appointment: Biological Engineering
Craig Hawker, PhD, Cambridge University
(synthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology, materials science)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Trevor Hayton, PhD, University of British Columbia
(inorganic chemistry)
Luc Jaeger, PhD, University Louis Pasteur
(nucleic acid nanotechnology, synthetic biology, nano-biotechnology, RNA structures, RNA evolution, biomaterials, nanomedicine)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Bernie Kirtman, PhD, Harvard University
(theoretical quantum chemistry)
Bruce Lipshutz, PhD, Yale University
(organic chemistry)
Horia Metiu, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(theoretical physical chemistry)
Thuc-Quyen Nguyen, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(polymer photophysics, doping and charge transport in organic semiconductors, bioelectronics, and device physics of organic solar cells, ratchets, transistors, and photodetectors)
Tom Pettus, PhD, University of Rochester
(organic chemistry synthesis and methods involving aromatic compounds)
Kevin Plaxco, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(biochemistry, protein folding, biomolecular engineering)
Javier Read de Alaniz, PhD, Colorado State University
(asymmetric catalysis, alkaloid total synthesis, new reaction development)
Norbert Reich, PhD, UC San Francisco
(theoretical biophysical chemistry)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Susannah Scott, PhD, Iowa State University
(heterogeneous catalysis, surface organometallic chemistry; analysis of electronic structure and stoichiometric reactivity to determine catalytic function)
Joint Appointment: Chemical Engineering
Ram Seshadri, PhD, Indian Institute of Science
(inorganic materials, preparation and magnetism of bulk solids and nonoparticles, patterned materials)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Joan-Emma Shea, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(theoretical biophysical chemistry)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Herbert Waite, PhD, Duke University
(comparative biochemistry, marine biomolecular materials, micro and nanomechanics, bioadhesion)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Biological Engineering
Justin Wilson
Armen Zakarian, PhD, Florida State University
(organic chemistry; natural products; marine natural products; organic synthesis, synthetic methods; green chemistry; bio-organic chemistry)
Liming Zhang, PhD, University of Michigan
(organic synthesis, medicinal chemistry, transition metal catalysis, carbohydrate synthesis, and green chemistry)
Associate Professors
Lior Sepunaru, PhD, University of Oxford
(University of Oxford)
Vojtech Vlcek, PhD, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and The University of Bayreuth
(quantum and many-body theory, condensed matter theory, density functional theory, theoretical chemistry, materials theory)
Assistant Professors
Andrea Carlini
Brandon Greene, PhD, Emory University
(redox biology, enzymology, and bioenergy)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Yang Hai, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
(structural biochemistry, enzymology, and biocatalysis)
Nadia Leonard
Yang Yang, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(organic chemistry, biocatalysis, protein engineering, polymer chemistry)
Teaching Professors
Darby Feldwinn, PhD, UC San Diego
(chemistry, math and science education)
Kalju Kahn, PhD, University of Missouri, Columbia
(development and application of computational chemistry tools for solving biochemical problems)
Leroy Laverman, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(inorganic and analytical chemistry)
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Assistant Teaching Professors
Morgan Gainer, PhD, University of Utah
(Organic Chemistry)
Stephanie Pazos
Donald Aue, PhD, Cornell University
Guillermo Bazan, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joint Appointment: Materials
Paula Bruice, PhD, University of Virginia
Anthony Cheetham, PhD, Oxford University
(catalysis, optical materials, X-ray, neutron diffraction)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Peter Ford, PhD, Yale University
John Gerig, PhD, Brown University
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Thomas Hooker Jr, PhD, Duke University
John Kennedy, PhD, Harvard University
Dan Little, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Richard Martin
Richard Martinez, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Martin Moskovits, PhD, University of Toronto
Stanley Parsons, PhD, California Institute of Technology
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Ralph Pearson, PhD, Northwestern University
Galen Stucky, PhD, Iowa State University
Joint Appointment: Materials
Petra Van Koppen, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
Richard Watts, PhD, University of Colorado
Alec Wodtke, PhD, UC Berkeley
Fred Wudl, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(organic chemistry and optical and electro-optical properties of processable conjugated polymers as well as in the organic chemistry of fullerenes and the design and the preparation of self-mending polymers)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Affiliated Faculty
Christopher Bates, PhD, University of Austin Texas, Associate Professor
(polymer mesostructure and dynamics, energy storage, and crystallization)
Appointment in: Materials
Arnab Mukherjee, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Assistant Professor
(protein and cell engineering, genetic tools for molecular imaging, fluorescence imaging, magnetic resonance imaging, anaerobic biosystems, synthetic biology)
Appointments in: Chemical Engineering, Biological Engineering
Rachel Segalman, PhD, UC Santa Barbara, Professor
(polymer design, self-assembly, and properties)
Appointments in: Chemical Engineering, Materials
Gerardo Aldana, PhD, Harvard University
(Maya hieroglyphic history, Mesoamerican art, experimental archaeology, science studies, culture theory)
Ralph Armbruster, PhD, UC Riverside
(globalization, labor, social movements, race and ethnic relations, Latin American studies and community/urban studies)
D. Ines Casillas, PhD, University of Michigan
(U.S. Spanish-language media, radio/sound practices, immigration policy, gender, popular culture)
Ellie Hernandez, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Chicana/o and Latina/o cultural production, queer theory, 20th century American literature, and transnational gender culture)
Aida Hurtado, PhD, University of Michigan
(Chicana feminisms, study of masculinities, Chicana/o and Latino/a educational achievement, feminist theory)
Chela Sandoval, PhD, UC Santa Cruz
(cyber and millennial studies, third space feminism, critical media theory and production, oppositional consciousness and social movement)
Associate Professors
Micaela Diaz-Sanchez, PhD, Stanford University
(Chicana/o and Latina/o Performance Studies, Visual Culture and Cultural Studies, Afro-Latina/o Diaspora Studies, Chicana/Latina Feminisms, Chicana/o and Latina/o Theater History and Ethnomusicology, Dramaturgy, Acting Methodology)
Assistant Professors
Giovanni Batz, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
(Maya social movements and resistance, extractivist industries, Guatemala, migration, and forced displacement.)
Juanita Garcia, PhD, Texas A & M University
(Immigration; Latinx Sociology; Intersectionality; Medical Sociology; Sociology of Mental Health; Aging; Social Determinants of Health)
Silvia Rodriguez Vega
(mixed-status immigrant families, legal violence, arts education, ARTivism, and community-engaged research (UCLA).)
Daina Sanchez, PhD, UC Irvine
(Transnational Migration and Children of Immigrants; Identity and Community Formation; Oaxaca, Los Angeles)
Teaching Professors
Yolanda Broyles, PhD, Stanford University
Mario Garcia, PhD, UC San Diego
Maria Herrera Sobek, PhD, UC Irvine
Francisco Lomeli, PhD, University of New Mexico
(Chicano/a Literature, Theory of the Novel, Literary History of the American Southwest, Border Studies, Latin American Literature from Mexico, Costa Rica, Chile)
Joint Appointment: Spanish and Portuguese
Affiliated Faculty
Edwina Barvosa, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(Chicana/Latina feminist thought; political philosophy; gender studies)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Rudy Busto, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(Chicano/Latino religions, Asian American/Pacific Islander religions, American religions)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Leo Cabranes-Grant, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(Spanish Golden Age drama and poetry, Latin American drama, Latino and Spanish drama, intercultural studies)
Appointments in: Theater and Dance, Spanish and Portuguese
Richard Duran, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(ESL; Reading education; Educational measurement; Bilingualism Educational assessment; Design and evaluation of literacy interventions for at-risk students, Educational testing; Learning; Bilingual education; Secondary education; Urban education; Educational technology; Cognitive psychology: cognition, intelligence, memory; Psychosocial development)
Appointment in: Education
Victor Rios, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(urban ethnography, juvenile justice, Latino sociology)
Appointment in: Sociology
Laura Romo, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(Adolescent development; Mother-adolescent communication; Youth and sexuality; Adolescent pregnancy prevention; Informal science/health education; Concept acquisition)
Appointment in: Education
Denise Segura, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(Chicana and Chicano Studies, feminist studies, gender, family, work, race-ethnic relations, education)
Appointment in: Sociology
Roberto Strongman, PhD, UC San Diego, Associate Professor
(comparative Caribbean cultural studies, literature and religion of the Afro-Americas, gender and sexuality studies)
Appointment in: Black Studies
Cristina Venegas, PhD, University of Southern California, Associate Professor
(Latin American and Latino media, international cinema, and digital media technologies)
Appointment in: Film and Media Studies
Francis Dunn, PhD, Yale University
(Greek tragedy, Greek literature and culture of the 5th century)
Dorota Dutsch, PhD, McGill University
(Roman comedy, theater and performance in the ancient world (and beyond), Latin language and society, gender studies)
Brice Erickson, PhD, University of Texas, Austin
(Greek archaeology, Crete, ceramic studies)
Sara Lindheim, PhD, Brown University
(Latin poetry, gender, literary theory)
Helen Morales, PhD, Cambridge University
(ancient novel, Greek myth, feminist criticism, reception)
Robert Morstein-Marx, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Roman History, Greek history, Latin prose, historiography and rhetoric)
Associate Professors
Rose Maclean, PhD, Princeton University
(Latin imperial literature, ancient and modern slavery, and epigraphy)
Amit Shilo, PhD, New York University
(Greek literature and philosophy, literary theory, political theory, religion, modernity)
Assistant Professors
Emilio Capettini, PhD, Princeton University
(Greek imperial literature, philology, reception studies, queer studies)
Annie Lamar
Julio Vega
Apostolos Athanassakis, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Alva Bennett, PhD, UC Berkeley
Frances Hahn, PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Borimir Jordan, PhD, UC Berkeley
Jo-Ann Shelton, PhD, UC Berkeley
Affiliated Faculty
Beth Digeser, PhD, UC Santa Barbara, Professor
(late Roman Empire and late antiquity)
Appointment in: History
John Lee, PhD, Cornell University, Professor
(ancient Greece and West Asia, Achaemenid Persia, history of warfare, Greek archaeology and epigraphy)
Appointment in: History
Michael Morgan, PhD, UC Santa Barbara, Senior Lecturer SOE
(voice, speech, theater and community)
Appointment in: Theater and Dance
Claudia Moser, PhD, Brown University, Associate Professor
(Roman archaeology; Roman Republican sanctuaries; altars; ancient rituals; cults and burial practices)
Appointment in: History of Art and Architecture
Christine Thomas, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(Ancient Mediterranean religions, early Christianity, archaeology of religions)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Voula Tsouna-McKirahan, PhD, Université de Paris X, Professor
(ancient philosophy)
Appointment in: Philosophy
Adebisi Agboola, PhD, Columbia University
(number theory, arithmetic geometry)
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
Alison Butler, PhD, UC San Diego
(bio-inorganic and bioorganic chemistry, metallobiochemistry and chemical biology)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Jane Callister, MFA, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
(critical studies/contemporary culture, impact of new bodies of knowledge on contemporary art practice and theory, painting and drawing, inter-media)
Joint Appointment: Art
Tony de Tomaso, PhD, Washington University
(cell biology, developmental biology, immunology, transplantation biology, stem cell biology, regeneration, genetics, genomics)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Stu Feinstein, PhD, UC San Francisco
(molecular cell biology and neurobiology)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Carlos Garcia-Cervera, PhD, New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
(calculus of variations, materials science, complex fluids, quantum chemistry, density functional theory)
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
Armand Kuris, PhD, UC Berkeley
(parasite ecology, marine ecology, role of infectious processes in ecosystems, control of human schistosomiasis, crustacean biology)
Joint Appointments: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Michael Ludkovski, PhD, Princeton University
(stochastic control, optimal stopping, stochastic filtering, Monte Carlo
methods. Applications in financial and insurance mathematics, decision
theory and risk management.)
Joint Appointment: Statistics and Applied Probability
John Martinis, PhD, UC Berkeley
(experimental condensed matter physics)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Jon McCammond, PhD, UC Berkeley
(geometric group theory and geometric combinatorics)
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
David Morrison, PhD, Harvard University
(algebraic geometry and mathematical physics)
Joint Appointments: Mathematics,
Marko Peljhan, Diploma, University of Ljublijana, Slovenia
(interdisciplinary studies, systemics, tactical media, digital media, performance)
Joint Appointment: Media Arts and Technology
Stephen Proulx, PhD, University of Utah
(evolutionary theory)
Joint Appointments: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Mihai Putinar, PhD, University of Bucharest
(operator theory, complex analysis)
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
Ram Seshadri, PhD, Indian Institute of Science
(inorganic materials, preparation and magnetism of bulk solids and nonoparticles, patterned materials)
Joint Appointments: Materials,
Joan-Emma Shea, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(theoretical biophysical chemistry)
Joint Appointments: Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Timothy Sherwood, PhD, UC San Diego
(computer architecture, secure hardware, superconducting accelerators, embedded systems, program analysis and characterization)
Joint Appointment: Computer Science
Dave Valentine, PhD, UC Irvine
(interactions between microbes and the Earth system, biogeochemical cycles, ecology of Archaea)
Joint Appointment: Earth Science
Guofang Wei, PhD, State University of New York, Stony Brook
(differential geometry)
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
Associate Professors
Everett Lipman, PhD, UC Berkeley
(experimental biological physics)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Teaching Professors
Tengiz Bibilashvili, PhD, Tbilisi State University
(Theoretical physics)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Maribel Bueno Cachadina, PhD, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
(linear algebra, numerical linear algebra, combinatorial matrix theory)
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
Phill Conrad, PhD, University of Delaware
(computer science education, software engineering education)
Joint Appointment: Computer Science
Sathya Guruswamy, PhD, University of Rochester
(theoretical condensed matter physics)
Joint Appointment: Physics
John Latto, PhD, Imperial College
(population and community ecology)
Joint Appointments: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Leroy Laverman, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(inorganic and analytical chemistry)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Hank Pitcher, BA, UC Santa Barbara
Steven Allaback, PhD, University of Washington
Joint Appointment: English
William Ashby, PhD, University of Michigan
Joint Appointment: French and Italian
Donald Aue, PhD, Cornell University
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Robyn Bell, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
Gary Brown, MFA, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Joint Appointment: Art
David Cannell, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(experimental condensed matter physics)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Peter Cappello, PhD, Princeton University
Joint Appointment: Computer Science
Daryl Cooper, PhD, Warwick University
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
Omer Egecioglu, PhD, UC San Diego
Joint Appointment: Computer Science
Kathleen Foltz, PhD, Purdue University
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Louise Fradenburg Joy, PhD, University of Virginia
Joint Appointment: English
Jeremy Haladyna, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
Birge Huisgen-Zimmerman, PhD, Ludwig Maximilians University
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
William Jacob, PhD, Princeton University
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
William Kraft, MA, Columbia University
Joint Appointment: Music
Suzanne Levine, PhD, New York University
(Latin American Literature, Literary Translation, Translation Studies)
Joint Appointment: Spanish and Portuguese
Shirley Lim, PhD, Brandeis University
Joint Appointment: English
Darren Long, PhD, Cambridge University
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
David Low, PhD, UC Irvine
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology,
Jane Mulfinger, MA, Royal College of Art, London
Joint Appointment: Art
Michael Oconnell, PhD, Yale University
Joint Appointment: English
Harry Reese, MFA, Brown University
Joint Appointment: Art
Curtis Roads, PhD, University of Paris VIII
Joint Appointment: Media Arts and Technology
Francesc Roig, PhD, University of Massachusetts
(mathematical physics)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Charles Ryavec, PhD, University of Michigan
Earl Stewart, DMA, University of Texas
Joint Appointment: Black Studies
Bruce Tiffney, PhD, Harvard University
Joint Appointment: Earth Science
Robert Warner, PhD, UC San Diego, Scripps
Joint Appointments: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Adrian Wenner
Tamara Afifi, PhD, University of Nebraska
(Interpersonal Communication, Family Communication, Stress and Communication; Biosocial Markers of Stress, Resilience and Thriving; Information Regulation)
Walid Afifi, PhD, University of Arizona
(Interpersonal Communication, Uncertainty and Information Management, Nonverbal Communication, Relational Communication, Communities Experiencing Trauma)
Norah Dunbar, PhD, University of Arizona
(interpersonal communication, computer-mediated communication, deception, power in relational conflict, nonverbal communication, research methods)
Andrew Flanagin, PhD, University of Southern California
(communication and information technologies, information sharing and evaluation, collective action efforts)
Jennifer Gibbs, PhD, University of Southern California
(Organizational Communication, Global and Distributed Teams, New Media Affordances, Social Media and Knowledge Sharing, Social Support in Online Communities, New Media and Distraction, Intercultural Communication)
Jennifer Kam, PhD, Pennsylvania State University
(interpersonal communication, parent-child communication, health communication, communicating about substance abuse, Latino/a language brokering)
Dan Linz, PhD, University of Wisconsin
(communication and law, race, media effects and social psychology)
Dana Mastro, PhD, Michigan State University
(media and stereotyping, media and race/ethnicity, media effects, content analysis)
Andy Merolla, PhD, The Ohio State University
(Interpersonal Communication, Relational Maintenance, and Conflict Management)
Joint Appointment: Exercise & Sport Studies
Miriam Metzger, PhD, University of Southern California
(social uses and implications of communication and information technologies, credibility of online information, privacy)
Karen Myers, PhD, Arizona State University
(organizational communication, organizational socialization/assimilation, vocational anticipatory socialization, organizational identification, organizational knowledge, workplace relationships, workplace emotions, Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics (STEM))
Robin Nabi, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
(persuasion, emotion, mass media effects, health communication)
Jim Potter, PhD, Indiana University
(media literacy, advertising literacy, theories of media business, content, audience, and effects)
Scott Reid, PhD, University of Queensland
(social and evolutionary psychology of communication within and between groups, research methods)
Ronald E. Rice, PhD, Stanford University
(social effects of new media and telecommunications, communication networks, bibliometrics, public communication campaigns, organizational communication, diffusion of innovations, environmental communication)
Joe Walther, PhD, University of Arizona
(Computer-mediated communication, social media, interpersonal, intergroup, organizational, educational relations)
Rene Weber, PhD, University of Technology Berlin, MD RWTH University Aachen
(media & audience research, media neuroscience, research methods and statistics)
Joint Appointment: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Associate Professors
Amy Gonzales, PhD, Cornell University
(Digital inequality, Digital & social media, Identity, Mobile communication, Policy, Social justice, Social support)
Jiaying Liu
Muniba Saleem, PhD, Iowa State University
(Media influences on interpersonal and intergroup relations between racial, ethnic, and religious groups. Media effects on social identities. Media effects on immigration integration and acculturation)
Assistant Professors
Kristy Hamilton, PhD, University of Illinois
(Human Memory and Cognition in Digital Environments)
Young Ji Kim, PhD, University of Southern California
(Group collaboration; collective intelligence; the social and organizational implications of technologies, with particular emphasis on online credibility, computer-supported cooperative work, and crowdsourcing)
Dan Lane, PhD, University of Michigan
(Political Communication, Intergroup Communication, Media Psychology, Computer-Mediated Communication, Media Effects)
Guadalupe Madrigal
Prateekshit Pandey
Assistant Teaching Professors
Katherine Elder
Renee Houston
Howard Giles, PhD, University of Bristol
Linda Putnam, PhD, University of Minnesota
Michael Stohl, PhD, Northwestern University
Cynthia Stohl, PhD, Purdue University
John Wiemann, PhD, Purdue University
Affiliated Faculty
Bruce Bimber, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor
(political communication, political behavior, collective action, digital media)
Appointment in: Political Science
Nancy Collins, PhD, University of Southern California, Professor
(close relationships, interpersonal perception, social support, health psychology, multivariate statistics)
Appointment in: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Paul Leonardi, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(organizational, innovation, technology management, distributed collaboration)
Appointment in: Technology Management
Divyakant Agrawal, PhD, State University of New York, Stonybrook
(distributed systems and databases)
Elizabeth Belding, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(mobile wireless networking, network performance monitoring and evaluation, Information and Communications Technology for Development (ICTD), computing for social good)
Tevfik Bultan, PhD, University of Maryland
(software verification, program analysis, software engineering, and computer security)
Amr El Abbadi, PhD, Cornell University
(Information and data management; distributed systems and cloud computing)
Frederic Gibou, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(High resolution multi-scale simulation, scientific computing, tools and software for computational science and engineering, engineering applications” to "High resolution multiscale simulation and data analysis of multiphase flows, high temperature materials, biosystems)
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Ben Hardekopf, PhD, University of Texas, Austin
(programming languages: design, analysis, and implementation)
Tobias Hollerer, PhD, Columbia University
(human computer interaction; augmented reality; virtual reality; visualization; computer graphics; 3D displays and interaction; wearable and ubiquitous computing)
Chandra Krintz, PhD, UC San Diego
(programming systems, dynamic and adaptive program analysis and optimization, Internet of Things (IOT), web services, distributed systems, cloud computing)
Christopher Kruegel, PhD, Vienna University of Technology
(computer security, program analysis, operating systems, network security, malicious code analysis and detection)
Daniel Lokshtanov, PhD, University of Bergen
(Algorithms, Complexity, Graph Theory, Combinatorics)
Dahlia Malkhi
Linda Petzold, PhD, University of Illinois
(modeling, simulation and data analysis of multiscale systems in systems biology, engineering and medicine)
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Timothy Sherwood, PhD, UC San Diego
(computer architecture, secure hardware, superconducting accelerators, embedded systems, program analysis and characterization)
Ambuj Singh, PhD, University of Texas
(machine learning and data mining, network science, social networks, databases, bioinformatics, chemoinformatics)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Jianwen Su, PhD, University of Southern California
(data management, business workflow management, and complex event processing)
Subhash Suri, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(algorithms, computational geometry, networked sensing, data streams, game theory)
Giovanni Vigna, PhD, Politecnico di Milano
(computer and network security, vulnerability analysis and security testing, web security, smartphone security, cybercrime, malware detection)
Eric Vigoda, PhD, UC Berkeley
(randomized algorithms, MCMC algorithms, statistical physics phase transitions)
William Wang, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
(machine learning, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, data science)
Yuan Wang, PhD, University of Texas, Austin
(machine learning, computer vision, artificial intelligence)
Rich Wolski, PhD, UC Davis
(cloud computing, high-performance distributed computing, computational grids, and computational economies for resource allocation and scheduling)
Xifeng Yan, PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana
(data mining, data management, machine learning, bioinformatics, information networks)
Tao Yang, PhD, Rutgers University
(parallel and distributed systems, internet search and high performance computing)
Associate Professors
Trinabh Gupta, PhD, University of Texas, Austin
(operating systems, security, and privacy)
Lingqi Yan
(computer graphics)
Assistant Professors
Prabhanjan Ananth, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(cryptography, complexity, security)
Jonathan Balkind, PhD, Princeton
Michael Beyeler, PhD, UC Irvine
(visual computing; computational neuroscience; applied AI; human-computer interaction; virtual/augmented reality)
Joint Appointment: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Shiyu Chang, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision)
Yu Feng, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
(programming languages, program verification, program analysis, program synthesis, data visualization, and software security)
Wenbo Guo
Arpit Gupta, PhD, Princeton University
(last-mile networks, network measurements/analytics/ML systems, digital equity solutions)
Sanjukta Krishnagopal
Murphy Niu
James Preiss
Misha Sra, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(human computer interaction; augmented reality; virtual reality; spatial interaction design; haptics, applied AI)
Teaching Professors
Phill Conrad, PhD, University of Delaware
(computer science education, software engineering education)
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Diba Mirza, PhD, UC San Diego
(Computer Science Education, Embedded Systems, Computer Architecture)
Associate Teaching Professors
Richert Wang
(computer science education, computer networks, distributed systems)
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Assistant Teaching Professors
Kate Kharitonova, PhD, University of Arizona
(Computer Science education, Data Science, Computer Vision and Machine Learning)
Maryam Majedi
Ziad Matni, PhD, Rutgers University
(Computer Science education, Data Science, Computational Social Science)
Nabeel Nasir
Kevin Almeroth, PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology
Peter Cappello, PhD, Princeton University
Omer Egecioglu, PhD, UC San Diego
John Gilbert, PhD, Stanford University
Teo Gonzalez, PhD, University of Minnesota
Oscar Ibarra, PhD, UC Berkeley
Dick Kemmerer, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Terence Smith, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(spatial data processing, spatial analysis, spatial databases, knowledge-based approaches to geographic information systems)
Joint Appointment: Geography
Matthew Turk, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joint Appointment: Media Arts and Technology
Willem Van Dam, PhD, University of Amsterdam
Joint Appointment: Physics
Affiliated Faculty
Francesco Bullo, PhD, California Institute of Technology, Professor
(multi-agent networks, robotic coordination, distributed computing, vehicle routing, geometric control, motion planning)
Appointment in: Mechanical Engineering
Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, PhD, Yale University, Professor
(numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra; scientific computation)
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Miguel Eckstein, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(computational models of human vision, visual search, attention, perceptual learning, perception of medical images)
Appointment in: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Jennifer Jacobs, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Assistant Professor
(Human Computer Interaction, Computational Design, Digital Fabrication, Systems Engineering, AR/VR)
Appointment in: Media Arts and Technology
B. S. Manjunath, PhD, University of Southern California, Professor
(image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, neural networks, learning algorithms, content based search in multimedia databases)
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Nina Miolane, PhD, INRIA/Stanford University, Assistant Professor
(Geometric Statistics, Geometric Deep Learning, Topological Deep Learning, Equivariant Deep Learning, Shape Analysis, Computational Medicine, Theoretical Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience)
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Yasamin Mostofi, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(RF sensing, robotics, wireless systems, multi-agent systems, mobile sensor networks)
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Pradeep Sen, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(computer graphics and imaging)
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Sharon Tettegah, PhD, UC Santa Barbara, Professor
(intersection of STEM, Psychology and Education with an emphasis on Black and Ethnic Studies)
Appointments in: Black Studies, College of Creative Studies
Simon Todd, PhD, Stanford University, Assistant Professor
(computational linguistics; psycholinguistics; corpus linguistics; speech perception; language variation and change; phonology)
Appointment in: Linguistics
Zheng Zhang, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Associate Professor
(Photonic, Electronic, and MEMS Design Automation; Modeling and Verification of Robots & Autonomous Driving; High-Dimensional Data Analysis and Machine Learning; Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI))
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology
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Andres Consoli, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Transnational collaborations; Multicultural supervision; Psychotherapy integration and training; Systematic treatment selection; Ethics and values in psychotherapy; Access and utilization of mental health services within a social justice framework; Bilingual (English/Spanish) academic and mental health workforce)
Erin Dowdy, PhD, University of Georgia
(Behavioral/social-emotional assessment and classification particularly early identification of child behavior problems and strengths; School-based mental health; Culturally-responsive assessment and prevention practices)
Erika Felix, PhD, DePaul University
(violence prevention; bullying; youth; school based interventions; disaster mental health; trauma; PTSD; community violence)
Tania Israel, PhD, Arizona State University
(Interventions to support the psychological well-being of sexual and gender minorities [LGBTQ people]; Bisexuality; Dialogue across political lines)
Shane Jimerson, PhD, University of Minnesota
(Early intervention and prevention behavior and academic; School violence and safety; Dropouts; Reading education; Safety education; Educational psychology; Educational measurement; Elementary education; Behavior sciences: abnormal, developmental, social development)
Maryam Kia-Keating, PhD, Boston University
(Developmental psychopathology; Empirically support treatments; Risk and protective factors; Resilience; Culture and acculturation; Immigrant and refugee youth; Exposure to violence and trauma; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); Stress and coping; School-based mental health programs; Community participatory research; School, family, and community partnerships)
Matt Quirk, PhD, University of Georgia
(School readiness; academic assessment and intervention; academic motivation and engagement; early reading development)
Jill Sharkey, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Antisocial Behavior, Juvenile Delinquency, Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, Developmental Psychopathology, Risk and Resilience, School Violence, Student Engagement, Assessment and Measurement)
Associate Professors
Miya Barnett, PhD, Central Michigan University
(Dissemination and implementation; Mental health service disparities for ethnic minority children and families; Parent-child interaction therapy)
Alison Cerezo, PhD, University of Oregon
(Reducing social and health disparities with sexual and gender diverse communities; Latinx and African American communities; immigrant communities; alcohol use disorders, coping and resilience)
Ty Vernon, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Autism; assessment and measurement)
Assistant Professors
Nolan Krueger
Shola Shodiya-Zeumault
Teaching Professors
Steve Smith, PhD, University of Arkansas
(Psychodynamic/interpersonal psychotherapy, psychology education)
Heidi Zetzer, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Family violence; culturally competent and empirically-based treatment; multicultural supervision)
Associate Teaching Professors
Jon Goodwin, PhD
(Assessment of learning differences; psychoeducational services for high ability students; and identification of students for gifted/talented programs and academic acceleration)
Miriam Thompson, PhD
(Training and professional issues in psychology; psychological assessment; recruitment and retention of junior faculty of color)
Assistant Teaching Professors
Arlene Ortiz, PhD
(Bilingual assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse students; training and supervision of bilingual school psychologists)
Michael Brown, PhD, Southern Illinois University
Jesus Casas, PhD, Stanford University
Merith Cosden, PhD, University of New Mexico
Michael Furlong, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
Robert Koegel Jr, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Joint Appointment: Education
Gale Morrison, PhD, UC Riverside
Jordan Clark, PhD, Columbia University
(geochemistry, hydrologic sciences, environmental geology)
Joint Appointment: Environmental Studies
John Cottle, PhD, University of Oxford
(continental tectonics)
Phillip Gans, PhD, Stanford University
(structural geology, tectonics, geochronology)
Matt Jackson, PhD, MIT-WHOI Joint Program
(geochemistry, marine geology, mantle geochemistry, volcanology)
Chen Ji, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(physical processes of large earthquakes with various modern geophysical observations, broadband seismograms, high-rate GPS, radar interferometry, real-time finite fault inversion system, constraining the lateral variations of crustal structures using seismic waveform modeling techniques)
David Lea, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology-Woods Hole
(biogeochemistry, paleoceanography and its significance in global change problems, using metals in marine biogrenic calcite, chemical oceanography)
Lorraine Lisiecki, PhD, Brown University
(paleoceanography, Plio-Pleistocene glacial cycles, marine isotope stratigraphy, deep-ocean circulation and carbon cycle)
Robin Matoza, PhD, UC San Diego
(volcano geophysics, volcano seismology, volcano acoustics, infrasound, seismo-acoustics)
Susannah Porter, PhD, Harvard University
(Precambrian and Cambrian geobiology and paleobiology; evolution of biomineralization; taphonomy; biostratigraphy; systematics of animal and protistan microfossils)
Roberta Rudnick, PhD, Australian National University
(origin and evolution of the continents, lithium isotope geochemistry, petrology and geochemistry)
Alexander Simms, PhD, Rice University
(sedimentology/stratigraphy, coastal geology, Quaternary science)
Toshiro Tanimoto, PhD, UC Berkeley
(seismology, earth structure, plate tectonics, planets in particular Earth, environmental sciences in general)
Dave Valentine, PhD, UC Irvine
(interactions between microbes and the Earth system, biogeochemical cycles, ecology of Archaea)
Syee Weldeab, Dr rer nat, University of Tübingen
(paleoclimate, paleoceanography)
Andy Wyss, PhD, Columbia University
(mammal paleontology, systematics, evolution, vertebrate paleontology)
Associate Professors
Zach Eilon, PhD, Columbia University
(seismology, tectonophysics, Earth’s deep interior, geophysical inverse theory)
Kristin Morell, PhD, Penn State University
(Tectonic geomorphology, Tectonics, Landscape evolution)
Morgan Raven, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(sulfur biogeochemistry, paleoceanography, organic geochemistry, the marine carbon cycle)
Assistant Professors
Gen Li
Carolina Martinez Gutierrez
Associate Teaching Professors
Matthew Rioux, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(geochronology, geochemistry, igneous petrology, tectonics)
Ralph Archuleta, PhD, UC San Diego, Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Tanya Atwater, PhD, UC San Diego Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Stan Awramik, PhD, Harvard University
James Boles, PhD, University of Otago
Douglas Burbank, PhD, Dartmouth College
Cathy Busby, PhD, Princeton University
Michael Deniro, PhD, California Institute of Technology
Michael Fuller, PhD, Cambridge University
Bradley Hacker, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Rachel Haymon, PhD, Scripps Research Institute
Clifford Hopson, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
James Kennett, PhD, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Bruce Luyendyk, PhD, UC San Diego
Ken Macdonald, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
William Prothero, PhD, UC San Diego
Frank Spera, PhD, UC Berkeley
Bruce Tiffney, PhD, Harvard University
Donald Weaver, PhD, UC Berkeley
Affiliated Faculty
Vamsi Ganti, PhD, University of Minnesota, Associate Professor
(Process sedimentology, geomorphology, sediment transport)
Appointment in: Geography
Patricia Holden, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(pathogens in the environment, microbial ecology of pollutant degradation, soil microbiology)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Scott Jasechko, PhD, University of New Mexico, Associate Professor
(water resources, hydrology, groundwater, sustainability)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Debra Perrone, PhD, Vanderbilt University, Associate Professor
(water resource engineering, water policy)
Appointment in: Environmental Studies
Ian Walker, PhD, University of Guelph, Canada, Professor
(Geomorphology, sediment transport, aeolian (windblown) processes, coastal processes and erosion, beach-dune interaction, environmental fluid dynamics, climate change impacts and adaptation)
Appointment in: Geography
East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
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Howard Chiang
Sabine Fruhstuck, PhD, University of Vienna
(modern/contemporary history, ethnography, sociology, and cultural studies of Japan; power, sexuality, violence, childhood, war and military, knowledge systems)
Xiaorong Li, PhD, McGill University
(Chinese literature, gender and Ming-Qing literature)
Fabio Rambelli, PhD, University of Venice and Oriental University Institute, Naples
(Japanese religions and intellectual history, Buddhist studies, Shinto studies; semiotics; transnational intellectual networks in East Asia)
Joint Appointment: Religious Studies
Peter Sturman, PhD, Yale University
(Early to modern Chinese painting and calligraphy; Japanese art)
Joint Appointment: History of Art and Architecture
Mayfair Yang, PhD, UC Berkeley
(anthropology, China , critical theory, media, gender, state)
Joint Appointment: Religious Studies
Associate Professors
William Fleming, PhD, Harvard University
(early modern Japanese literature, theater, and cultural history; reception of Chinese literature in Japan; history of the book in East Asia)
Suma Ikeuchi
Tom Mazanec
Katherine Saltzman-Li, PhD, Stanford University
(Pre-modern Japanese theatre, literature, and folklore)
Dominic Steavu-Balint, PhD, Stanford University
(Chinese religions, Chinese Buddhism, Daoism, history of technology)
Joint Appointment: Religious Studies
Xiaowei Zheng, PhD, UC San Diego
(political and social history of China, political culture of China)
Joint Appointment: History
Assistant Professors
Ronald Egan, PhD, Harvard University
(Chinese literature, aesthetics)
Allan Grapard, PhD, National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilizations, Paris
(medieval Japanese religion)
Haruko Iwasaki, PhD, Harvard University
(18th-century Japanese popular literature)
Ann-Elise Lewallen, PhD, University of Michigan
Tomiko Narahara, PhD, Harvard University
(Japanese linguistics)
John Nathan, PhD, Harvard University
William Powell, PhD, UC Berkeley
(history of religions — China)
Joint Appointment: Religious Studies
Kuo-Ch'ing Tu, PhD, Stanford University
Hsiao-Jung Yu, PhD, UC Berkeley
Affiliated Faculty
Laurie Freeman, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(comparative politics, Japan)
Appointment in: Political Science
Yunte Huang, PhD, State University of New York, Professor
(Asian-American literature, American modernism, 20thh-century American poetry, trans-Pacific literature)
Appointment in: English
Kate McDonald, PhD, UC San Diego, Associate Professor
(modern Japan, cultural history of mobility, history of technology)
Appointment in: History
David Novak, PhD, Columbia University, Associate Professor
(Ethnomusicology, Popular Music, Globalization, Japan, Media & Technology)
Appointment in: Music
Luke Roberts, PhD, Princeton University, Professor
(Japan - 1550 to 1880)
Appointment in: History
Bhaskar Sarkar, PhD, University of Southern California, Professor
(globalization and culture, post-colonial media theory, Indian cinema, Chinese cinema, trauma and history, risk cultures)
Appointment in: Film and Media Studies
Paul Spickard, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(history; race; ethnicity; immigration; Asian American; African American; interracial marriage; multiracial; identity; global)
Appointment in: History
Peter Sturman, PhD, Yale University, Professor
(Early to modern Chinese painting and calligraphy; Japanese art)
Appointments in: History of Art and Architecture, East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Naoki Yamamoto, PhD, Yale University, Associate Professor
(Film and Media Theory, Japanese Film Theory, Japanese Cultural and Visual Studies, Asian Cinemas)
Appointment in: Film and Media Studies
Xiaojian Zhao, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(United States history, Asian American history, gender, and immigration)
Appointment in: Asian American Studies
Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
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Cherie Briggs, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(theoretical ecology and systems biology)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Deron Burkepile, PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology
(ecology of communities and ecosystems)
Craig Carlson, PhD, University of Maryland
(marine microbial ecology)
Carla D'Antonio, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(plant and ecosystem ecology, management of wildlands, impacts and concerns regarding invasive species, species effects on ecosystem processes, restoration ecology)
Joint Appointment: Environmental Studies
Steve Gaines, PhD, Oregon State University
(marine ecology and conservation, consequences of climate change, biostatistics)
Scott Hodges, PhD, UC Berkeley
(plant evolutionary biology, molecular approaches to population biology, ecological genetics, and systematics)
Gretchen Hofmann, PhD, University of Colorado
(physiological and ecological responses of marine organisms to environmental change)
Debora Iglesias-Rodriguez, PhD, Swansea University
(mechanisms controlling diversity, function and resilience in marine biota)
Armand Kuris, PhD, UC Berkeley
(parasite ecology, marine ecology, role of infectious processes in ecosystems, control of human schistosomiasis, crustacean biology)
Sally Macintyre, PhD, Duke University
(physical-biological coupling; physical limnology and oceanography with particular emphasis on turbulence and its implications for the biogeochemistry of aquatic ecosystems; tropical, temperate and arctic lakes; flow and ecosystem dynamics in kelp forests)
Susan Mazer, PhD, UC Davis
(evolutionary biology, plant ecology and evolution, mating system evolution, evolutionary quantitative genetics, comparative ecology, plant reproductive biology)
Hillary Young McCauley, PhD, Stanford University
(community ecology)
Douglas McCauley, PhD, Stanford University, Biology/Hopkins Marine Station
(understanding the ecology of communities and ecosystems in a rapidly changing world)
Todd Oakley, PhD, Duke University
(macroevolutionary biology)
Stephen Proulx, PhD, University of Utah
(evolutionary theory)
Alyson Santoro, PhD, Stanford University
(Biological Oceanography, Ecosystem Ecology, Evolutionary Ecology, Microbial Ecology, Population and Community Ecology)
Josh Schimel, PhD, UC Berkeley
(microbial ecology; soil biology; ecosystem ecology)
Joint Appointment: Environmental Studies
Samuel Sweet, PhD, UC Berkeley
(vertebrate systematics and evolutionary morphology; herpetology)
Rebecca Vega Thurber
Soojin Yi
Associate Professors
Halley Froehlich, PhD, University of Washington
Joint Appointment: Environmental Studies
Holly Moeller, PhD
(mathematical ecology and evolution, community ecology, biological oceanography)
Ryoko Oono, PhD, University of Minnesota
(plant-microbe interactions)
Adrian Stier, PhD, University of Florida
(Aquatic Biology, Ecology, Marine Biology, Population and Community Ecology)
Andrew Thurber
Thomas Turner, PhD, UC Davis
(population and quantitative genetics, genetic basis of adaptation and speciation, functional analysis of natural variation, systems biology of adaptation)
Assistant Professors
Leander Love-Anderegg
Joel Sharbrough
Elizabeth Wilbanks, PhD, UC Davis
(Quantitative Biology, Marine Science, Microbial ecology & Evolution, and Molecular Biology, Marine genomics)
Teaching Professors
Thomas Even, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(population and community ecology, river ecology, predator-prey interactions, science education)
John Latto, PhD, Imperial College
(population and community ecology)
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Assistant Teaching Professors
Anna James
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Jackie Shay
Alice Alldredge, PhD, UC Davis
(biological oceanography; ecology of marine plankton; marine particulate matter; carbon cycling)
Daniel Botkin, PhD, Rutgers University
Mark Brzezinski, PhD, Oregon State University
James Childress, PhD, Stanford University
(ecological physiology)
Peter Collins, PhD, University of London
Scott Cooper, PhD, University of Wisconsin
John Endler
(evolution and ecology of animal color patterns; vision and morphology)
Sally Holbrook, PhD, UC Berkeley
Bruce Mahall, PhD, UC Berkeley
John Melack, PhD, Duke University
Joint Appointment: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
William Murdoch, PhD, University of Oxford
(population ecology; regulation of populations; predator-prey relationships)
Roger Nisbet, PhD, University of St. Andrews
Omer Reichman, PhD, Northern Arizona University
(ecology; animal behavior)
William Rice, PhD, Oregon State University
Stephen Rothstein, PhD, Yale University
Russ Schmitt, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Raul Suarez, PhD, University of British Columbia
Robert Warner, PhD, UC San Diego, Scripps
Affiliated Faculty
Tony de Tomaso, PhD, Washington University, Professor
(cell biology, developmental biology, immunology, transplantation biology, stem cell biology, regeneration, genetics, genomics)
Appointments in: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Patricia Holden, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(pathogens in the environment, microbial ecology of pollutant degradation, soil microbiology)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Bruce Kendall, PhD, University of Arizona, Professor
(quantitative ecology; conservation biology; nonlinear dynamics; stochastic modeling; population ecology; spatial processes)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Joel Rothman, PhD, University of Oregon, Professor
(biochemical and genetic studies of cellular differentiation and reprogramming; regulation of cell signaling, proliferation, and death)
Appointments in: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
David Siegel, PhD, University of Southern California, Professor
(interdisciplinary marine science, coupling of physical, biological, optical and biogeochemical marine processes on micro to ocean basin scales using satellite remote sensing, field observations and numerical modeling)
Appointment in: Geography
William Smith, PhD, UC Santa Cruz , Professor
(developmental biology of marine invertebrate chordates)
Appointments in: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Dave Valentine, PhD, UC Irvine, Professor
(interactions between microbes and the Earth system, biogeochemical cycles, ecology of Archaea)
Appointment in: Earth Science
Kelly Bedard, PhD, Queens University
(labor economics, economics of education, health economics)
Ted Bergstrom, PhD, Stanford University
(microeconomic theory, public economics; evolutionary economics)
Olivier Deschenes, PhD, Princeton University
(labor economics, applied econometrics, econometrics)
Ignacio Esponda, PhD, Stanford University
(Microeconomic Theory, Experimental Economics, Political Economy, Industrial Organization)
Erik Eyster
Ted Frech, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(industrial organization, antitrust, regulation, economics of uncertainty, applied microeconomics, health economics, law and economics)
Rod Garratt, PhD, Cornell University
(game theory, public economics, banking, experimental economics)
Mitch Hoffman
Peter Kuhn, PhD, McMaster University
(labor economics, including trade unions, discrimination, immigration, displaced
workers, unemployment, employment contracts, comparative labor markets,effects of information technology on labor markets)
Finn Kydland, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
(macroeconomics, international and monetary economics and game theory, economic growth)
Shelly Lundberg, PhD, Northwestern University
(labor economics, economic demography)
Ryan Oprea, PhD, George Mason University
(experimental economics, behavioral economics, applied theory)
Cheng-Zhong Qin, PhD, University of Iowa
(Game Theory, Microeconomics, Information Economics)
Heather Royer, PhD, UC Berkeley
(labor, health economics)
Peter Rupert, PhD, University of Rochester
(macroeconomics, labor economics, housing and household economics)
Dick Startz, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(econometrics, macroeconomics)
Doug Steigerwald, PhD, UC Berkeley
(econometrics, statistics, applied microeconomics)
Associate Professors
Youssef Benzarti
Javier Birchenall, PhD, University of Chicago
(growth and development, population economics, labor economics, economics history)
Max Farrell
Daniel Martin
Kyle Meng, PhD, Columbia University
(economics, climate change)
Joint Appointment: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Antony Millner
Assistant Professors
Yueyuan Ma
David Silver
Alisa Tazhitdinova
Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare
Teaching Professors
Assistant Teaching Professors
Henning Bohn, PhD, Stanford University
William Comanor, PhD, Harvard University
Robert Deacon, PhD, University of Washington
Stephen DeCanio, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Charles Kolstad, PhD, Stanford University
(environmental economics)
Joint Appointment: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Clement Krouse, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Stephen Leroy, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Gary Libecap, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Joint Appointment: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
John Marshall, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Rajnish Mehra, PhD, Carnegie-Mellon University
Lloyd Mercer, PhD, University of Washington
W Morgan, PhD, UC Berkeley
Mary Nisbet, PhD, Glasgow University
John Pippenger, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Jati Sengupta, PhD, Iowa State University
Jon Sonstelie, PhD, Northwestern University
Charles Stuart, PhD, Lund University
Harold Votey Jr, PhD, UC Berkeley
Affiliated Faculty
Kathy Baylis, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(Development economics, food security, international agriculture and conservation policy)
Appointment in: Geography
Christopher Costello, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(environmental and resource economics)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Aashish Mehta, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Professor
(international economic development, applied economics)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Andrew Plantinga, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(natural resource economics and policy)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Tarek Azzam, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(Evaluation methods; higher education & k12 academic interventions; STEM access & retention international school curriculum; evaluation theory; politics in evaluation; information visualization; mixed methods)
Julie Bianchini, PhD, Stanford University
(Science education; Teacher education and professional development; Educational equity)
Richard Duran, PhD, UC Berkeley
(ESL; Reading education; Educational measurement; Bilingualism Educational assessment; Design and evaluation of literacy interventions for at-risk students, Educational testing; Learning; Bilingual education; Secondary education; Urban education; Educational technology; Cognitive psychology: cognition, intelligence, memory; Psychosocial development)
Karen Gibson, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(Latent Variable Modeling; Mixture Modeling; Quantitative Methods; Structural Equation Modeling; Latent Transition Analysis; Statistics Education; Peer Victimization; Developmental Research; Assessment and Measurement; Prevention Science)
Danielle Harlow, PhD, University of Colorado
(Science education; Pedagogical and content preparation of teachers; Physics education research; Classroom science discourse)
Amelia Kyratzis, PhD, City University of New York
(language development; bilingual language development; language socialization; socialization of gender and bilingual practices in children’s peer interactions; children’s narrative and emergent literacy)
Jin Sook Lee, PhD, Stanford University
(Bilingualism; Heritage language maintenance; ESL; Second/foreign language acquisition and education; Multicultural education)
Jeffrey Milem, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(the ways in which colleges and universities can be organized to enhance equity, access, and success for all students; the racial context within higher education; and the relationship between how colleges and universities organize themselves and student outcomes and faculty role performance)
Laura Romo, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(Adolescent development; Mother-adolescent communication; Youth and sexuality; Adolescent pregnancy prevention; Informal science/health education; Concept acquisition)
Elizabeth Van Es
Mian Wang, PhD, University of Kansas
(Child and family outcomes of early childhood services; Atypical child development; Family-professional partnership; Positive behavioral support in cultural context; Disability policy)
Associate Professors
Lucy Arellano
Diana Arya, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Language and literacies across the disciplines; Narrative studies; International education; Science literacy; Discourse as collaboration; Constructing assessments and measures)
Rachel Lambert, PhD, City University of New York
(Math education; Special education and disability studies; Educational equity)
Andrew Maul, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Measurement; Philosophy of Science; Research Methodology; Test Validity; Rasch Modeling; Item Response Theory; Positive Psychology; Measurement of Affective Attributes (e.g., perseverance, passion, self-control))
Rebeca Rios, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Adolescent Development; Academic Motivation; Educational Expectations; Teacher Perceptions; Parent-Child Interactions Biography)
Sarah Roberts, PhD, University of Colorado, Boulder
(Mathematics Education; Teacher Education and Professional Development; Educational Equity)
Carolyn Sattin-Bajaj
Assistant Professors
Hui-Ling Malone
Maung Ting Nyeu
Mayra Puente
Antar Tichavakunda
Teaching Professors
Tim Dewar, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Teacher education and professional development; Writing instruction and assessment; Literacy practices)
Jason Duque, PhD, Stanford University
(Teacher education; Educational philosophy; Educational equity; Learning; Anthropology; Social interaction; Social relations)
Andrew Fedders, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(inclusion, behavioral interventions, induction and professional development for special education teachers, evidence-based practices, systematic instruction, teacher education, beginning teacher supports, and the use of technology in teaching learning)
Christopher Ograin, PhD, UC Irvine
(Mathematics education; Teacher education and professional development)
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
Associate Teaching Professors
karin lohwasser, PhD, University of Washington
(Science education; teacher education and professional development; research-practice partnerships)
Amber Moran, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(students with difficulties in mathematics problem solving, classroom based assessment to inform instruction, and teacher education for students with disabilities)
Charles Bazerman, PhD, Brandeis University
Larry Beutler, PhD, University of Nebraska
Sheridan Blau, PhD, Brandeis University
Joint Appointment: English
James Block, PhD, University of Chicago
Mary Brenner, PhD, UC Irvine
Dorothy Chun, PhD, UC Berkeley
Sharon Conley, PhD, University of Michigan
Jenny Cook-Gumperz, PhD, London University
Willis Copeland, PhD, University of Notre Dame
Carol Dixon, PhD, University of Delaware
(Classroom literacy; Second language instruction; Ethnography and discourse processes in the classroom; Language interaction and social organization)
Michael Gerber, PhD, University of Virginia
Naftaly Glasman, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Educational executive program; International education; Political science; Educational administration)
Judith Green, PhD, UC Berkeley
Hsiu-Zu Ho, PhD, University of Colorado
Cynthia Hudley, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(Educational psychology; Minority education; Urban education; Child development; Adolescent development; Social development; Childhood aggression; Youth violence; Achievement motivation; Middle school; College prep; Secondary data analysis)
Susan Johnson, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Robert Koegel Jr, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Joint Appointments: Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology
George Marcoulides, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Susan Neufeldt, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
Yukari Okamoto, PhD, Stanford University
Russell Rumberger, PhD, Stanford University
George Singer, PhD, University of Oregon
Tine Sloan, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Julian Weissglass, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Rebecca Zwick, PhD, UC Berkeley
Affiliated Faculty
Linda Adler-Kassner, PhD, University of Minnesota, Professor
(writing program administration; public policy and writing instruction; representations of writing and teaching; theories of writing and communication; writing studies; history/historiography of education and writing; writing pedagogy)
Appointment in: Writing Program
Janet Bourne, Assistant Professor
Appointment in: Music
Mary Bucholtz, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(sociocultural linguistics; language and identity; American English and Spanish)
Appointment in: Linguistics
Darby Feldwinn, PhD, UC San Diego, Senior Lecturer SOE
(chemistry, math and science education)
Appointment in: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Diane Fujino, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(Asian American activism studies, Afro-Asian solidarities, Third World racialism, Japanese American history, activist-scholarship, structural inequities of race, class and gender)
Appointment in: Asian American Studies
Mary Hegarty, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University, Professor
(spatial cognition, individual differences, diagrammatic reasoning and comprehension)
Appointment in: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Karen Lunsford, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Professor
(writing across the curriculum and in the disciplines (WAC/WID); argumentation; computers and writing; international writing programs; writing studies; library and information science; collaboration)
Appointment in: Writing Program
Richard Mayer, PhD, University of Michigan, Professor
(human learning, problem-solving, educational psychology, human-computer interaction, multimedia learning, mathematical and scientific reasoning)
Appointment in: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Jeffrey Stewart, PhD, Yale University, Professor
(African-American history and philosophy, art history, American studies)
Appointment in: Black Studies
Richert Wang, Lecturer SOE
(computer science education, computer networks, distributed systems)
Appointments in: Computer Science, College of Creative Studies
Electrical and Computer Engineering
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Kaustav Banerjee, PhD, UC Berkeley
(high performance VLSI and mixed
signal system-on-chip designs and their design automation methods; single electron
transistors; 3D and optoelectronic integration)
Dan Blumenthal, PhD, University of Colorado
(fiber-optic networks, wavelength and subcarrier division multiplexing, photonic packet switching, signal processing in semiconductor optical devices, wavelength conversion, microwave photonics)
John Bowers, PhD, Stanford University
(high-speed photonic and electronic devices and integrated circuits, fiber optic communication, semiconductors, laser physics and mode-locking phenomena, compound semiconductor materials and processing)
Joint Appointments: Materials,
Forrest Brewer, PhD, University of Illinois
(VLSI and computer system design automation, theory of design and design representations, symbolic techniques in high level synthesis)
Jim Buckwalter, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(RF and millimeter-wave integrated circuits and systems, optoelectronic integrated circuits, energy-efficient circuits, CMOS and III-V integrated circuit processes)
Shivkumar Chandrasekaran, PhD, Yale University
(numerical analysis, numerical linear algebra; scientific computation)
Nadir Dagli, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(design, fabrication, and modeling of photonic integrated circuits, ultrafast electrooptic modulators, solid state microwave and millimeter wave devices; experimental study of ballistic transport in quantum confined structures)
Steven Denbaars, PhD, University of Southern California
(metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy, optoelectronic materials, compound semiconductors, indium phosphide and gallium nitride, photonic devices)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Jerry Gibson, PhD, Southern Methodist University
(digital signal processing, data, speech, image and video compression, and communications via multi-use networks, data embedding, adaptive filtering)
Joao Hespanha, PhD, Yale University
(hybrid and switched systems; multi-agent control systems; game theory; optimization; distributed control over communication networks also known as networked control systems; coordination and control of groups of unmanned air vehicles; the use of vision in feedback control; and network security)
Jonathan Klamkin, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Integrated Photonics, Silicon Photonics, Optical Communications, Nanophotonics, Microwave Photonics, Compound Semiconductors, Photonic Integration Techniques, Electronic-photonic Integration)
Hua Lee, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(image system optimization, high-performance image formation algorithms, synthetic-aperture radar and sonar systems, acoustic microscopy, microwave nondestructive evaluation, dynamic vision systems)
Peng Li, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
(Integrated circuits and systems, learning algorithms and circuits for brain-inspired computing, electronic design automation, computational brain modeling, hardware machine learning systems)
Upamanyu Madhow, PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana
(spread-spectrum and multiple-access communications, space-time coding, and internet protocols)
B. S. Manjunath, PhD, University of Southern California
(image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, neural networks, learning algorithms, content based search in multimedia databases)
Jason Marden, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(Feedback Control and Systems Theory; Game Theoretic Methods for Coordination of Large Scale Distributed Systems; Application to Distributed Traffic Routing, Dynamic Resource Allocation, Queueing Systems, and Sensor Networks)
Umesh Mishra, PhD, Cornell University
(high-speed transistors, semiconductor device physics, quantum electronics, wide band gap materials and devices, design and fabrication of millimeter-wave devices, in situ processing and integration techniques)
Yasamin Mostofi, PhD, Stanford University
(RF sensing, robotics, wireless systems, multi-agent systems, mobile sensor networks)
Chris Palmstrom, PhD, Leeds University
(atomic level control of interfacial phenomena, in-situ STM, surface and thin film analysis, metallization of semiconductors, dissimilar materials epitaxial growth, molecular beam and chemical beam epitaxial growth of metallic compounds)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Behrooz Parhami, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(parallel architectures and algorithms, computer arithmetic, computer design, dependable and fault-tolerant computing)
Mark Rodwell, PhD, Stanford University
(heterojunction bipolar transistors, high frequency integrated circuit design, electronics beyond 100 GHz)
Kenneth Rose, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(information theory, source and channel coding, image coding, communications, pattern recognition)
Clint Schow, PhD, University of Texas
(Optoelectronic/Electronic Co-Design and Integration, Equalization Techniques for High-Speed Optical Links, Photonic Switching, Optoelectronic Devices, Integrated Transceiver Packaging)
Jon Schuller, PhD, Stanford University
(nanophotonics, organic optoelectronics, plasmonics, metamaterials)
Pradeep Sen, PhD, Stanford University
(computer graphics and imaging)
Spencer Smith, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(neuroengineering, neuroscience, optics, imaging, visual processing, neuronal circuitry)
Dmitri Strukov, PhD, Stony Brook University
(hybrid circuits, nanoelectronics, resistance switching devices, memristors, digital memories, programmable circuits, bio-inspired computing)
Andrew Teel, PhD, UC Berkeley
(control design and analysis for nonlinear dynamical systems, input-output methods, actuator nonlinearities, applications to aerospace problems)
Luke Theogarajan, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(low-power analog VLSI, biomimetic nanosystems, neural prostheses, biosensors, block co-polymer synthesis, self-assembly, and microfabrication)
Niels Volkmann, PhD, Max-Planck Institute & University of Hamburg
(Development and application of innovative New Computational, Artificial Intelligence, and Data Science Tools to bridge information between the Atomic and Cellular Scales, covering more than six orders of magnitude from Ångstroms to tens of microns)
Joint Appointments: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program, Materials
Li-C. Wang, PhD, University of Texas, Austin
(design verification, testing, computer-aided design of microprocessors)
Associate Professors
Mahnoosh Alizadeh, PhD, UC Davis
(Smart Power Grids, Demand Response and Renewable Energy Integration, Cyber-Physical Systems, Network Control)
Katie Byl, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(robotics, autonomous systems, dynamics, control, manipulation, locomotion, machine learning)
Kerem Camsari, PhD, Purdue University
(Nanoelectronics, Spintronics, Emerging Technologies for Computing, Digital and Mixed-signal VLSI, Neuromorphic and Probabilistic Computing, Quantum Computing, Hardware Acceleration)
Galan Moody, PhD, University of Colorado-Boulder
(Quantum Photonics; Nanoscale Quantum Systems and Devices including Quantum Dots and 2D Materials; Quantum Light Generation, Manipulation, and Detection; Hybrid Quantum Systems; Valleytronics)
Ramtin Pedarsani, PhD, UC Berkeley
(information and coding theory, machine learning, applied probability, network control, transportation systems, game theory)
Zheng Zhang, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Photonic, Electronic, and MEMS Design Automation; Modeling and Verification of Robots & Autonomous Driving; High-Dimensional Data Analysis and Machine Learning; Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI))
Assistant Professors
Haewon Jeong, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
(Machine Learning, Ethical AI, Responsible Computing, Information Theory, Large-scale Distributed Computing)
Tobia Marcucci
Nina Miolane, PhD, INRIA/Stanford University
(Geometric Statistics, Geometric Deep Learning, Topological Deep Learning, Equivariant Deep Learning, Shape Analysis, Computational Medicine, Theoretical Neuroscience, Computational Neuroscience)
Yao Qin, PhD, UC San Diego
(Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Multi-modality Modeling, Robustness in Healthcare)
Loai Salem, PhD, UC San Diego
(power management integrated circuits, power electronics using new devices/passives, low-power mixed-signal circuits)
Qian Yu, PhD, University of Southern California
(Information Theory, Machine Learning Theory, Distributed Computing)
Teaching Professors
Ilan Ben-Yaacov, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(semiconductor device physics and electronic devices, power electronics, engineering education)
Yogananda Isukapalli, PhD, UC San Diego
(Low power hardware design, Multi-antenna wireless communications, Transmit beam forming, Vector quantization, Performance analysis of communication systems)
Rod Alferness, PhD, University of Michigan
Steve Butner, PhD, Stanford University
Kwang-Ting Cheng, PhD, UC Berkeley
Larry Coldren, PhD, Stanford University
(semiconductor integrated optoelectronics, vertical-cavity lasers, widely-tunable lasers, optical fiber communication, growth and planar processing techniques, molecular beam epitaxy, microfabrication)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Jorge Fontana, PhD, Stanford University
Allen Gersho, PhD, Cornell University
Glenn Heidbreder, D Eng, Yale University
Evelyn Hu, PhD, Columbia University
Joint Appointment: Materials
Ronald Iltis, PhD, UC San Diego
Petar Kokotovic, PhD, USSR Academy of Sciences
Stephen Long, PhD, Cornell University
Malgorzata Marek-Sadowska, PhD, Warsaw University of Technology
Michael Melliar-Smith, PhD, University of London
Sanjit Mitra, PhD, UC Berkeley
Louise Moser, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Venkatesh Narayanamurti, PhD, Cornell University
Pierre Petroff, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: Materials
Lawrence Rabiner, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
John Shynk, PhD, Stanford University
Pochi Yeh, PhD, California Institute of Technology
Bob York, PhD, Cornell University
Joint Appointment: Technology Management
Affiliated Faculty
Jonathan Balkind, PhD, Princeton, Assistant Professor
Appointment in: Computer Science
Bassam Bamieh, PhD, Rice University, Professor
(dynamic systems, controls, and robotics)
Appointment in: Mechanical Engineering
Elizabeth Belding, PhD, UC Santa Barbara, Professor
(mobile wireless networking, network performance monitoring and evaluation, Information and Communications Technology for Development (ICTD), computing for social good)
Appointment in: Computer Science
Michael Beyeler, PhD, UC Irvine, Assistant Professor
(visual computing; computational neuroscience; applied AI; human-computer interaction; virtual/augmented reality)
Appointments in: Computer Science, Psychological and Brain Sciences
Francesco Bullo, PhD, California Institute of Technology, Professor
(multi-agent networks, robotic coordination, distributed computing, vehicle routing, geometric control, motion planning)
Appointment in: Mechanical Engineering
Ranjit Deshmukh, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
Appointments in: Environmental Studies, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Miguel Eckstein, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(computational models of human vision, visual search, attention, perceptual learning, perception of medical images)
Appointment in: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Chandra Krintz, PhD, UC San Diego, Professor
(programming systems, dynamic and adaptive program analysis and optimization, Internet of Things (IOT), web services, distributed systems, cloud computing)
Appointment in: Computer Science
Eric McFarland, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor
(energy production, catalysis, reaction engineering, charge and energy transfer)
Appointment in: Chemical Engineering
Shuji Nakamura, PhD, University of Tokushima , Professor
(gallium nitride, blue lasers, white LEDs, solid state illumination, bulk GaN substrates)
Appointment in: Materials
Timothy Sherwood, PhD, UC San Diego, Professor
(computer architecture, secure hardware, superconducting accelerators, embedded systems, program analysis and characterization)
Appointment in: Computer Science
Misha Sra, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Assistant Professor
(human computer interaction; augmented reality; virtual reality; spatial interaction design; haptics, applied AI)
Appointment in: Computer Science
Yon Visell, PhD, McGill University, Associate Professor
(Haptics, robotics, sensors, virtual reality, interactive technologies)
Appointments in: Biological Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
William Wang, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University, Professor
(machine learning, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, data science)
Appointment in: Computer Science
Bernadette Andrea, PhD, Cornell University
(Renaissance/early modern studies, Middle East studies, women's studies, literary/cultural theory)
Stephanie Batiste, PhD, George Washington University
(performance studies, Black cultural studies, critical race theory, African American literature and American studies)
Heather Blurton, PhD, Columbia University
(medieval literature)
Maurizia Boscagli, PhD, Brown University
(gender studies, modern literature)
Julie Carlson, PhD, University of Chicago
(British romantic literature, theater studies, trauma studies, imagination and social justice)
Jeannine DeLombard, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
(pre-1900 American history & literature, African American history & literature, legal humanities, slavery studies)
Enda Duffy, PhD, Harvard University
(English literature, post-colonial literature, Irish literature)
Patricia Fumerton, PhD, Stanford University
(Renaissance literature and culture, popular culture, broadside ballads and print history)
Bishnupriya Ghosh, PhD, Northwestern University
(global media theory, 20th-century British and postcolonial literatures, gender and sexuality studies)
Joint Appointment: Global Studies
Kenneth Hiltner, PhD, Harvard University
(literary theory, Renaissance literature, literature and the environment)
Yunte Huang, PhD, State University of New York
(Asian-American literature, American modernism, 20thh-century American poetry, trans-Pacific literature)
Alan Liu, PhD, Stanford University
(Digital humanities, the humanities in public life, Romantic literature, literary theory)
David Marshall, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(18th-century fiction and aesthetics; narrative theory; Shakespeare; lyric poetry; autobiography; philosophy and literature)
Ben Olguin
Rita Raley, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(digital humanities, new media, electronic literature, contemporary cultural studies, Global English, 20th-21st century Anglophone literature)
Candace Waid, PhD, Yale University
(American Literature, 19th- and 20-century, Southern literature; African-American literature, Labor History, History of Cultures and Native American/American Indian Literatures)
Associate Professors
Felice Blake, PhD, UC Santa Cruz
(African American Literature, gender and sexuality studies)
E. Heckendorn Cook, PhD, Stanford University
(18th-century British literature and culture, theater history and literature & environment)
Jeremy Douglass, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Literature and Technology, Digital Humanities)
Andrew Griffin, PhD, McMaster University
(early modern drama, early modern historiography)
Melody Jue, PhD, Duke University
(ocean humanities, environmental humanities, media theory, science fiction, contemporary American literature, science and technology studies)
Jim Kearney, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
(English Renaissance, Shakespeare)
Rachael King
Mark Maslan, PhD, UC Berkeley
(American literature; contemporary literature in English; literary theory; Jewish studies)
Sowon Park, DPhil, Oxford University
(Cognitive Literary Criticism, Global Modernism, Suffrage Literature, Medical Humanities)
Swati Rana, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Comparative Ethnic Literature, Asian American Literature, Transnational American Studies, Literary Theory and Methods, Creative Writing)
Russell Samolsky, PhD, University of Colorado
(convergence of postcolonial discourse, modernism, and Jewish studies)
Teresa Shewry, PhD, Duke University
(Anglophone literatures, literature and environment)
Assistant Professors
Heidi Amin-Hong
Daniel Reeve, DPhil, University of Oxford
(Medieval literatures, literary theory)
Amrah Salomon Johnson
Cathy Thomas
H Abbott, PhD, University of Toronto
Steven Allaback, PhD, University of Washington
Sheridan Blau, PhD, Brandeis University
Joint Appointment: Education
Robert Erickson, PhD, Yale University
Michael Fernandez, MA, CSU San Francisco
Louise Fradenburg Joy, PhD, University of Virginia
Giles Gunn, PhD, University of Chicago
Joint Appointment: Global Studies
Carl Guterrez-Jones, PhD, Cornell University
Paul Hernadi, PhD/PhD, University of Vienna/Yale University
Shirley Lim, PhD, Brandeis University
William Marks, PhD, Stanford University
Stephen Miko, PhD, Yale University
Cherrie Moraga
Christopher Newfield, PhD, Cornell University
Michael Oconnell, PhD, Yale University
Anne Pidgeon, MA, University of Michigan
Mark Rose, PhD, Harvard University
Logan Speirs, MA, Cambridge University
William Warner, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
Kay Young, PhD, Harvard University
Affiliated Faculty
Susan Derwin, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, Professor
(contemporary war literature, veterans and social reintegration; humanities and social justice; Holocaust and trauma studies, narrative and healing; psychoanalytic theory)
Appointment in: Germanic and Slavic Studies
Erika Rappaport, PhD, Rutgers University, Professor
(Modern British and Imperial history; Gender history; Commodities and Consumer Culture in World History)
Appointment in: History
Chela Sandoval, PhD, UC Santa Cruz, Professor
(cyber and millennial studies, third space feminism, critical media theory and production, oppositional consciousness and social movement)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Peter Alagona, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(environmental history, history of science, science and technology studies, environmental geography)
Jordan Clark, PhD, Columbia University
(geochemistry, hydrologic sciences, environmental geology)
Joint Appointment: Earth Science
Carla D'Antonio, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(plant and ecosystem ecology, management of wildlands, impacts and concerns regarding invasive species, species effects on ecosystem processes, restoration ecology)
Joint Appointments: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
David Pellow, PhD, Northwestern University
(environmental justice studies, ethnic studies, social change, social movements)
Josh Schimel, PhD, UC Berkeley
(microbial ecology; soil biology; ecosystem ecology)
Joint Appointments: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Bhavna Shamasunder
Lisa Sideris
Associate Professors
Liz Carlisle
Ranjit Deshmukh, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Halley Froehlich, PhD, University of Washington
Joint Appointments: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Summer Gray
Robert Heilmayr, PhD, Stanford University
(environmental economics, ecological economics, land systems science)
Joint Appointment: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Debra Perrone, PhD, Vanderbilt University
(water resource engineering, water policy)
Simone Pulver, PhD, UC Berkeley
(global environmental politics, development, organizational theory, climate change, private sector)
Assistant Professors
Joan Dudney
Joint Appointment: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Rafael Jan Pablo Schmitt
Grace Wu
Associate Teaching Professors
Assistant Teaching Professors
Oliver Chadwick, PhD, University of Arizona
(pedology, soil geomorphology, biogeochemistry, Quaternary geology, organic and mineral transformations during soil, atmosphere, water and vegetation interaction)
Joint Appointment: Geography
David Cleveland, PhD, University of Arizona
Helene Gardner, PhD, University of Rochester
James McGinnes, JD, UC Berkeley
Roderick Frazie Nash, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Michael Osborne, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Joint Appointment: History
Susan Stonich, PhD, University of Kentucky
Joint Appointment: Anthropology
Affiliated Faculty
Steve Gaines, PhD, Oregon State University, Professor
(marine ecology and conservation, consequences of climate change, biostatistics)
Appointments in: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Kenneth Hiltner, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(literary theory, Renaissance literature, literature and the environment)
Appointment in: English
Jeffrey Hoelle, PhD, University of Florida, Associate Professor
(Environmental anthropology, land use and agriculture, environmental degradation, Brazil, Amazonia)
Appointment in: Anthropology
Hugo Loaiciga, PhD, UC Davis, Professor
(hydrologic science, water resources planning and management, water resources systems, climate change and natural resources, applied mathematics and statistics)
Appointment in: Geography
Casey Walsh, PhD, New School for Social Research, Professor
(political economy, Mexico-United States borderlands, water, commodities, history)
Appointment in: Anthropology
Andy Merolla, PhD, The Ohio State University
(Interpersonal Communication, Relational Maintenance, and Conflict Management)
Joint Appointment: Communication
Laury Oaks, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(reproductive politics; health, medicine, and science; feminist and community-based participatory research)
Joint Appointment: Feminist Studies
Lisa Park, PhD, Northwestern University
(race, gender, migration, environmental justice, health care policy)
Edwina Barvosa, PhD, Harvard University
(Chicana/Latina feminist thought; political philosophy; gender studies)
Eileen Boris, PhD, Brown University
(labor studies; feminist theory; gender, race, class; women's history; women, work and welfare; social politics)
Jigna Desai
Joint Appointment: Asian American Studies
Laury Oaks, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(reproductive politics; health, medicine, and science; feminist and community-based participatory research)
Joint Appointment: Exercise & Sport Studies
Leila Rupp, PhD, Bryn Mawr College
(sexualities, women's movements, comparative and transnational women's history)
Jane Ward
Associate Professors
Debanuj DasGupta, PhD, The Ohio State University
(transgender studies, queer theory, transnational feminism and sexuality studies, queer migration studies, South Asia studies, international development and human rights, scholar & activist methodologies)
Mireille Miller-Young, PhD, New York University
(gender and sexuality studies; Black cultural studies; film and media studies; pornography and sex work)
Matt Richardson, PhD, UC Berkeley
(black queer theory; trans theory; black feminist theory; literature and cultural criticism; LGBTQ history and culture and film theory)
Jenn Tyburczy, PhD, Northwestern University
(LGBTQ Studies; queer theory; genders and sexualities; race and nation; performance studies; social justice; transnational American studies; popular culture; ethnography; cultural politics; political economy; visual art and culture; museum and archive studies)
Assistant Professors
Jacqueline Bobo, PhD, University of Oregon
Grace Chang, PhD, UC Berkeley
Barbara Tomlinson, PhD, UC Riverside
Affiliated Faculty
Paul Amar, PhD, New York University, Professor
(human rights, national security, police, prisons, race/sexuality, Latin America, Middle East, urban politics, globalization)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Kevin Anderson, PhD, City University of New York, Professor
(social and political theory; class, race, gender & sexuality theory; cultural and religious studies; development and social change; Middle Eastern studies; criminological theory)
Appointment in: Sociology
Bernadette Andrea, PhD, Cornell University, Professor
(Renaissance/early modern studies, Middle East studies, women's studies, literary/cultural theory)
Appointment in: English
Ingrid Banks, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(race, gender, culture, ethnographic methods)
Appointment in: Black Studies
Jean Beaman, Associate Professor
(Race, Ethnicity, Nation; International migration; Urban Sociology; Culture; Ethnography/Qualitative Methodology)
Appointment in: Sociology
Silvia Bermudez, PhD, University of Southern California, Professor
(Modern and Contemporary Spanish cultural studies, Poetry and Spanish popular music studies, Feminist Studies, and Latin American and Iberian Studies)
Appointment in: Spanish and Portuguese
Julie Bianchini, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(Science education; Teacher education and professional development; Educational equity)
Appointment in: Education
Maurizia Boscagli, PhD, Brown University, Professor
(gender studies, modern literature)
Appointment in: English
Mary Bucholtz, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(sociocultural linguistics; language and identity; American English and Spanish)
Appointment in: Linguistics
Julie Carlson, PhD, University of Chicago, Professor
(British romantic literature, theater studies, trauma studies, imagination and social justice)
Appointment in: English
Maria Charles, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(gender, social inequality, cross-national comparative sociology)
Appointment in: Sociology
Miroslava Chavez-Garcia, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(Chicana/o and Latina/o history, race and juvenile justice, Latina/o youth in global perspective, gender and migration, Spanish Borderlands)
Appointment in: History
Sabine Fruhstuck, PhD, University of Vienna , Professor
(modern/contemporary history, ethnography, sociology, and cultural studies of Japan; power, sexuality, violence, childhood, war and military, knowledge systems)
Appointment in: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Bishnupriya Ghosh, PhD, Northwestern University, Professor
(global media theory, 20th-century British and postcolonial literatures, gender and sexuality studies)
Appointments in: English, Global Studies
Ruth Hellier, PhD, Birmingham Conservatoire, University of Central England, UK, Professor
(performance studies, ethnomusicology, theater studies, dance anthropology, Latin American studies)
Appointment in: Music
Tania Israel, PhD, Arizona State University, Professor
(Interventions to support the psychological well-being of sexual and gender minorities [LGBTQ people]; Bisexuality; Dialogue across political lines)
Appointments in: Counseling, Clinical, and School Psychology
Esther Lezra, PhD, UC San Diego, Associate Professor
(Caribbean and transatlantic cultures and literatures, cultural theory)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Pei-Te Lien, PhD, University of Florida , Professor
(race, ethnicity, and gender; transnationalism; Asian American politics)
Appointment in: Political Science
Scott Marcus, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(ethnomusicology; North Indian and Middle Eastern musics and performance practices, Arab music theory (maqam), North Indian folk music; tuning and temperament)
Appointment in: Music
Elinor Mason, Professor
Appointment in: Philosophy
Stephan Miescher, PhD, Northwestern University, Professor
(19th- and 20th-century social history of West Africa; Ghana, colonialism, gender, masculinities; history of development and modernity/modernization; history of sexualities; oral history)
Appointment in: History
Helen Morales, PhD, Cambridge University, Professor
(ancient novel, Greek myth, feminist criticism, reception)
Appointment in: Classics
Catherine Nesci, PhD, Université de Paris VII, Professor
(modern and contemporary French and comparative literature; feminist and gender studies; Weimar studies; urban humanities; Shoah, trauma, and memory studies; medical humanities; disability studies)
Appointment in: French and Italian
Erin Ninh, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(Asian American literature and cultural studies, women's literature, comparative ethnic literature, gender and family, sexual violence)
Appointment in: Asian American Studies
Sara Poot-Herrera, PhD, El Colegio de México, Professor
(Mexican and Spanish-American literature, literary theory)
Appointment in: Spanish and Portuguese
Erika Rappaport, PhD, Rutgers University, Professor
(Modern British and Imperial history; Gender history; Commodities and Consumer Culture in World History)
Appointment in: History
Elana Resnick, PhD, University of Michigan, Assistant Professor
(environmental politics, waste, urban infrastructure, racialization, labor, energy, socialism/postsocialism; European Union, Bulgaria)
Appointment in: Anthropology
Chela Sandoval, PhD, UC Santa Cruz, Professor
(cyber and millennial studies, third space feminism, critical media theory and production, oppositional consciousness and social movement)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Denise Segura, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(Chicana and Chicano Studies, feminist studies, gender, family, work, race-ethnic relations, education)
Appointment in: Sociology
Jenni Sorkin, PhD, Yale, Professor
(Contemporary art; material culture, craft, and design; art criticism; feminist historiographies and theory; art school pedagogies; queer culture and theory)
Appointment in: History of Art and Architecture
France Winddance Twine, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(The Body, Ethnography, Intimacy, Privilege, Feminist Theory, Critical Race Theory, Visual Sociology, Comparative Racial Studies (Europe/US/South Africa))
Appointment in: Sociology
Mayfair Yang, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(anthropology, China , critical theory, media, gender, state)
Appointments in: Religious Studies, East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Xiaojian Zhao, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(United States history, Asian American history, gender, and immigration)
Appointment in: Asian American Studies
Peter Bloom, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(early visual media culture, international film theory and histories, French and Francophone cultural studies, African studies, and post-colonial media)
Jennifer Holt, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(media industry studies, policy and regulation, media history)
Ross Melnick, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(Film and Media History, Archive Theory and Practice, Media Industry Studies, Film Exhibition, Early Media Convergence)
Lisa Parks, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Patrice Petro, PhD, University of Iowa
(film and media history, criticism, and theory; theories of modernism/modernity, globalization and technology; feminism and critical theory)
Bhaskar Sarkar, PhD, University of Southern California
(globalization and culture, post-colonial media theory, Indian cinema, Chinese cinema, trauma and history, risk cultures)
Associate Professors
Alenda Chang, PhD, UC Berkeley
(environmental media, game studies, digital media, science and technology studies, sound studies)
Laila Shereen Sakr, PhD, University of Southern California
(Art & Technology, Media Theory/Practice, Middle East Studies, Feminist Technologies, Digital Activism)
Greg Siegel, PhD, Univeristy of North Carolina
(media studies, cultural studies, science and technology studies)
Cristina Venegas, PhD, University of Southern California
(Latin American and Latino media, international cinema, and digital media technologies)
Naoki Yamamoto, PhD, Yale University
(Film and Media Theory, Japanese Film Theory, Japanese Cultural and Visual Studies, Asian Cinemas)
Assistant Professors
Mona Damluji, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Cultural Studies of Energy; Film and Media Studies; Urban Studies; and Middle East Studies)
Jason Ludwig
Althea Wasow
Michael Curtin, PhD, University of Wisconsin
(globalization, screen industries, cultural geography, media history, media and cultural theory, new media, documentary)
Anna Everett, PhD, University of Southern California
(film and television history and theory, Black film, digital media technologies)
Richard Hebdige, MA, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
Joint Appointment: Art
Constance Penley, PhD, UC Berkeley
Janet Walker, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Charles Wolfe, PhD, Columbia University
Affiliated Faculty
D. Ines Casillas, PhD, University of Michigan, Professor
(U.S. Spanish-language media, radio/sound practices, immigration policy, gender, popular culture)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Kip Fulbeck, MFA, UC San Diego, Professor
(performative studies, narrative)
Appointment in: Art
Mireille Miller-Young, PhD, New York University , Associate Professor
(gender and sexuality studies; Black cultural studies; film and media studies; pornography and sex work)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
David Novak, PhD, Columbia University, Associate Professor
(Ethnomusicology, Popular Music, Globalization, Japan, Media & Technology)
Appointment in: Music
Rita Raley, PhD, UC Santa Barbara, Professor
(digital humanities, new media, electronic literature, contemporary cultural studies, Global English, 20th-21st century Anglophone literature)
Appointment in: English
Claudio Fogu, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(modern and contemporary Italian history, Modern Italian literature and cultural studies, Mediterranean studies, history and theory, digital humanities)
Stephanie Hom, PhD, UC Berkeley
(modern Italy and the Mediterranean; Italian cultural studies; migration and detention; mobility studies; Italian colonialism and imperialism; postcolonial studies; tourism studies; 20th- and 21st-century Italian and italophone literature)
Dominique Jullien, PhD, Université de Paris III Sorbonne
(19th- and 20th-century French and Comparative literature; East-West relations; cognitive approaches to literature; translation studies; Proust; Borges)
Renan Larue, PhD, Université de Picardie
(18th-century French literature, animal studies, history of ideas, history of vegetarianism/veganism)
Catherine Nesci, PhD, Université de Paris VII
(modern and contemporary French and comparative literature; feminist and gender studies; Weimar studies; urban humanities; Shoah, trauma, and memory studies; medical humanities; disability studies)
Eric Prieto, PhD, New York University
(music and literature, 20th-century French and Francophone literature, postcolonial studies, spatial studies, urban studies, Beckett)
Cynthia Skenazi, PhD, University of Michigan
(Renaissance literature and culture, Belgian literature in French, literature and architecture, aging studies)
Assistant Professors
William Ashby, PhD, University of Michigan
Cynthia Brown, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Late medieval/early Renaissance French literature and culture)
Jean-Jacques Courtine, Doctorat d’État de Linguistique, Université de Paris X
(linguistics and cultural studies)
Jody Enders, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Naomi Greene, PhD, New York University
(20th-century literature, film, Artaud)
Harry Lawton, MA, B Litt, Oxford University
Sydney Levy, PhD, UC Irvine
(contemporary French poetry, literary theory, fantastic literature, science and literature)
Didier Maleuvre, PhD, Yale University
Jack Murray, PhD, Yale University
Jean Schultz, PhD, UC Berkeley
Jaqueline Simons, Diplôme d’Études Supérieures
Jon Snyder, PhD, Yale University
(early modern Italian literature and culture; translation studies)
Ronald Tobin, PhD, Princeton University
(17th-century French literature, French classical theatre,food in literature)
Affiliated Faculty
Peter Bloom, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(early visual media culture, international film theory and histories, French and Francophone cultural studies, African studies, and post-colonial media)
Appointment in: Film and Media Studies
Brad Bouley, PhD, Stanford, Associate Professor
(Early Modern Europe, Italian History, History of Religion, Science, and Medicine)
Appointment in: History
Susan Derwin, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, Professor
(contemporary war literature, veterans and social reintegration; humanities and social justice; Holocaust and trauma studies, narrative and healing; psychoanalytic theory)
Appointment in: Germanic and Slavic Studies
Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(cultural sociology and history, French social theory, politics and aesthetics, fascism)
Appointment in: Sociology
David Marshall, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, Professor
(18th-century fiction and aesthetics; narrative theory; Shakespeare; lyric poetry; autobiography; philosophy and literature)
Appointment in: English
Fabio Rambelli, PhD, University of Venice and Oriental University Institute, Naples, Professor
(Japanese religions and intellectual history, Buddhist studies, Shinto studies; semiotics; transnational intellectual networks in East Asia)
Appointments in: Religious Studies, East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Elisabeth Weber, PhD, Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg, Professor
(18th-21st century literature and philosophy, German-Jewish culture, critical theory, deconstruction, psychoanalysis, trauma studies, human rights)
Appointment in: Germanic and Slavic Studies
Kathy Baylis, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Development economics, food security, international agriculture and conservation policy)
Leila Carvalho, PhD, University of Sao Paulo
(regional and large-scale climate variability and modeling, global climate change, monsoon systems and Antarctic climate)
Susie Cassels, PhD, Princeton University
(demography, population health, migration, epidemic modeling, HIV/AIDS, sexual networks)
Kelly Caylor, PhD, University of Virginia
(ecology and hydrology of drylands, distributed environmental sensing & sensor development, sub-Saharan agriculture, coupled social-environmental systems)
Joint Appointment: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Timothy Devries, PhD, UC Irvine
(ocean circulation and biogeochemistry, carbon cycle, climate change, numerical modeling)
Amy Frazier
Kostas Goulias, PhD, UC Davis
(transportation systems planning and modeling, applied econometrics and statistics, travel behavior dynamics and microsimulation)
Charles Jones, PhD, UC Davis
(precipitation variability, extreme events, weather forecasts, predictability studies, regional modeling, monsoon systems, and climate change)
Jennifer King, PhD, UC Irvine
(biogeochemistry, earth system science, global change, ecosystem ecology, plant-soil-atmosphere interactions)
Hugo Loaiciga, PhD, UC Davis
(hydrologic science, water resources planning and management, water resources systems, climate change and natural resources, applied mathematics and statistics)
David Lopez-Carr, PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
(population (migration, fertility), environmental change, deforestation, rural development, Latin America)
Joe McFadden, PhD, UC Berkeley
(land-use and land-cover change, biosphere-atmosphere interactions, earth system science, sustainability science, urban ecology)
Dan Montello, PhD, Arizona State University
(spatial, environmental, and geographic perception/cognition/affect/behavior, cognitive issues in cartography and GIS, environmental psychology and behavioral geography)
Alan Murray, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(location modeling, urban and regional planning, spatial optimization, sustainability)
Trisalyn Nelson, PhD, Wilfrid Lauier University
(geographic information science, spatial data science, active transportation, spatial ecology, movement and mobility, and data ethics)
Dar Roberts, PhD, University of Washington
(remote sensing of vegetation and soils, geobotany and spectroscopy, geology, ecology and ecophysiology)
David Siegel, PhD, University of Southern California
(interdisciplinary marine science, coupling of physical, biological, optical and biogeochemical marine processes on micro to ocean basin scales using satellite remote sensing, field observations and numerical modeling)
Stuart Sweeney, PhD, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
(urban and regional modeling/planning, formal demography, local economic development, spatial statistics)
Ian Walker, PhD, University of Guelph, Canada
(Geomorphology, sediment transport, aeolian (windblown) processes, coastal processes and erosion, beach-dune interaction, environmental fluid dynamics, climate change impacts and adaptation)
Associate Professors
Liz Ackert, PhD, University of Washington
(Population and health, migration, urban geography, social statistics)
Qinghua Ding, PhD, University of Hawaii
(climate dynamics)
Somayeh Dodge, PhD, University of Zurich, Switzerland
(Geographic Information Science, Spatial Data Science, Geographic Visualization, Movement Analytics, Spatiotemporal Simulation, Movement Ecology, Movement-Environment Interaction)
Vamsi Ganti, PhD, University of Minnesota
(Process sedimentology, geomorphology, sediment transport)
Peter Kedron
Nick Nidzieko, PhD, Stanford University
(ocean physics, optics and remote sensing)
Anna Trugman, PhD, Princeton
(Ecosystem ecology, Earth system science, ecophysiology, ecohydrology, vegetation modeling)
Assistant Professors
Oliver Chadwick, PhD, University of Arizona
(pedology, soil geomorphology, biogeochemistry, Quaternary geology, organic and mineral transformations during soil, atmosphere, water and vegetation interaction)
Joint Appointment: Environmental Studies
Richard Church, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(facilities location and related computational algorithms, urban and regional modeling/planning, water resources)
Keith Clarke, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Helen Couclelis, PhD, Cambridge University
(Urban and regional modeling and planning, spatial cognition, geographic information science, geography of the information society)
Tommy Dickey, PhD, Princeton University
(ocean circulation and biogeochemistry, carbon cycle, climate change, numerical modeling)
Catherine Gautier-Downes, PhD, Université Paris Sorbonne-Paris IV
(Earth radiation budget and cloud processes, radiative transfer and remote sensing, global climate change and earth system science education)
Michael Goodchild, PhD, McMaster University
(spatial analysis and geographic information systems)
Werner Kuhn, PhD, ETH Zurich
Joel Michaelsen, PhD, UC Berkeley
(climatology/meteorology, climate change, temporal and spatial statistics, vegetation/climate interactions)
Raymond Smith, PhD, Stanford University
(remote sensing of the oceans)
Terence Smith, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(spatial data processing, spatial analysis, spatial databases, knowledge-based approaches to geographic information systems)
Joint Appointment: Computer Science
Libe Washburn, PhD, UC San Diego
Affiliated Faculty
Peter Alagona, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(environmental history, history of science, science and technology studies, environmental geography)
Appointment in: Environmental Studies
Jia-Ching Chen, PhD, UC Berkeley, Assistant Professor
(Development and Environment, Political Ecology, Urban Studies, Energy Studies)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Mary Hegarty, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University, Professor
(spatial cognition, individual differences, diagrammatic reasoning and comprehension)
Appointment in: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Jeffrey Hoelle, PhD, University of Florida, Associate Professor
(Environmental anthropology, land use and agriculture, environmental degradation, Brazil, Amazonia)
Appointment in: Anthropology
Ashley Larsen, PhD, UC Santa Barbara, Associate Professor
(agricultural and landscape ecology)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Clayton Nall, PhD, Harvard University, Associate Professor
(American Politics, Political Geography, Public Policy, Local Politics, American Political Development)
Appointment in: Political Science
Debra Perrone, PhD, Vanderbilt University, Associate Professor
(water resource engineering, water policy)
Appointment in: Environmental Studies
Naomi Tague, PhD, University of Toronto, Professor
(hydrology, linkages between climate, ecology, and hydrology)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Susan Derwin, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(contemporary war literature, veterans and social reintegration; humanities and social justice; Holocaust and trauma studies, narrative and healing; psychoanalytic theory)
Wolf Kittler, Habilitation, Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg
(18th-20th-century German literature and philosophy, critical theory, deconstruction, history of science and media technology)
Sven Spieker, DPhil, University of Oxford
(modern and contemporary art and literature, with emphasis on East-Central Europe, including Russia; avant-garde studies; global art; intersections between media, art, science, and philosophy)
Elisabeth Weber, PhD, Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg
(18th-21st century literature and philosophy, German-Jewish culture, critical theory, deconstruction, psychoanalysis, trauma studies, human rights)
Sara Pankenier Weld, PhD, Stanford University
(Russian literature, film, and culture; comparative literature; Scandinavian literature; modernism; avant-garde literature, art, and theory; word and image studies; childhood, children's literature, picturebooks)
Associate Professors
Christina Vagt, PhD, Bauhaus University Weimar
(European Media Studies, German and French philosophy, history and theory of knowledge, technology and design)
Assistant Professors
Fabian Offert, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Computational Humanities, artificial intelligence, new media, Art History)
Clifford Barraclough
Gunther Gottschalk, PhD, University of Southern California
Gerhart Hoffmeister, PhD, University of Maryland
Albert Kaspin, PhD, UC Berkeley
Roselinde Konrad
Torborg Lundell, PhD, UC Berkeley
Kenneth Pai
Laurence Rickels, PhD, Princeton University
Affiliated Faculty
Elena Aronova, PhD, UC San Diego, Associate Professor
(History of Environmental and Evolutionary science; Historiography; Big Data Collection)
Appointment in: History
Adrienne Edgar, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(history of modern Russia and Central Asia; ethnicity and nationality in the Soviet Union; gender and intermarriage in Soviet Central Asia)
Appointment in: History
Catherine Nesci, PhD, Université de Paris VII, Professor
(modern and contemporary French and comparative literature; feminist and gender studies; Weimar studies; urban humanities; Shoah, trauma, and memory studies; medical humanities; disability studies)
Appointment in: French and Italian
Paul Amar, PhD, New York University
(human rights, national security, police, prisons, race/sexuality, Latin America, Middle East, urban politics, globalization)
Alison Brysk, PhD, Stanford University
(human rights, global governance, civil society, gender, Latin American politics)
Joint Appointment: Political Science
Bishnupriya Ghosh, PhD, Northwestern University
(global media theory, 20th-century British and postcolonial literatures, gender and sexuality studies)
Joint Appointment: English
Charlie Hale, PhD, Stanford University
(Race, Anti-racism, Activist Anthropology, Latin America)
Joint Appointment: Anthropology
Anshu Malhotra, PhD, University of London
(gender and sexuality studies, cultural studies, autobiography studies and histories of South Asia, Punjab and the Sikhs)
Aashish Mehta, PhD, University of Wisconsin
(international economic development, applied economics)
Jan Nederveen Pieterse, PhD, University of Nijmegen
(globalization, development studies, global political economy, cultural studies, emerging societies, ethnicity, multiculturalism, future studies)
Joint Appointment: Sociology
Satyajit Singh, PhD, Delhi University
(governance, public policy & institutional reforms, Indian politics, development and environmental issues)
Joint Appointment: Political Science
Associate Professors
Javiera Barandiaran, PhD, UC Berkeley
(development and environment, democratic institutions and states in transition, energy, environmental policies)
Nadege Clitandre, PhD, UC Berkeley
(African Diaspora, Gender and Transnationalism, Caribbean Literature, Haiti)
Esther Lezra, PhD, UC San Diego
(Caribbean and transatlantic cultures and literatures, cultural theory)
Assistant Professors
Nicole Cerpa Vielma
Jia-Ching Chen, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Development and Environment, Political Ecology, Urban Studies, Energy Studies)
Charmaine Chua, PhD, University of Minnesota
(global political economy, infrastructure studies, empire and imperialism, and ocean studies)
Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky, PhD, Stanford University
(global migration and displacement; refugee studies; history of the modern Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the Caucasus)
Ricado Jacobs, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(agrarian change, global political economy, urbanization, political ecology, race/ indigeneity, Africa)
Mae Miller-Likhethe, PhD, City University of New York
(Black diaspora studies, transnational social movements, critical human geography, (post) colonialism, cultural studies and aesthetics)
Kai Thaler, PhD, Harvard University
(Conflict and violence, civil wars, state building, genocide and mass killing, development, African and Latin American politics)
Richard Appelbaum, PhD, University of Chicago
Joint Appointment: Sociology
Sucheng Chan, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: Asian American Studies
Giles Gunn, PhD, University of Chicago
Joint Appointment: English
Mark Juergensmeyer, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: Sociology
Gurinder Mann, PhD, Columbia University
Joint Appointment: Religious Studies
Affiliated Faculty
Janet Afary, PhD, University of Michigan, Professor
(Middle East religious history, modern Iran, gender and sexuality in modern Middle East)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Ralph Armbruster, PhD, UC Riverside, Professor
(globalization, labor, social movements, race and ethnic relations, Latin American studies and community/urban studies)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Jean Beaman, Associate Professor
(Race, Ethnicity, Nation; International migration; Urban Sociology; Culture; Ethnography/Qualitative Methodology)
Appointment in: Sociology
Eileen Boris, PhD, Brown University, Professor
(labor studies; feminist theory; gender, race, class; women's history; women, work and welfare; social politics)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Juan Campo, PhD, University of Chicago, Associate Professor
(history of religions—Islam, Arabic)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Tim Cooley, PhD, Brown University, Professor
(Eastern European folk music; American vernacular music; music and tourism; music and surfing)
Appointment in: Music
Sabine Fruhstuck, PhD, University of Vienna , Professor
(modern/contemporary history, ethnography, sociology, and cultural studies of Japan; power, sexuality, violence, childhood, war and military, knowledge systems)
Appointment in: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Lisa Hajjar, PhD, The American University, Professor
(human rights, international humanitarian law, war and conflict, torture, Israel/Palestine, US policy in the Middle East)
Appointment in: Sociology
David Lopez-Carr, PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Professor
(population (migration, fertility), environmental change, deforestation, rural development, Latin America)
Appointment in: Geography
Patrick McCray, PhD, University of Arizona, Professor
(history of science and technology; Cold War)
Appointment in: History
Kathleen Moore, PhD, University of Massachusetts , Professor
(immigration, Muslim communities in the West, religion and law, Islamic law, civil rights and liberties, cultural pluralism, cultural studies)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Rita Raley, PhD, UC Santa Barbara, Professor
(digital humanities, new media, electronic literature, contemporary cultural studies, Global English, 20th-21st century Anglophone literature)
Appointment in: English
Dwight Reynolds, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Professor
(Arabic languages and literatures, folklore and folklife)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
William Robinson, PhD, University of New Mexico, Professor
(globalization, development, political economy, macrosociology, political sociology, Latin America, migration/immigration, Latino/a studies)
Appointment in: Sociology
Leila Rupp, PhD, Bryn Mawr College, Professor
(sexualities, women's movements, comparative and transnational women's history)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Casey Walsh, PhD, New School for Social Research, Professor
(political economy, Mexico-United States borderlands, water, commodities, history)
Appointment in: Anthropology
Mayfair Yang, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(anthropology, China , critical theory, media, gender, state)
Appointments in: Religious Studies, East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Anthony Barbieri, PhD, Princeton University
(ancient China, Chinese archaeology, and epigraphy)
Hilary Bernstein, PhD, Princeton University
(early modern Europe -- Renaissance Europe; early modern France; political, cultural, urban history)
Daina Berry
Miroslava Chavez-Garcia, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(Chicana/o and Latina/o history, race and juvenile justice, Latina/o youth in global perspective, gender and migration, Spanish Borderlands)
Beth Digeser, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(late Roman Empire and late antiquity)
Adrienne Edgar, PhD, UC Berkeley
(history of modern Russia and Central Asia; ethnicity and nationality in the Soviet Union; gender and intermarriage in Soviet Central Asia)
John Lee, PhD, Cornell University
(ancient Greece and West Asia, Achaemenid Persia, history of warfare, Greek archaeology and epigraphy)
Patrick McCray, PhD, University of Arizona
(history of science and technology; Cold War)
Cecilia Mendez Gastelumendi, PhD, State University of New York at Stony Brook
(Andean history with emphasis in Peru; modern Latin America)
Stephan Miescher, PhD, Northwestern University
(19th- and 20th-century social history of West Africa; Ghana, colonialism, gender, masculinities; history of development and modernity/modernization; history of sexualities; oral history)
Alice O'Connor, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(US History, History of Public Policy, Urban History)
Erika Rappaport, PhD, Rutgers University
(Modern British and Imperial history; Gender history; Commodities and Consumer Culture in World History)
Luke Roberts, PhD, Princeton University
(Japan - 1550 to 1880)
Adam Sabra, PhD, Princeton
(medieval and early modern Egypt)
Paul Spickard, PhD, UC Berkeley
(history; race; ethnicity; immigration; Asian American; African American; interracial marriage; multiracial; identity; global)
Salim Yaqub, PhD, Yale University
(US foreign relations)
Associate Professors
Elena Aronova, PhD, UC San Diego
(History of Environmental and Evolutionary science; Historiography; Big Data Collection)
Debra Blumenthal, PhD, University of Toronto
(medieval Europe, medieval and early modern Spanish history, cross-cultural relations in the Medieval Mediterranean, the history of medicine and comparative slavery)
Brad Bouley, PhD, Stanford
(Early Modern Europe, Italian History, History of Religion, Science, and Medicine)
Veronica Castillo-Munoz, PhD, UC Irvine
(the Mexico-U.S. Borderlands, Comparative Immigration, Mexican History, Gender and Chicana/o History)
Mhoze Chikowero, PhD, Dalhousie University
(African social, cultural and economic history; popular culture and politics in Africa; electrification and energy in Africa; African labor history, HIV/AIDS in Africa)
Juan Cobo Betancourt, PhD, Cambridge University
(Colonial Latin America, race, religion, law and digital history)
Manuel Covo, PhD, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Science Sociales
(Eighteenth-Century France and French Empire, Atlantic World, Caribbean, Early America, Revolutions)
Lisa Jacobson, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(20th-century US; consumer culture and capitalism; food and alcohol; gender and family history)
Kate McDonald, PhD, UC San Diego
(modern Japan, cultural history of mobility, history of technology)
Giuliana Perrone, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Nineteenth Century U.S. History, Slavery, Law, Civil War and Reconstruction)
Sherene Seikaly, PhD, New York University
(capitalism, consumption, and development in the modern Middle East)
Butch Ware, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
(African History, History of Islam, Race, Slavery and the African Atlantic and Diasporic Worlds)
Xiaowei Zheng, PhD, UC San Diego
(political and social history of China, political culture of China)
Joint Appointment: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Ya Zuo, PhD, Princeton University
(middle and late imperial China, cultural and intellectual history, history of science)
Assistant Professors
Shaun Armstead
Utathya Chattopadhyaya, PhD, University of Illinois
(Modern South Asia, British Empire, Indian Ocean World, Global History, Commodities and Agrarian History)
Amanda Joyce Hall
Katie Moore, PhD, Boston University
(Early America, Atlantic World, History of Capitalism, History of Money)
Taylor Moore
David Stein
Randy Bergstrom, PhD, Columbia University
James Brooks, PhD, UC Davis
Joint Appointment: Anthropology
Wilson Brownlee Jr, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Sarah Cline, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Patricia Cohen, PhD, UC Berkeley
Douglas Daniels, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: Black Studies
Jane Dehart, PhD, Duke University
Harold Drake, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Sharon Farmer, PhD, Harvard University
Abraham Friesen, PhD, Stanford University
Frank Frost, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Mary Furner, PhD, Northwestern University
Nancy Gallagher, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Jonathan Glickstein, PhD, Yale University
Mary Hancock, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Joint Appointment: Anthropology
Tsuyoshi Hasegawa, PhD, University of Washington
R Humphreys, PhD, University of Michigan
Laura Kalman, PhD, Yale University
Carol Lansing, PhD, University of Michigan
Evelyne Laurent-Perrault, PhD, New York University
Nelson Lichtenstein, PhD, UC Berkeley
Albert Lindemann, PhD, Harvard University
John Majewski, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Harold Marcuse, PhD, University of Michigan
J McGee, PhD, Yale University
Richard Oglesby, PhD, Northwestern University
Michael Osborne, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Joint Appointment: Environmental Studies
Ann Plane, PhD, Brandeis University
Carroll Pursell, PhD, UC Berkeley
David Rock, PhD, Cambridge University
Paul Sonnino, PhD, UC Los Angeles
John Talbott, PhD, Stanford University
Zaragosa Vargas, PhD, University of Michigan
Affiliated Faculty
Janet Afary, PhD, University of Michigan, Professor
(Middle East religious history, modern Iran, gender and sexuality in modern Middle East)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Peter Alagona, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(environmental history, history of science, science and technology studies, environmental geography)
Appointment in: Environmental Studies
Gerardo Aldana, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(Maya hieroglyphic history, Mesoamerican art, experimental archaeology, science studies, culture theory)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Ralph Armbruster, PhD, UC Riverside, Professor
(globalization, labor, social movements, race and ethnic relations, Latin American studies and community/urban studies)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Joseph Blankholm, PhD, Columbia University, Associate Professor
(American religion, secularism, atheism, sociology of religion, anthropology of religion)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Peter Bloom, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(early visual media culture, international film theory and histories, French and Francophone cultural studies, African studies, and post-colonial media)
Appointment in: Film and Media Studies
Eileen Boris, PhD, Brown University, Professor
(labor studies; feminist theory; gender, race, class; women's history; women, work and welfare; social politics)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Rudy Busto, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(Chicano/Latino religions, Asian American/Pacific Islander religions, American religions)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
William Elison, Associate Professor
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Brice Erickson, PhD, University of Texas, Austin, Professor
(Greek archaeology, Crete, ceramic studies)
Appointment in: Classics
Claudio Fogu, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(modern and contemporary Italian history, Modern Italian literature and cultural studies, Mediterranean studies, history and theory, digital humanities)
Appointment in: French and Italian
Sabine Fruhstuck, PhD, University of Vienna , Professor
(modern/contemporary history, ethnography, sociology, and cultural studies of Japan; power, sexuality, violence, childhood, war and military, knowledge systems)
Appointment in: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky, PhD, Stanford University, Assistant Professor
(global migration and displacement; refugee studies; history of the modern Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the Caucasus)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Rose Maclean, PhD, Princeton University, Associate Professor
(Latin imperial literature, ancient and modern slavery, and epigraphy)
Appointment in: Classics
Anshu Malhotra, PhD, University of London, Professor
(gender and sexuality studies, cultural studies, autobiography studies and histories of South Asia, Punjab and the Sikhs)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Christopher McAuley, PhD, University of Michigan, Professor
(northern and southern African politics, world systems theory, Black intellectual history, Caribbean and Latin American political economy and economic history of the Americas)
Appointment in: Black Studies
Mireille Miller-Young, PhD, New York University , Associate Professor
(gender and sexuality studies; Black cultural studies; film and media studies; pornography and sex work)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Robert Morstein-Marx, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(Roman History, Greek history, Latin prose, historiography and rhetoric)
Appointment in: Classics
Claudia Moser, PhD, Brown University, Associate Professor
(Roman archaeology; Roman Republican sanctuaries; altars; ancient rituals; cults and burial practices)
Appointment in: History of Art and Architecture
Leila Rupp, PhD, Bryn Mawr College, Professor
(sexualities, women's movements, comparative and transnational women's history)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Amit Shilo, PhD, New York University, Associate Professor
(Greek literature and philosophy, literary theory, political theory, religion, modernity)
Appointment in: Classics
Stuart Smith, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(archaeology of Egypt and Nubia [the Sudan], ethnicity, culture contact and imperialism, ideology and legitimization, funerary practice, ceramics and residue analysis)
Appointment in: Anthropology
Christine Thomas, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(Ancient Mediterranean religions, early Christianity, archaeology of religions)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Volker M Welter, PhD, University of Edinburgh , Professor
(modern and contemporary architecture and urbanism since the 19th-century, history and theory of architecture)
Appointment in: History of Art and Architecture
Xiaojian Zhao, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(United States history, Asian American history, gender, and immigration)
Appointment in: Asian American Studies
History of Art and Architecture
(Return to top)
Swati Chattopadhyay, PhD, UC Berkeley
(modern architecture and urbanism; British empire; postcolonial and critical theory)
Mark Meadow, PhD, UC Berkeley
(15th-, 16th- and 17th-century Northern European art; histories of rhetoric and collecting)
Sylvester Ogbechie, PhD, Northwestern University
(classical African art; modern and contemporary African art; arts of the African diaspora; contemporary African visual culture; African film; theory and methodology of art history; cultural patrimony research)
Jenni Sorkin, PhD, Yale
(Contemporary art; material culture, craft, and design; art criticism; feminist historiographies and theory; art school pedagogies; queer culture and theory)
Peter Sturman, PhD, Yale University
(Early to modern Chinese painting and calligraphy; Japanese art)
Joint Appointment: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Volker M Welter, PhD, University of Edinburgh
(modern and contemporary architecture and urbanism since the 19th-century, history and theory of architecture)
Richard Wittman, PhD, Columbia University
(early modern and modern architecture, theory and town planning)
Associate Professors
Heather Badamo, PhD, University of Michigan
(East Christian and Byzantine Art; Global Middle Ages; Mediterranean studies; visual manifestations of exchange)
Natchee Barnd
Nuha Khoury, PhD, Harvard University
(Islamic art and architecture; medieval Islamic iconography; modern Arab art; critiques of the field)
Claudia Moser, PhD, Brown University
(Roman archaeology; Roman Republican sanctuaries; altars; ancient rituals; cults and burial practices)
Gabriel Ritter
(Contemporary art; Japanese art (1868 to present); Global Surrealism; Museum Studies)
Assistant Professors
Alicia Boswell, PhD, University of California, San Diego
(Pre-Columbian art and archaeology; cultural heritage; conservation; cultural landscapes; culture contact; frontiers; metalworking and ancient technology; craft production)
Christine Garnier
Maria Lumbreras, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(16th- and 17th-century Spanish and Latin American art; interactions of art, science, and archaeology; early modern art theory; historiographies of art)
Ann Jensen Adams, PhD, Harvard University
C Armi, PhD, Columbia University
Ann Bermingham, PhD, Harvard University
Herbert Cole, PhD, Columbia University
Mario Del Chiaro, PhD, UC Berkeley
Ramon Favela, PhD, University of Texas, Austin
Ulrich Keller, PhD, University of Munich
Laurie Monahan, PhD, Harvard University
Jeanette Peterson, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Edward Robertson, PhD, Yale University
Abigail Solomon-Godeau, PhD, City University of New York
Miriam Wattles, PhD, New York University
Fikret Yegul, PhD, Harvard University
Affiliated Faculty
Gerardo Aldana, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(Maya hieroglyphic history, Mesoamerican art, experimental archaeology, science studies, culture theory)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Bhaskar Sarkar, PhD, University of Southern California, Professor
(globalization and culture, post-colonial media theory, Indian cinema, Chinese cinema, trauma and history, risk cultures)
Appointment in: Film and Media Studies
Sven Spieker, DPhil, University of Oxford, Professor
(modern and contemporary art and literature, with emphasis on East-Central Europe, including Russia; avant-garde studies; global art; intersections between media, art, science, and philosophy)
Appointment in: Germanic and Slavic Studies
Mary Bucholtz, PhD, UC Berkeley
(sociocultural linguistics; language and identity; American English and Spanish)
Matthew Gordon, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(phonetics; phonology; prosody; typology)
Stefan Gries, PhD, University of Hamburg
(corpus linguistics; quantitative methods in linguistics; cognitive and psycholinguistics)
Marianne Mithun, PhD, Yale University
(morphology, syntax, discourse, prosody, and their interaction; contact; language change; typology; documentation; North American Indian and Austronesian linguistics)
Associate Professors
Eric Campbell, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
(Typological, functional, and community-based approaches to phonology, morphology, syntax, historical linguistics, language documentation, lexical semantics, lexicography, language and culture, especially regarding indigenous languages of Mesoamerica Mexico)
Lina Hou, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
(child language acquisition of signed languages, language socialization and ideologies, linguistic and documentation, description, and theory)
Argyro Katsika, PhD, Yale University
(phonetics, speech production, articulation, articulatory phonology, prosody)
Lal Zimman, PhD, University of Colorado
(sociocultural linguistics, sociophonetics, transgender & queer identities, language & embodiment)
Assistant Professors
Laurel Brehm, PhD, University of Illinois
(psycholinguistics; language production; statistical & computational modeling)
Jaime Perez Gonzalez
Simon Todd, PhD, Stanford University
(computational linguistics; psycholinguistics; corpus linguistics; speech perception; language variation and change; phonology)
Associate Teaching Professors
Karyn Kessler, PhD, Purdue University
(EMS Program; English language policy in U.S. Higher Education, ESL graduate student writing, Internationalization and Diversity)
Patricia Clancy, PhD, UC Berkeley
(first language acquisition, language socialization, Japanese and Korean linguistics)
John Du Bois, PhD, UC Berkeley
Jan Frodesen, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Carol Genetti, PhD, University of Oregon
Charles Li, PhD, UC Berkeley
(evolutionary origin of language; animal communication; language and brain)
Arthur Schwartz, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(syntax; language and gender; language acquisition)
Sandra Thompson, PhD, Ohio State University
(morphosyntax; language typology; interactional linguistics; conversation analysis)
Affiliated Faculty
Janet Bourne, Assistant Professor
Appointment in: Music
D. Ines Casillas, PhD, University of Michigan, Professor
(U.S. Spanish-language media, radio/sound practices, immigration policy, gender, popular culture)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Aline Ferreira Marshall, PhD, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Associate Professor
(Linguistics, Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, Psycholinguistics, and Bilingualism)
Appointment in: Spanish and Portuguese
Amelia Kyratzis, PhD, City University of New York, Professor
(language development; bilingual language development; language socialization; socialization of gender and bilingual practices in children’s peer interactions; children’s narrative and emergent literacy)
Appointment in: Education
Jin Sook Lee, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(Bilingualism; Heritage language maintenance; ESL; Second/foreign language acquisition and education; Multicultural education)
Appointment in: Education
Zoe Liberman, PhD, University of Chicago, Associate Professor
(developmental psychology, social cognition, social categorization, infancy)
Appointment in: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Viola Miglio, PhD, University of Maryland, Professor
(phonetics, phonology, language change, Basque, Germanic and Romance languages, literary translation, minority language rights and policy)
Appointment in: Spanish and Portuguese
Geoffrey Raymond, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(conversation analysis, ethnomethodology, interaction in institutional settings, social theory, medical sociology, sociology of science and technology; qualitative research methods)
Appointment in: Sociology
William Wang, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University, Professor
(machine learning, natural language processing, artificial intelligence, data science)
Appointment in: Computer Science
Kevin Whitehead, Associate Professor
(ethnomethodology and conversation analysis; interactions in everyday life and in institutional settings; social categories and identities, particularly race and ethnicity; conflicts and violence in interactions)
Appointment in: Sociology
Matthew Begley, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(mechanics of materials, layered and composite materials, computational mechanics, additive manufacturing and micro devices)
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Irene Beyerlein, PhD, Cornell University
(structural mechanics of multi-phase micro- and nanostructured materials, design of metallic alloys)
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
John Bowers, PhD, Stanford University
(high-speed photonic and electronic devices and integrated circuits, fiber optic communication, semiconductors, laser physics and mode-locking phenomena, compound semiconductor materials and processing)
Joint Appointments: Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Michael Chabinyc, PhD, Stanford University
(organic semiconductors, thin film electronics, energy conversion using photovoltaics, characterization of thin films of polymers, x-ray scattering from polymers)
Steven Denbaars, PhD, University of Southern California
(metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy, optoelectronic materials, compound semiconductors, indium phosphide and gallium nitride, photonic devices)
Joint Appointment: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Dan Gianola, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(nanomechanical behavior of materials, tunable energy conversion, micro- and nanoelectronics, thermal management, and waste heat collection)
Craig Hawker, PhD, Cambridge University
(synthetic polymer chemistry, nanotechnology, materials science)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Robert McMeeking, PhD, Brown University
(mechanics of materials, fracture mechanics, plasticity, computational mechanics, process modeling, cell mechanics, functional materials)
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Shuji Nakamura, PhD, University of Tokushima
(gallium nitride, blue lasers, white LEDs, solid state illumination, bulk GaN substrates)
Chris Palmstrom, PhD, Leeds University
(atomic level control of interfacial phenomena, in-situ STM, surface and thin film analysis, metallization of semiconductors, dissimilar materials epitaxial growth, molecular beam and chemical beam epitaxial growth of metallic compounds)
Joint Appointment: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Tresa Pollock, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(mechanical and environmental performance of materials in extreme environments, unique high temperature materials processing paths, ultrafast laser-material interactions, alloy design and 3-D materials characterization)
Cyrus Safinya, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(biophysics, supramolecular assemblies of biological molecules, non-viral gene delivery systems)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Jeff Sakamoto
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Omar Saleh, PhD, Princeton University
(single-molecule biophysics, motor proteins, DNA-protein interactions)
Joint Appointments: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program,
Rachel Segalman, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(polymer design, self-assembly, and properties)
Joint Appointment: Chemical Engineering
Ram Seshadri, PhD, Indian Institute of Science
(inorganic materials, preparation and magnetism of bulk solids and nonoparticles, patterned materials)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Jim Speck, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(nitride semiconductors, III-V semiconductors, ferroelectric and high-K films, microstructural evolution, extended defects, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction)
Susanne Stemmer, PhD, Max-Planck-Institut
(functional oxide thin films, structure-property relationships, scanning transmission electron microscopy and spectroscopy)
Chris Van de Walle, PhD, Stanford University
(Novel electronic materials, wide-band-gap semiconductors, oxides)
Anton Van Der Ven, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(first-principles statistical mechanics methods, phase transformation mechanisms, electrochemical behavior and mechanical properties of materials)
Stephen Wilson, PhD, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
(strongly correlated electron/quantum materials, spin-orbit coupling and many-body electronic states in functional materials)
Francis Zok, PhD, McMaster University
(mechanical and thermal properties of materials and structures)
Associate Professors
Christopher Bates, PhD, University of Austin Texas
(polymer mesostructure and dynamics, energy storage, and crystallization)
Raphaele Clement, PhD, University of Cambridge
(electrochemical materials for energy generation and storage, solid-state NMR spectroscopy, EPR spectroscopy, first principles calculations of NMR/EPR parameters)
John Harter, PhD, Cornell University
(quantum materials, unconventional superconductors, strongly-correlated electrons, nonlinear optical spectroscopy, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy)
Sriram Krishnamoorthy, PhD, The Ohio State University
(ultra-wide band gap semiconductors, epitaxial materials and electronic/photonic devices, metalorganic vapor phase epitaxy, Gallium Oxide)
Angela Pitenis, PhD, University of Florida
(Surfaces and interfaces, soft matter physics, bio-inspired and biological materials, in situ instrumentation)
Assistant Professors
Daniel Oropeza Gomez
Ananya Renuka Balakrishna
Guillermo Bazan, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Anthony Cheetham, PhD, Oxford University
(catalysis, optical materials, X-ray, neutron diffraction)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
David Clarke, PhD, Cambridge University
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Larry Coldren, PhD, Stanford University
(semiconductor integrated optoelectronics, vertical-cavity lasers, widely-tunable lasers, optical fiber communication, growth and planar processing techniques, molecular beam epitaxy, microfabrication)
Joint Appointment: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Alan Heeger, PhD, UC Berkeley
(experimental condensed matter physics)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Evelyn Hu, PhD, Columbia University
Joint Appointment: Electrical and Computer Engineering
James Langer, PhD, University of Birmingham
Joint Appointment: Physics
Carlos Levi, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Frederick Milstein, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
George Odette, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(deformation and fracture, high performance materials for use in severe environments)
Joint Appointment: Mechanical Engineering
Pierre Petroff, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Fyl Pincus, PhD, UC Berkeley
(soft condensed matter theory)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Galen Stucky, PhD, Iowa State University
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Fred Wudl, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(organic chemistry and optical and electro-optical properties of processable conjugated polymers as well as in the organic chemistry of fullerenes and the design and the preparation of self-mending polymers)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Affiliated Faculty
Glenn Fredrickson, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(statistical mechanics of soft matter, polymer theory, phase transitions, glass transitions, polymer technologies, energy and sustainable technologies, block copolymers, statistical mechanics, composite media)
Appointment in: Chemical Engineering
Adebisi Agboola, PhD, Columbia University
(number theory, arithmetic geometry)
Paul Atzberger, PhD, New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
(scientific computation, machine learning, numerical analysis, stochastic analysis, statistical mechanics, fluid mechanics, biophysics)
Stephen Bigelow, PhD, UC Berkeley
(low-dimensional topology)
Bjorn Birnir, PhD, New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
(nonlinear partial differential equations)
Hector Ceniceros, PhD, New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
(numerical analysis and applied mathematics)
Xianzhe Dai, PhD, State University of New York, Stony Brook
(differential geometry and geometric analysis)
Carlos Garcia-Cervera, PhD, New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
(calculus of variations, materials science, complex fluids, quantum chemistry, density functional theory)
Amalendu Krishna
Jon McCammond, PhD, UC Berkeley
(geometric group theory and geometric combinatorics)
David Morrison, PhD, Harvard University
(algebraic geometry and mathematical physics)
Joint Appointment: Physics
Gustavo Ponce, PhD, New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
(nonlinear partial differential equations)
Mihai Putinar, PhD, University of Bucharest
(operator theory, complex analysis)
Jeffrey Stopple, PhD, UC San Diego
(analytic number theory)
Zhenghan Wang, PhD, UC San Diego
(Topology and Quantum Computation)
Guofang Wei, PhD, State University of New York, Stony Brook
(differential geometry)
Xu Yang, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
(Applied & Computational Mathematics)
Rick Ye, PhD, Bonn University
(differential geometry, geometric analysis, geometric evolution equations, the Ricci Flow and geometrization of lower dimensional manifolds, geometry of special holonomy, mathematical physics)
Yitang Zhang, PhD, Purdue University
(analytic number theory)
Associate Professors
Francesc Castella-Cabello, PhD, McGill University
(Number Theory and Arithmetic Geometry)
Katy Craig, PhD, Rutgers University
(Applied Analysis)
Davit Harutyunyan, PhD, University of Bonn
(Calculus of Variations, Continuum Mechanics, Materials Science and
Ruimeng Hu, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Machine Learning, Financial Mathematics, Stochastic Control and Games, Mean Field Approximation)
Joint Appointment: Statistics and Applied Probability
Denis Labutin, PhD, Australian National University
(functional spaces, potential theory, geometric analysis, spatial branching processes, partial differential equations)
Fedya Manin, PhD, University of Chicago
(Geometry and Topology)
Xiaolei Zhao, PhD, University of Michigan
(algebraic geometry)
Hanming Zhou, PhD, University of Washington
(Mathematical Analysis of inverse problems)
Assistant Professors
Matt Jacobs
Zheng Liu, PhD, Columbia University
(Number Theory)
Sui Tang, PhD, Vanderbilt University
(Applied Mathematics)
Matthias Wink
Teaching Professors
Maribel Bueno Cachadina, PhD, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
(linear algebra, numerical linear algebra, combinatorial matrix theory)
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Christopher Ograin, PhD, UC Irvine
(Mathematics education; Teacher education and professional development)
Joint Appointment: Education
Associate Teaching Professors
Karel Casteels, PhD, Simon Fraser University
(Quantum matrices and Combinatorics)
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Peter Garfield, PhD, University of Washington
Chuck Akemann, PhD, UC Berkeley
Thomas Boehme, PhD, California Institute of Technology
Andrew Bruckner, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Daryl Cooper, PhD, Warwick University
Michael Crandall, PhD, UC Berkeley
John Doner, PhD, UC Berkeley
Larry Gerstein, PhD, University of Notre Dame
Ken Goodearl, PhD, University of Washington
Birge Huisgen-Zimmerman, PhD, Ludwig Maximilians University
William Jacob, PhD, Princeton University
Eugene Johnsen, PhD, Ohio State University
Darren Long, PhD, Cambridge University
Kenneth Millett, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
John Moore, PhD, UC Berkeley
James Robertson, PhD, Indiana University
Melvin Rosenfeld, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Martin Scharlemann, PhD, UC Berkeley
Thomas Sideris, PhD, Indiana University
Stephen Simons, PhD, Cambridge University
James Sloss, PhD, UC Berkeley
David Sprecher, PhD, University of Maryland
Julius Zelmanowitz, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Affiliated Faculty
Jean-Pierre Fouque, PhD, University of Paris 6, Professor
(stochastic processes, stochastic partial differential equations, financial mathematics)
Appointment in: Statistics and Applied Probability
Frederic Gibou, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(High resolution multi-scale simulation, scientific computing, tools and software for computational science and engineering, engineering applications” to "High resolution multiscale simulation and data analysis of multiphase flows, high temperature materials, biosystems)
Appointments in: Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science
Igor Mezic, PhD, California Institute of Technology, Professor
(applied mechanics, non-linear dynamics, fluid mechanics, applied mathematics)
Appointment in: Mechanical Engineering
Jeff Moehlis, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(nonlinear dynamics and control, neuroengineering, biological dynamics, collective behavior, applied mathematics)
Appointment in: Mechanical Engineering
Holly Moeller, PhD, Associate Professor
(mathematical ecology and evolution, community ecology, biological oceanography)
Appointments in: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Linda Petzold, PhD, University of Illinois, Professor
(modeling, simulation and data analysis of multiscale systems in systems biology, engineering and medicine)
Appointments in: Mechanical Engineering, Computer Science
Zheng Zhang, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Associate Professor
(Photonic, Electronic, and MEMS Design Automation; Modeling and Verification of Robots & Autonomous Driving; High-Dimensional Data Analysis and Machine Learning; Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI))
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Bassam Bamieh, PhD, Rice University
(dynamic systems, controls, and robotics)
Matthew Begley, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(mechanics of materials, layered and composite materials, computational mechanics, additive manufacturing and micro devices)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Glenn Beltz, PhD, Harvard University
(Solid mechanics, fracture mechanics, stresses in thin films)
Irene Beyerlein, PhD, Cornell University
(structural mechanics of multi-phase micro- and nanostructured materials, design of metallic alloys)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Francesco Bullo, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(multi-agent networks, robotic coordination, distributed computing, vehicle routing, geometric control, motion planning)
Sam Daly, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(mechanics of materials, development of small-scale experimental methods, effects of microstructure on the meso and macroscopic properties of materials, active materials, composites, fatigue, plasticity, fracture)
Frederic Gibou, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(High resolution multi-scale simulation, scientific computing, tools and software for computational science and engineering, engineering applications” to "High resolution multiscale simulation and data analysis of multiphase flows, high temperature materials, biosystems)
Joint Appointment: Computer Science
Eric Matthys, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(Heat transfer, Fluid mechanics, Rheology, Energy, Sustainability)
Robert McMeeking, PhD, Brown University
(mechanics of materials, fracture mechanics, plasticity, computational mechanics, process modeling, cell mechanics, functional materials)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Eckart Meiburg, PhD, University of Karlsruhe
(fluid dynamics, two-phase flows, environmental and geophysical fluid mechanics)
Carl Meinhart, PhD, University of Illinois
(Microfluidics, Chemical Detection, Numerical Simulation, Multiphysics Simulation)
Igor Mezic, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(applied mechanics, non-linear dynamics, fluid mechanics, applied mathematics)
Jeff Moehlis, PhD, UC Berkeley
(nonlinear dynamics and control, neuroengineering, biological dynamics, collective behavior, applied mathematics)
Sumita Pennathur, PhD, Stanford University
(application of microfabrication techniques and micro/nanoscale flow phenomena)
Linda Petzold, PhD, University of Illinois
(modeling, simulation and data analysis of multiscale systems in systems biology, engineering and medicine)
Joint Appointment: Computer Science
Beth Pruitt, PhD, Stanford University
(Mechanobiology, microfabrication, engineering and science, engineering microsystems, and biointerfaces for quantitative mechanobiology.)
Joint Appointments: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program,
Jeff Sakamoto
Joint Appointment: Materials
Megan Valentine, PhD, Harvard University
(single-molecule biophysics, cell mechanics, motor proteins, biomaterials)
Henry Yang, PhD, Cornell University
(Computational Solid Mechanics, Composite Materials; Structural Dynamics & Finite Element Analysis)
Associate Professors
Ted Bennett, PhD, UC Berkeley
(thermal science, laser processing)
Elliot Hawkes, PhD, Stanford University
(Design, mechanics, and non-traditional materials to advance the vision of robust, adaptable, human-safe robots that can thrive in the uncertain, unstructured world.)
Bolin Liao, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Nanoscale energy transport and its application to sustainable energy technologies.)
Paolo Luzzatto-Fegiz, PhD, Cornell University
(wind farm aerodynamics, hydrodynamic drag reduction, instrumentation for oceanography)
Yon Visell, PhD, McGill University
(Haptics, robotics, sensors, virtual reality, interactive technologies)
Joint Appointment: Biological Engineering
Enoch Yeung, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(Control theory, machine learning, synthetic biology, and systems biology.)
Assistant Professors
Emilie Dressaire, PhD, Harvard University
(Learning about and learning from biological and natural processes to control fluid flow and transport.)
Ousmane Kodio
Ryan Stowers, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
(mechanobiology, biomaterials, hydrogel engineering, tissue engineering)
Joint Appointment: Biological Engineering
Yangying Zhu, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Heat transfer, fluid mechanics, micro/nanosystems, energy storage, thermal management)
Associate Teaching Professors
Tyler Susko, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Mechanical and Product Design, Engineering Education, Rehabilitation Robotics, human-machine interaction)
Assistant Teaching Professors
Sanjoy Banerjee, PhD, University of Waterloo
Joint Appointment: Chemical Engineering
John Bruch, PhD, Stanford University
David Clarke, PhD, Cambridge University
Joint Appointment: Materials
Roy Hickman, PhD, UC Berkeley
George Homsy, PhD, University of Illinois
Carlos Levi, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Joint Appointment: Materials
Wilbert Lick, PhD, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Glenn Lucas, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joint Appointment: Chemical Engineering
Ekkehard Marschall, Dr Ing, Technische Hochschule Hannover
Stephen McLean, PhD, University of Washington
Frederick Milstein, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Joint Appointment: Materials
Thomas Mitchell, PhD, California Institute of Technology
George Odette, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(deformation and fracture, high performance materials for use in severe environments)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Bradley Paden, PhD, UC Berkeley
Theofanis Theofanous, PhD, University of Minnesota
Joint Appointment: Chemical Engineering
Walter Yuen, PhD, UC Berkeley
Affiliated Faculty
Paul Atzberger, PhD, New York University, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Professor
(scientific computation, machine learning, numerical analysis, stochastic analysis, statistical mechanics, fluid mechanics, biophysics)
Appointment in: Mathematics
Katie Byl, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Associate Professor
(robotics, autonomous systems, dynamics, control, manipulation, locomotion, machine learning)
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Hector Ceniceros, PhD, New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Professor
(numerical analysis and applied mathematics)
Appointment in: Mathematics
Joao Hespanha, PhD, Yale University, Professor
(hybrid and switched systems; multi-agent control systems; game theory; optimization; distributed control over communication networks also known as networked control systems; coordination and control of groups of unmanned air vehicles; the use of vision in feedback control; and network security)
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Patricia Holden, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(pathogens in the environment, microbial ecology of pollutant degradation, soil microbiology)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Arturo Keller, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(water quality management and modeling, fate and transport of pollutants, groundwater protection and remediation, contaminant treatment technologies, watershed management, environmental implications and applications of nanotechnology)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Eric Masanet, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(sustainable manufacturing, energy systems analysis, industrial ecology)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Kevin Plaxco, PhD, California Institute of Technology, Professor
(biochemistry, protein folding, biomolecular engineering)
Appointments in: Chemistry and Biochemistry, Biological Engineering
Lisa Jevbratt, MFA, San Jose State University
(digital media, art, network, Net art, interactive media)
Joint Appointment: Art
Joann Kuchera-Morin, PhD, University of Rochester
(electronic and computer-generated music)
Joint Appointment: Music
George Legrady, MFA, San Francisco Art Institute
(interactive digital media, data visualization)
Marcos Novak, MArch, Ohio State University
(Certificate of Specialization in Computer Aided Architectural Design, transarchitectures, virtual environments and worldmaking, digital sculpture, algorithmic composition, transvergence)
Marko Peljhan, Diploma, University of Ljublijana, Slovenia
(interdisciplinary studies, systemics, tactical media, digital media, performance)
Assistant Professors
Jennifer Jacobs, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(Human Computer Interaction, Computational Design, Digital Fabrication, Systems Engineering, AR/VR)
Curtis Roads, PhD, University of Paris VIII
Matthew Turk, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joint Appointment: Computer Science
Affiliated Faculty
Sarah Rosalena Brady, Assistant Professor
Appointment in: Art
Alenda Chang, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(environmental media, game studies, digital media, science and technology studies, sound studies)
Appointment in: Film and Media Studies
Elliot Hawkes, PhD, Stanford University, Associate Professor
(Design, mechanics, and non-traditional materials to advance the vision of robust, adaptable, human-safe robots that can thrive in the uncertain, unstructured world.)
Appointment in: Mechanical Engineering
Tobias Hollerer, PhD, Columbia University, Professor
(human computer interaction; augmented reality; virtual reality; visualization; computer graphics; 3D displays and interaction; wearable and ubiquitous computing)
Appointment in: Computer Science
Lisa Jevbratt, MFA, San Jose State University, Professor
(digital media, art, network, Net art, interactive media)
Appointments in: Art, Media Arts and Technology
Chandra Krintz, PhD, UC San Diego, Professor
(programming systems, dynamic and adaptive program analysis and optimization, Internet of Things (IOT), web services, distributed systems, cloud computing)
Appointment in: Computer Science
Alan Liu, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(Digital humanities, the humanities in public life, Romantic literature, literary theory)
Appointment in: English
B. S. Manjunath, PhD, University of Southern California, Professor
(image processing, computer vision, pattern recognition, neural networks, learning algorithms, content based search in multimedia databases)
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Patrick McCray, PhD, University of Arizona, Professor
(history of science and technology; Cold War)
Appointment in: History
Fabian Offert, PhD, UC Santa Barbara, Assistant Professor
(Computational Humanities, artificial intelligence, new media, Art History)
Appointment in: Germanic and Slavic Studies
Joao Pedro Oliveira, Professor
Appointment in: Music
Lisa Parks, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Professor
Appointment in: Film and Media Studies
Pradeep Sen, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(computer graphics and imaging)
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Laila Shereen Sakr, PhD, University of Southern California, Associate Professor
(Art & Technology, Media Theory/Practice, Middle East Studies, Feminist Technologies, Digital Activism)
Appointment in: Film and Media Studies
Jenni Sorkin, PhD, Yale, Professor
(Contemporary art; material culture, craft, and design; art criticism; feminist historiographies and theory; art school pedagogies; queer culture and theory)
Appointment in: History of Art and Architecture
Misha Sra, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Assistant Professor
(human computer interaction; augmented reality; virtual reality; spatial interaction design; haptics, applied AI)
Appointment in: Computer Science
Naomi Tague, PhD, University of Toronto, Professor
(hydrology, linkages between climate, ecology, and hydrology)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Yon Visell, PhD, McGill University, Associate Professor
(Haptics, robotics, sensors, virtual reality, interactive technologies)
Appointments in: Biological Engineering, Mechanical Engineering
Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
(Return to top)
Dennis Clegg, PhD, UC Berkeley
(molecular and cellular neurobiology; stem cell biology and engineering; ocular disease)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Rick Dahlquist, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(relationships between protein structure and function and the phenomenon of chemotaxis in bacteria; biochemistry)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Tony de Tomaso, PhD, Washington University
(cell biology, developmental biology, immunology, transplantation biology, stem cell biology, regeneration, genetics, genomics)
Stu Feinstein, PhD, UC San Francisco
(molecular cell biology and neurobiology)
Ruth Finkelstein, PhD, Indiana University
(plant biology)
Christopher Hayes, PhD, University of Connecticut
(molecular biology of inter-bacterial competition, type V and VI secretion systems, biochemistry of toxin-immunity protein pairs)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Kenneth Kosik, MA, MD, Medical College of Pennsylvania
(neurodegeneration, biophysics of neuroconnectivity, stem cells, synaptic plasticity, microRNAs, evolution of the nervous system)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Michael Mahan, PhD, University of Utah
(microbial pathogenesis; molecular mechanisms of infectious disease, antibiotic resistance; sepsis; vaccine development)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Denise Montell, PhD, Stanford University
(biomedical sciences; developmental & stem cell biology)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Craig Montell, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(biomedical sciences; neuroscience)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Joel Rothman, PhD, University of Oregon
(biochemical and genetic studies of cellular differentiation and reprogramming; regulation of cell signaling, proliferation, and death)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Cyrus Safinya, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(biophysics, supramolecular assemblies of biological molecules, non-viral gene delivery systems)
Joint Appointment: Materials
William Smith, PhD, UC Santa Cruz
(developmental biology of marine invertebrate chordates)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Herbert Waite, PhD, Duke University
(comparative biochemistry, marine biomolecular materials, micro and nanomechanics, bioadhesion)
Joint Appointments: Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Thomas Weimbs, PhD, University of Cologne
(epithelial cell polarity, vesicle traffic, membrane fusion, polycystic kidney disease)
Associate Professors
Michael Goard, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: Psychological and Brain Sciences
John Lew, PhD, University of Calgary
(biochemistry, molecular biology, enzymology)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Matthieu Louis, PhD, University of Cambridge
(systems biology, systems neuroscience, behavioral neurogenetics)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Dzwokai Ma, PhD, UC Berkeley
(cell biology and neuroscience)
Julie Simpson, PhD, UC Berkeley
(neuroscience and genetics)
Max Wilson, PhD, Princeton University
(Biochemistry and Biomaterials, Cell Biology, Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Neuroscience, Systems and Quantitative Biology)
Assistant Professors
Brooke Gardner, PhD, UC San Francisco
(Biochemistry and Biomaterials, Cell Biology, Genetics and Genomics, Microbiology and Immunology)
Sung Soo Kim, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine
(Neuroscience, Systems and Quantitative Biology)
Meghan Morrissey
Chris Richardson, PhD, UC San Francisco
(Biochemistry and Biomaterials, Developmental and Stem Cell Biology, Genetics and Genomics)
Ikuko Smith, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(neuroscience, synaptic integration)
Joint Appointment: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Jean-Marie Volland
Associate Teaching Professors
Eduardo Gonzalez Nino
Mike Wilton
Assistant Teaching Professors
Cristine Donham
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Petra Kranzfelder
John Carbon, PhD, Northwestern University
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Rolf Christoffersen, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Louise Clarke, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(biochemistry, genetics)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
James Cooper, PhD, Washington University
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Diane Eardley, PhD, UC Berkeley
Steven Fisher, PhD, Purdue University
Kathleen Foltz, PhD, Purdue University
David Kohl, PhD, State University of New York, Buffalo
David Low, PhD, UC Irvine
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Daniel Morse, PhD, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
(molecular biology, bio-nanotechnology, biomolecular materials, marine biotechnology, biophotonics)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Stephen Poole, PhD, UC San Diego
Charles Samuel, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Duane Sears, PhD, Columbia University
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
James Thomson, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
Douglas Thrower, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
Carol Vandenberg, PhD, UC San Diego
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Leslie Wilson, PhD, Tufts University
(microtubule dynamics, functions, and anticancer drug mechanisms)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Affiliated Faculty
Tod Kippin, PhD, Concordia University, Professor
(neuroscience and behavior)
Appointment in: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Beth Pruitt, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(Mechanobiology, microfabrication, engineering and science, engineering microsystems, and biointerfaces for quantitative mechanobiology.)
Appointments in: Mechanical Engineering, Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program, Biological Engineering
Karen Szumlinski, PhD, Albany Medical College, Professor
(neuropsychopharmacology, neurobiology of addiction, alcoholism and related disorders, behavioral neuroscience)
Appointment in: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Thomas Turner, PhD, UC Davis, Associate Professor
(population and quantitative genetics, genetic basis of adaptation and speciation, functional analysis of natural variation, systems biology of adaptation)
Appointments in: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Soojin Yi, Professor
Appointments in: Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology
Isabel Bayrakdarian
Paul Berkowitz, Diploma, Curtis Institute of Music
(piano and chamber music)
Benjamin Brecher, MM, Bowling Green State University
Tim Cooley, PhD, Brown University
(Eastern European folk music; American vernacular music; music and tourism; music and surfing)
Ruth Hellier, PhD, Birmingham Conservatoire, University of Central England, UK
(performance studies, ethnomusicology, theater studies, dance anthropology, Latin American studies)
Jennifer Kloetzel
Robert Koenig, MM, Curtis Institute of Music
(collaborative piano)
Joann Kuchera-Morin, PhD, University of Rochester
(electronic and computer-generated music)
Joint Appointment: Media Arts and Technology
Scott Marcus, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(ethnomusicology; North Indian and Middle Eastern musics and performance practices, Arab music theory (maqam), North Indian folk music; tuning and temperament)
Joao Pedro Oliveira
Associate Professors
Derek Katz, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Czech music, opera, nationalism and modernism)
Ben Levy
David Novak, PhD, Columbia University
(Ethnomusicology, Popular Music, Globalization, Japan, Media & Technology)
David Paul, PhD, UC Berkeley
(musicology and theory)
Martha Sprigge, PhD, University of Chicago
(Musicology Program,Germany and Eastern Europe, post-1945, Memory and Trauma Studies)
Stefanie Tcharos, PhD, Princeton University
(Baroque opera and related vocal genres, 17th- and early 18th-century music, aesthetics of reception)
Assistant Professors
Jill Bambach, MA, Bowling Green State University
Emma Lou Diemer, PhD, Eastman School of Music
Joel Feigin, DMA, Juilliard School
(Composition, Composition Program)
Michel Gervais, BM, University of Alberta
John Gillespie
Steve Gross, DMA, University of Cincinnati
Michael Ingham, MA, University of Denver
William Kraft, MA, Columbia University
Elizabeth Mannion, BA, University of Washington
Betty Oberacker, DMA, Ohio State University
William Prizer, PhD, University of North Carolina
(medieval, renaissance and early baroque music)
Lee Rothfarb, PhD, Yale University
Pieter Van Den Toorn, PhD, UC Berkeley
(music theory; Stravinsky specialist)
Yuval Yaron, Artist's Diploma, Indiana University
Affiliated Faculty
Dwight Reynolds, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Professor
(Arabic languages and literatures, folklore and folklife)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Colin Allen
Matthew Hanser, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(ethics, philosophy of law, philosophy of action)
Thomas Holden, PhD, University of North Carolina
(history of early modern philosophy, metaphysics)
Dan Korman, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
(metaphysics, epistemology, mind and language)
Elinor Mason
Teresa Robertson Ishii, PhD, Princeton University
(philosophy of language and metaphysics)
Adina Roskies
Voula Tsouna-McKirahan, PhD, Université de Paris X
(ancient philosophy)
Aaron Zimmerman, PhD, Cornell University
(epistemology, ethics, philosophy of mind)
Associate Professors
Thomas Barrett, PhD, Princeton
(philosophy of physics, philosophy of science, logic)
E. Sonny Elizondo, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(moral philosophy and Kant)
K. T. Falvey, PhD, University of Minnesota
(philosophy of mind, philosophy of action, epistemology)
Amanda Greene
C Anderson, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Donald Crawford, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Francis Dauer, PhD, Harvard University
J Forgie, PhD, Cornell University
Christopher McMahon, PhD, University of Pittsburgh
Nathan Salmon, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Affiliated Faculty
Stanley Klein, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(social cognition, mental representation of self, memory, evolutionary psychology and philosophy)
Appointment in: Psychological and Brain Sciences
Andrew Norris, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(political philosophy)
Appointment in: Political Science
Leon Balents, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(theoretical condensed matter physics)
David Berenstein, PhD, University of Texas, Austin
(string theory, quantum field theory, theoretical physics)
Lars Bildsten, PhD, Cornell University
(theoretical astrophysics)
Omer Blaes, PhD, International School for Advanced Studies of Trieste
(theoretical astrophysics)
Dirk Bouwmeester, PhD, University of Leiden
(experimental condensed matter physics, quantum optics, and quantum information science)
Frank Brown, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(theoretical /biophysical chemistry)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Claudio Campagnari, PhD, Yale University
(experimental high energy physics)
Jean Carlson, PhD, Cornell University
(theoretical condensed matter physics)
Caitlin Casey
Nathaniel Craig, PhD, Stanford University
(Theoretical high energy physics)
Michel Devoret
Zvonimir Dogic, PhD, Brandeis University
(Experimental soft matter physics)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Doug Eardley, PhD, UC Berkeley
(theoretical gravitational physics)
Matthew Fisher, PhD, University of Illinois
(theoretical condensed matter physics)
Deborah Fygenson, PhD, Princeton University
(experimental biophysics)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Steve Giddings, PhD, Princeton University
(theoretical high energy and gravitational physics)
David Gross, PhD, UC Berkeley
(particle physics theory)
Joseph Hennawi, PhD, Princeton University
(Observational astrophysics)
Gary Horowitz, PhD, University of Chicago
(theoretical gravitational physics)
Joe Incandela, PhD, University of Chicago
(experimental high energy physics)
Ania Jayich, PhD, Harvard University
(experimental condensed matter physics)
Clifford Johnson
Philip Lubin, PhD, UC Berkeley
(experimental astrophysics)
Andreas Ludwig, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(theoretical condensed matter physics)
Cristina Marchetti, PhD, University of Florida
(Theoretical soft matter and biological physics)
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Don Marolf, PhD, University of Texas, Austin
(theoretical gravitational physics)
Crystal Martin, PhD, University of Arizona
(observational astrophysics)
John Martinis, PhD, UC Berkeley
(experimental condensed matter physics)
Ben Mazin, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(experimental astophysics)
David Morrison, PhD, Harvard University
(algebraic geometry and mathematical physics)
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
Chetan Nayak, PhD, Princeton University
(theoretical condensed matter physics)
Harry Nelson, PhD, Stanford University
(experimental particle physics)
Peng Oh, PhD, Princeton University
(theoretical astrophysics)
Jeffrey Richman, PhD, California Institute of Technology
(experimental high energy particle physics)
Omar Saleh, PhD, Princeton University
(single-molecule biophysics, motor proteins, DNA-protein interactions)
Joint Appointments: Materials, Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Joan-Emma Shea, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(theoretical biophysical chemistry)
Joint Appointment: Chemistry and Biochemistry
Mark Sherwin, PhD, UC Berkeley
(experimental condensed matter physics)
Boris Shraiman, PhD, Harvard University
(theoretical biophysics)
David Stuart, PhD, UC Davis
(experimental high energy physics)
David Weld, PhD, Stanford University
(experimental atomic, molecular, and optical physics)
Cenke Xu, PhD, UC Berkeley
(theoretical condensed matter physics)
Andrea Young, PhD, Columbia University
(Experimental condensed matter physics)
Anthony Zee, PhD, Harvard University
(theoretical particle physics)
Associate Professors
Brendan Bowler
Xi Dong, PhD, Stanford University
(Theoretical high energy physics)
Andrew Jayich, PhD, Yale University
(Experimental atomic, molecular, and optical physics)
Everett Lipman, PhD, UC Berkeley
(experimental biological physics)
Hugh Lippincott
Dave Patterson, PhD, Harvard University
(Experimental atomic, molecular, and optical physics)
Sebastian Streichan, PhD, University of Saarland
Joint Appointment: Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Assistant Professors
David Caratelli
Chenhao Jin
Xiao Luo
Max Millar-Blanchaer
Teja Nerella
Sagar Vijay
Teaching Professors
Tengiz Bibilashvili, PhD, Tbilisi State University
(Theoretical physics)
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Sathya Guruswamy, PhD, University of Rochester
(theoretical condensed matter physics)
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Assistant Teaching Professors
Guenter Ahlers, PhD, UC Berkeley
(experimental condensed matter physics)
S Allen, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(experimental condensed matter physics)
Robert Antonucci, PhD, UC Santa Cruz
Paul Barrett, PhD, UC Berkeley
David Cannell, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(experimental condensed matter physics)
Pierre E Wiltzius, PhD, E.T.H. Zurich
Robert Eisberg, PhD, UC Berkeley
Jose Fulco, PhD, University of Buenos Aires
Carl Gwinn, PhD, Princeton University
Elisabeth Gwinn, PhD, Harvard University
Leonard Hall
Paul Hansma, PhD, UC Berkeley
(experimental biophysics)
Alan Heeger, PhD, UC Berkeley
(experimental condensed matter physics)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Daniel Hone, PhD, University of Illinois
(condensed matter theory)
James Langer, PhD, University of Birmingham
Joint Appointment: Materials
Rollin Morrison, PhD, University of Illinois
Fyl Pincus, PhD, UC Berkeley
(soft condensed matter theory)
Joint Appointment: Materials
Francesc Roig, PhD, University of Massachusetts
(mathematical physics)
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Raymond Sawyer, PhD, Harvard University
Douglas Scalapino, PhD, Stanford University
(theoretical condensed matter physics)
Mark Srednicki, PhD, Stanford University
Robert Sugar, PhD, Princeton University
(theoretical particle physics)
Willem Van Dam, PhD, University of Amsterdam
Joint Appointment: Computer Science
Affiliated Faculty
John Harter, PhD, Cornell University, Associate Professor
(quantum materials, unconventional superconductors, strongly-correlated electrons, nonlinear optical spectroscopy, angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy)
Appointment in: Materials
Matthieu Louis, PhD, University of Cambridge, Associate Professor
(systems biology, systems neuroscience, behavioral neurogenetics)
Appointments in: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Cyrus Safinya, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor
(biophysics, supramolecular assemblies of biological molecules, non-viral gene delivery systems)
Appointments in: Materials, Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Bruce Bimber, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(political communication, political behavior, collective action, digital media)
Kathleen Bruhn, PhD, Stanford University
(comparative politics, Latin America, democratization and identity)
Alison Brysk, PhD, Stanford University
(human rights, global governance, civil society, gender, Latin American politics)
Joint Appointment: Global Studies
Pei-Te Lien, PhD, University of Florida
(race, ethnicity, and gender; transnationalism; Asian American politics)
Andrew Norris, PhD, UC Berkeley
(political philosophy)
Christopher Parker, PhD, University of Chicago
(human rights, global governance, civil society, gender, Latin American politics)
Satyajit Singh, PhD, Delhi University
(governance, public policy & institutional reforms, Indian politics, development and environmental issues)
Joint Appointment: Global Studies
Associate Professors
Amit Ahuja, PhD, University of Michigan
(comparative politics, ethnic politics, security studies, South Asia)
Bridget Coggins, PhD, Ohio State University
(international order, security, civil war, state collapse)
Laurie Freeman, PhD, UC Berkeley
(comparative politics, Japan)
Paasha Mahdavi, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(political methodology, energy and environmental politics, comparative political economy)
Matto Mildenberger, PhD, Yale University
(environmental and climate politics, comparative public policy, political behavior, methodology)
Clayton Nall, PhD, Harvard University
(American Politics, Political Geography, Public Policy, Local Politics, American Political Development)
Neil Narang, PhD, UC San Diego
(international relations, international security, civil war, conflict management, political violence, quantitative methods)
Leah Stokes, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(environmental and energy politics, public policy, political behavior, methodology, American politics)
Heather Stoll, PhD, Stanford University
(comparative politics, political parties and elections, political institutions, quantitative methods)
Assistant Professors
Alfredo Gonzalez
Tae-Yeoun Keum, PhD, Harvard University
(Political Theory, Ancient Greek Political Thought, German Social Thought)
Cesar Martinez Alvarez
Daniel Masterson, PhD, Yale University
(Comparative Politics, Political Economy, Migration, Displacement, Middle East Politics)
Julia Morse, PhD, Princeton University
(international relations, international organizations, international political economy, international law)
William Nomikos
Aj Rice, PhD, Michigan State University
(Black politics, political economy, race and class, American politics, governance)
Gayle Binion, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Benjamin Cohen, PhD, Columbia University
Paige Digeser, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
M Jennings, PhD, University of North Carolina
(political socialization, public opinion and political participation, methodology)
Cynthia Kaplan, PhD, Columbia University
Alan Liu, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lorraine McDonnell, PhD, Stanford University
(public policy analysis; politics of education; American politics)
Peter Merkl, PhD, UC Berkeley
Arnold Nash, PhD, Harvard University
Robert Noel, PhD, Northwestern University
Thomas Schrock, PhD, University of Chicago
Eric Smith, PhD, UC Berkeley
John Woolley, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
(American politics, the American presidency, public policy, political economy)
Affiliated Faculty
Sarah Anderson, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(environmental politics and public policy,American politics, legislatures, political parties, and statistical methods)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Kevin Anderson, PhD, City University of New York, Professor
(social and political theory; class, race, gender & sexuality theory; cultural and religious studies; development and social change; Middle Eastern studies; criminological theory)
Appointment in: Sociology
Edwina Barvosa, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(Chicana/Latina feminist thought; political philosophy; gender studies)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Jean Beaman, Associate Professor
(Race, Ethnicity, Nation; International migration; Urban Sociology; Culture; Ethnography/Qualitative Methodology)
Appointment in: Sociology
Alison Brysk, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(human rights, global governance, civil society, gender, Latin American politics)
Appointments in: Global Studies, Political Science
Mark Buntaine, PhD, Duke University, Professor
(international relations and environmental policy)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Kathleen Moore, PhD, University of Massachusetts , Professor
(immigration, Muslim communities in the West, religion and law, Islamic law, civil rights and liberties, cultural pluralism, cultural studies)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Kai Thaler, PhD, Harvard University, Assistant Professor
(Conflict and violence, civil wars, state building, genocide and mass killing, development, African and Latin American politics)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Psychological and Brain Sciences
(Return to top)
Nancy Collins, PhD, University of Southern California
(close relationships, interpersonal perception, social support, health psychology, multivariate statistics)
Leda Cosmides, PhD, Harvard University
(evolutionary psychology, cognition, motivation, emotions)
Miguel Eckstein, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(computational models of human vision, visual search, attention, perceptual learning, perception of medical images)
Alan Fridlund, PhD, University of Mississippi
(social interaction, evolution and neurology of social behavior, social psychophysiology, sexology, psychopathology)
Tamsin Cleo German, PhD, University College London
(cognitive development, developmental psychology, neuropsychology)
Barry Giesbrecht, PhD, University of Alberta
(visual attention; attentional control; multitasking; exercise, physical stress, and cognition; cognitive neuroscience)
Mary Hegarty, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
(spatial cognition, individual differences, diagrammatic reasoning and comprehension)
Skirmantas Janusonis, PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
(developmental and systems neuroscience)
Heejung Kim, PhD, Stanford University
(cultural psychology, cultural neuroscience, self-expression, social support, choice)
Tod Kippin, PhD, Concordia University
(neuroscience and behavior)
Stanley Klein, PhD, Harvard University
(social cognition, mental representation of self, memory, evolutionary psychology and philosophy)
Richard Mayer, PhD, University of Michigan
(human learning, problem-solving, educational psychology, human-computer interaction, multimedia learning, mathematical and scientific reasoning)
Michael Miller, PhD, Dartmouth College
(cognitive neuroscience, human memory and decision-making, individual differences)
Shelly Gable Nayak, PhD, University of Rochester
(motivation, emotion, close relationships)
James Roney, PhD, University of Chicago
(evolutionary psychology and human behavioral endocrinology)
Jonathan Schooler, PhD, University of Washington
(consciousness, memory, social cognition)
David Sherman, PhD, Stanford University
(self, political polarization, social support, health psychology)
Karen Szumlinski, PhD, Albany Medical College
(neuropsychopharmacology, neurobiology of addiction, alcoholism and related disorders, behavioral neuroscience)
Rene Weber, PhD, University of Technology Berlin, MD RWTH University Aachen
(media & audience research, media neuroscience, research methods and statistics)
Joint Appointment: Communication
Associate Professors
Dan Conroy-Beam, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
(mate choice, attraction, romantic relationships, evolutionary psychology, agent-based modeling)
Michael Goard, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Emily Jacobs, PhD, UC Berkeley
(cognitive neuroscience, women's health, endocrinology, reproductive aging)
Zoe Liberman, PhD, University of Chicago
(developmental psychology, social cognition, social categorization, infancy)
Kyle Ratner, PhD, New York University
(intergroup relations, social perception, social neuroscience, health psychology)
Assistant Professors
Andy Alexander
Michael Beyeler, PhD, UC Irvine
(visual computing; computational neuroscience; applied AI; human-computer interaction; virtual/augmented reality)
Joint Appointment: Computer Science
Ron Keiflin, PhD, University of Bordeaux
(behavioral neuroscience, associative learning, decision-making)
Regina Lapate
David Pietraszewski
Nils Reimer
Ikuko Smith, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(neuroscience, synaptic integration)
Joint Appointments: Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology
Tommy Sprague, PhD, UC San Diego
(computational neuroimaging, attention, working memory, spatial cognition)
Annie Wertz
Brandon Woo
Hongbo Yu
Associate Teaching Professors
Nicole Albada, PhD, University of Florida
development and aging, autobiographical memory, narrative methodology)
Vanessa Woods, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(pedagogy, student success, high impact practices, neuroscience)
Assistant Teaching Professors
F Ashby, PhD, Purdue University
James Blascovich, PhD, University of Nevada, Reno
Aaron Ettenberg, PhD, McGill University
John Foley, PhD, Columbia University
Michael Gazzaniga, PhD, California Institute of Technology
Scott Grafton, MD, University of Southern California
David Hamilton, PhD, University of Illinois, Urbana
(social cognition, social perception)
Jerry Jacobs, PhD, Indiana University
(visual neuroscience)
Jack Loomis, PhD, University of Michigan
Loy Lytle, PhD, Princeton University
Diane Mackie, PhD, Princeton University
Brenda Major, PhD, Purdue University
Charles Mc Clintock
Benjamin Reese, PhD, University of Oxford
Russell Revlin, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University
A Sherman, PhD, Yale University
Affiliated Faculty
Richard Duran, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(ESL; Reading education; Educational measurement; Bilingualism Educational assessment; Design and evaluation of literacy interventions for at-risk students, Educational testing; Learning; Bilingual education; Secondary education; Urban education; Educational technology; Cognitive psychology: cognition, intelligence, memory; Psychosocial development)
Appointment in: Education
Dan Montello, PhD, Arizona State University, Professor
(spatial, environmental, and geographic perception/cognition/affect/behavior, cognitive issues in cartography and GIS, environmental psychology and behavioral geography)
Appointment in: Geography
Janet Afary, PhD, University of Michigan
(Middle East religious history, modern Iran, gender and sexuality in modern Middle East)
Ahmad Ahmad, PhD, Harvard University
(Islamic intellectual history, Islamic law, and Islamic political philosophy)
Thomas Carlson, PhD, University of Chicago
(Christianity and culture, religion and philosophy)
Barbara Holdrege, PhD, Harvard University
(comparative history of religions, South Asian religions, Judaic studies)
Greg Johnson
Kathleen Moore, PhD, University of Massachusetts
(immigration, Muslim communities in the West, religion and law, Islamic law, civil rights and liberties, cultural pluralism, cultural studies)
Fabio Rambelli, PhD, University of Venice and Oriental University Institute, Naples
(Japanese religions and intellectual history, Buddhist studies, Shinto studies; semiotics; transnational intellectual networks in East Asia)
Joint Appointment: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Dwight Reynolds, PhD, University of Pennsylvania
(Arabic languages and literatures, folklore and folklife)
Christine Thomas, PhD, Harvard University
(Ancient Mediterranean religions, early Christianity, archaeology of religions)
Vesna Wallace, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Sanskrit languages and literature, Buddhism)
Mayfair Yang, PhD, UC Berkeley
(anthropology, China , critical theory, media, gender, state)
Joint Appointment: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Associate Professors
Joseph Blankholm, PhD, Columbia University
(American religion, secularism, atheism, sociology of religion, anthropology of religion)
Rudy Busto, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Chicano/Latino religions, Asian American/Pacific Islander religions, American religions)
Juan Campo, PhD, University of Chicago
(history of religions—Islam, Arabic)
Racha El Omari, PhD, Yale University
(Early Islamic Intellectual History, with focus on speculative theology especially the Mu'tazila)
William Elison
Elizabeth Perez
Dominic Steavu-Balint, PhD, Stanford University
(Chinese religions, Chinese Buddhism, Daoism, history of technology)
Joint Appointment: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
David Walker, PhD, Yale University
(19th century American religious history; Mormonism; spiritualism; religious tourism)
Assistant Professors
Catherine Albanese, PhD, University of Chicago
(American religious history, religion and American culture)
Jose Cabezon, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Roger Friedland, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Joint Appointment: Sociology
W Garr, PhD, Yale University
Richard Hecht, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Gurinder Mann, PhD, Columbia University
Joint Appointment: Global Studies
Birger Pearson, PhD, Harvard University
William Powell, PhD, UC Berkeley
(history of religions — China)
Joint Appointment: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Ann Taves, PhD, University of Chicago
David White, PhD, University of Chicago
Elliot Wolfson, PhD, Brandeis University
Affiliated Faculty
Gerardo Aldana, PhD, Harvard University, Professor
(Maya hieroglyphic history, Mesoamerican art, experimental archaeology, science studies, culture theory)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Beth Digeser, PhD, UC Santa Barbara, Professor
(late Roman Empire and late antiquity)
Appointment in: History
Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(cultural sociology and history, French social theory, politics and aesthetics, fascism)
Appointment in: Sociology
Lisa Hajjar, PhD, The American University, Professor
(human rights, international humanitarian law, war and conflict, torture, Israel/Palestine, US policy in the Middle East)
Appointment in: Sociology
Vladimir Hamed-Troyansky, PhD, Stanford University, Assistant Professor
(global migration and displacement; refugee studies; history of the modern Middle East, Eastern Europe, and the Caucasus)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Suma Ikeuchi, Associate Professor
Appointment in: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Nuha Khoury, PhD, Harvard University, Associate Professor
(Islamic art and architecture; medieval Islamic iconography; modern Arab art; critiques of the field)
Appointment in: History of Art and Architecture
Anshu Malhotra, PhD, University of London, Professor
(gender and sexuality studies, cultural studies, autobiography studies and histories of South Asia, Punjab and the Sikhs)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Stephan Miescher, PhD, Northwestern University, Professor
(19th- and 20th-century social history of West Africa; Ghana, colonialism, gender, masculinities; history of development and modernity/modernization; history of sexualities; oral history)
Appointment in: History
Marianne Mithun, PhD, Yale University, Professor
(morphology, syntax, discourse, prosody, and their interaction; contact; language change; typology; documentation; North American Indian and Austronesian linguistics)
Appointment in: Linguistics
Robert Morstein-Marx, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(Roman History, Greek history, Latin prose, historiography and rhetoric)
Appointment in: Classics
Claudia Moser, PhD, Brown University, Associate Professor
(Roman archaeology; Roman Republican sanctuaries; altars; ancient rituals; cults and burial practices)
Appointment in: History of Art and Architecture
Andrew Norris, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(political philosophy)
Appointment in: Political Science
Adam Sabra, PhD, Princeton, Professor
(medieval and early modern Egypt)
Appointment in: History
Lisa Sideris, Professor
Appointment in: Environmental Studies
Stuart Smith, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(archaeology of Egypt and Nubia [the Sudan], ethnicity, culture contact and imperialism, ideology and legitimization, funerary practice, ceramics and residue analysis)
Appointment in: Anthropology
Paul Spickard, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(history; race; ethnicity; immigration; Asian American; African American; interracial marriage; multiracial; identity; global)
Appointment in: History
Roberto Strongman, PhD, UC San Diego, Associate Professor
(comparative Caribbean cultural studies, literature and religion of the Afro-Americas, gender and sexuality studies)
Appointment in: Black Studies
Elisabeth Weber, PhD, Albert-Ludwig University of Freiburg, Professor
(18th-21st century literature and philosophy, German-Jewish culture, critical theory, deconstruction, psychoanalysis, trauma studies, human rights)
Appointment in: Germanic and Slavic Studies
Kevin Anderson, PhD, City University of New York
(social and political theory; class, race, gender & sexuality theory; cultural and religious studies; development and social change; Middle Eastern studies; criminological theory)
John Baldwin, PhD, Johns Hopkins University
(G. H. Mead, human sexuality, socialization, capitalism, micro-macro synthesis)
Tristan Bridges
(Gender, Sexualities, Masculinities, Families, Cultural Sociology, Inequalities, Qualitative Methods)
Maria Charles, PhD, Stanford University
(gender, social inequality, cross-national comparative sociology)
Andrew Deener
Waverly Duck
Simonetta Falasca-Zamponi, PhD, UC Berkeley
(cultural sociology and history, French social theory, politics and aesthetics, fascism)
Lisa Hajjar, PhD, The American University
(human rights, international humanitarian law, war and conflict, torture, Israel/Palestine, US policy in the Middle East)
Andrew Jolivette
Jan Nederveen Pieterse, PhD, University of Nijmegen
(globalization, development studies, global political economy, cultural studies, emerging societies, ethnicity, multiculturalism, future studies)
Joint Appointment: Global Studies
Geoffrey Raymond, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(conversation analysis, ethnomethodology, interaction in institutional settings, social theory, medical sociology, sociology of science and technology; qualitative research methods)
Victor Rios, PhD, UC Berkeley
(urban ethnography, juvenile justice, Latino sociology)
William Robinson, PhD, University of New Mexico
(globalization, development, political economy, macrosociology, political sociology, Latin America, migration/immigration, Latino/a studies)
Denise Segura, PhD, UC Berkeley
(Chicana and Chicano Studies, feminist studies, gender, family, work, race-ethnic relations, education)
Sarah Thebaud, PhD, Cornell University
(gender, families, social psychology, economic sociology, organizations, work)
France Winddance Twine, PhD, UC Berkeley
(The Body, Ethnography, Intimacy, Privilege, Feminist Theory, Critical Race Theory, Visual Sociology, Comparative Racial Studies (Europe/US/South Africa))
Associate Professors
Erika Arenas Velazquez
(Migration, social stratification based on skin color, and the effect of social programs on socio-economic and demographic outcomes)
Jean Beaman
(Race, Ethnicity, Nation; International migration; Urban Sociology; Culture; Ethnography/Qualitative Methodology)
Catherine Taylor
(Gender, work, health, social psychology, and social inequality)
Kevin Whitehead
(ethnomethodology and conversation analysis; interactions in everyday life and in institutional settings; social categories and identities, particularly race and ethnicity; conflicts and violence in interactions)
Hannah Wohl
(Aesthetic judgment; Art; Culture; Markets; Valuation; Knowledge; Gender and Sexuality; Sociological Theory; Qualitative methods.)
Assistant Professors
Dana Kornberg
(Environmental politics, urban sociology, economic sociology, global/comparative sociology, ethnography, South Asia)
Yader Lanuza
((im)migration, race & ethnicity, education, family, culture, punishment)
Jessica Lopez Espino
Phung Su
Terrell Winder
(Race & Ethnicity; Gender & Sexuality; Urban Sociology; Social Psychology; Education; Qualitative Methodology; Medical Sociology; Mixed Methodology)
Associate Teaching Professors
Assistant Teaching Professors
Richard Appelbaum, PhD, University of Chicago
Joint Appointment: Global Studies
Kum-Kum Bhavnani, PhD, Cambridge University
Denise Bielby, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
William Bielby, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Jon Cruz, PhD, UC Berkeley
Sarah Fenstermaker, PhD, Northwestern University
Sethard Fisher, PhD, UC Berkeley
Richard Flacks, PhD, University of Michigan
John Foran, PhD, UC Berkeley
Morris Friedell, PhD, University of Chicago
Noah Friedkin, PhD, University of Chicago
Roger Friedland, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison
Joint Appointment: Religious Studies
Avery Gordon, PhD, Boston College
Mark Juergensmeyer, PhD, UC Berkeley
Joint Appointment: Global Studies
Gene Lerner, PhD, UC Irvine
George Lipsitz, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Joint Appointment: Black Studies
Fernando Lopez-Alves, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Harvey Molotch, PhD, University of Chicago
Ilene Nagel, PhD, New York University
Joint Appointment: Law and Society Program
Melvin Oliver, PhD, Washington University
Belinda Robnett
Thomas Scheff, PhD, UC Berkeley
Beth Schneider, PhD, University of Massachusetts
Gary Schulman, PhD, Stanford University
Tamotsu Shibutani
Bruce Straits, PhD, University of Chicago
John Sutton, PhD, UC Davis
Verta Taylor, PhD, Ohio State University
Thomas Wilson, PhD, Columbia University
Howard Winant, PhD, UC Santa Cruz
Raymond Wong, PhD, Louisiana State University
Don Zimmerman, PhD, UC Los Angeles
Affiliated Faculty
Liz Ackert, PhD, University of Washington, Associate Professor
(Population and health, migration, urban geography, social statistics)
Appointment in: Geography
Paul Amar, PhD, New York University, Professor
(human rights, national security, police, prisons, race/sexuality, Latin America, Middle East, urban politics, globalization)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Ralph Armbruster, PhD, UC Riverside, Professor
(globalization, labor, social movements, race and ethnic relations, Latin American studies and community/urban studies)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Charmaine Chua, PhD, University of Minnesota, Assistant Professor
(global political economy, infrastructure studies, empire and imperialism, and ocean studies)
Appointment in: Global Studies
Laury Oaks, PhD, Johns Hopkins University, Professor
(reproductive politics; health, medicine, and science; feminist and community-based participatory research)
Appointments in: Feminist Studies, Exercise & Sport Studies
John Park, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(immigration law and policy, race theory, political theory and public law)
Appointment in: Asian American Studies
Lisa Park, PhD, Northwestern University, Professor
(race, gender, migration, environmental justice, health care policy)
Appointment in: Exercise & Sport Studies
David Pellow, PhD, Northwestern University, Professor
(environmental justice studies, ethnic studies, social change, social movements)
Appointment in: Environmental Studies
Simone Pulver, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(global environmental politics, development, organizational theory, climate change, private sector)
Appointment in: Environmental Studies
Leila Rupp, PhD, Bryn Mawr College, Professor
(sexualities, women's movements, comparative and transnational women's history)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Silvia Bermudez, PhD, University of Southern California
(Modern and Contemporary Spanish cultural studies, Poetry and Spanish popular music studies, Feminist Studies, and Latin American and Iberian Studies)
Leo Cabranes-Grant, PhD, Harvard University
(Spanish Golden Age drama and poetry, Latin American drama, Latino and Spanish drama, intercultural studies)
Joint Appointment: Theater and Dance
Jorge Luis Castillo, PhD, Harvard University
(19th- and early 20th-century Latin American literature, Latin American poetry and short story, history of ideas)
Antonio Cortijo, PhD, UC Berkeley
(medieval and early modern Romance languages and literatures, Latin and Greek languages and literatures, digital humanities, Catalan studies, history and ideology, religion and literature, philosophy and literature, Colonial Spanish American literature)
Viola Miglio, PhD, University of Maryland
(phonetics, phonology, language change, Basque, Germanic and Romance languages, literary translation, minority language rights and policy)
Elide Oliver, PhD, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
(Brazilian narrative and poetry, comparative literature, literary theory, literary translation, Brazilian culture (music, film), hermeneutics)
Sara Poot-Herrera, PhD, El Colegio de México
(Mexican and Spanish-American literature, literary theory)
Associate Professors
Andre Damasceno Correa De Sa
(Portuguese Culture and Literature)
Aline Ferreira Marshall, PhD, Federal University of Minas Gerais
(Linguistics, Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies, Psycholinguistics, and Bilingualism)
Eloi Grasset Morell, PhD, Paris IV - Sorbonne University
(Modern and Contemporary Spanish Literature & Arts; Film Studies, Catalan Studies and Digital Humanities)
Juan Lupi, PhD, Harvard University
(Spanish American literature; critical theory; literature and science; history of ideas)
Assistant Professors
Teaching Professors
Laura Marques-Pascual, PhD, UC Davis
(second language acquisition, applied linguistics, Spanish as a heritage language, language teaching methodology)
Joao Camilo-Dos-Santos, Doctorat d'Etat, Université de Haute Bretagne-Rennes
Jorge Checa, PhD, Princeton University
Victor Fuentes, PhD, New York University
Suzanne Levine, PhD, New York University
(Latin American Literature, Literary Translation, Translation Studies)
Francisco Lomeli, PhD, University of New Mexico
(Chicano/a Literature, Theory of the Novel, Literary History of the American Southwest, Border Studies, Latin American Literature from Mexico, Costa Rica, Chile)
Joint Appointment: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Nelida Lopez, BA, Instituto Superior del Profesorado
Ellen McCracken, PhD, UC San Diego
Eduardo Raposo, PhD, University of Lisbon
Harvey Sharrer, PhD, UC Los Angeles
(Medieval Literature: Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, Catalan; Comparative Literature: Arthurian romance; Catalan language and culture)
Frederick Williams, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Affiliated Faculty
Mary Bucholtz, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(sociocultural linguistics; language and identity; American English and Spanish)
Appointment in: Linguistics
Veronica Castillo-Munoz, PhD, UC Irvine, Associate Professor
(the Mexico-U.S. Borderlands, Comparative Immigration, Mexican History, Gender and Chicana/o History)
Appointment in: History
Juan Cobo Betancourt, PhD, Cambridge University, Associate Professor
(Colonial Latin America, race, religion, law and digital history)
Appointment in: History
Micaela Diaz-Sanchez, PhD, Stanford University, Associate Professor
(Chicana/o and Latina/o Performance Studies, Visual Culture and Cultural Studies, Afro-Latina/o Diaspora Studies, Chicana/Latina Feminisms, Chicana/o and Latina/o Theater History and Ethnomusicology, Dramaturgy, Acting Methodology)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
Matthew Gordon, PhD, UC Los Angeles, Professor
(phonetics; phonology; prosody; typology)
Appointment in: Linguistics
Stefan Gries, PhD, University of Hamburg, Professor
(corpus linguistics; quantitative methods in linguistics; cognitive and psycholinguistics)
Appointment in: Linguistics
Jeffrey Danhauer, PhD, Ohio University
Janis Ingham, PhD, University of Kansas
Roger Ingham, PhD, University of New South Wales
Statistics and Applied Probability
(Return to top)
Jean-Pierre Fouque, PhD, University of Paris 6
(stochastic processes, stochastic partial differential equations, financial mathematics)
Tomoyuki Ichiba, PhD, Columbia University
(applied probability, stochastic processes, stochastic differential equations, financial mathematics and statistics)
S Rao Jammalamadaka, PhD, Indian Statistical Institute
(theoretical and applied statistics, stochastic models and applications)
Michael Ludkovski, PhD, Princeton University
(stochastic control, optimal stopping, stochastic filtering, Monte Carlo
methods. Applications in financial and insurance mathematics, decision
theory and risk management.)
Wendy Meiring, PhD, University of Washington
(applied statistics, statistics of space-time processes, environmental statistics)
Gareth Peters, PhD, University of New South Wales
(Actuarial Mathematics, Quantitative Risk Management, Insurance, Statistical Methodology, Machine Learning in Insurance, Time Series Econometrics, Green Finance, Commodity Modeling, Signal Processing, Crypto currency and DeFi)
Yuedong Wang, PhD, University of Wisconsin
(applied statistics, biostatistics, statistical methods)
Associate Professors
Andrew Carter, PhD, Yale University
(mathematical statistics)
Raisa Feldman, PhD, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
(probability and stochastic processes, time series)
Alex Franks, PhD, Harvard University
(multivariate statistics, causal inference, biostatistics, sports analytics)
Ruimeng Hu, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(Machine Learning, Financial Mathematics, Stochastic Control and Games, Mean Field Approximation)
Joint Appointment: Mathematics
Sang-Yun Oh
(Graphical models, covariance estimation, applied statistics, computational
statistics, statistical computing and machine learning)
Assistant Professors
Mengyang Gu, PhD, Duke University
(Bayesian statistics, spatio-temporal processes, functional data analysis, uncertainty quantification)
Alex Shkolnik, PhD, Stanford University
(Monte Carlo simulation, high dimensional statistics, covariance estimation, financial risk management, portfolio theory)
Guo Yu, PhD, Cornell University
(Statistical Machine Learning, High-dimensional Statistics, Graphical Models, Optimization)
Teaching Professors
Dawn Holmes, PhD, University of Bradford
(Bayesian networks, maximum entropy formalism, reasoning under uncertainty)
Jack Miller, PhD, The Ohio State University
(statistics and data science education, teaching and learning)
Hal Pedersen, PhD, Washington University
(financial risk management, interest rate models, insurance risk)
Assistant Teaching Professors
Uma Ravat, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(Stochastic variations, inequalities, and Nash games, risk measures in finance, Statistical modeling for education data, Statistics and Data Science education)
John Hsu, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Svetlozar Rachev, DSc, Steklov Mathematical Institute
(probability theory, stability, probability metrics, mathematical finance)
Affiliated Faculty
Bjorn Birnir, PhD, New York University Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Professor
(nonlinear partial differential equations)
Appointment in: Mathematics
Dick Startz, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor
(econometrics, macroeconomics)
Appointment in: Economics
Doug Steigerwald, PhD, UC Berkeley, Professor
(econometrics, statistics, applied microeconomics)
Appointment in: Economics
Christine Beckman
John Bowers, PhD, Stanford University
(high-speed photonic and electronic devices and integrated circuits, fiber optic communication, semiconductors, laser physics and mode-locking phenomena, compound semiconductor materials and processing)
Joint Appointments: Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Paul Leonardi, PhD, Stanford University
(organizational, innovation, technology management, distributed collaboration)
Nelson Phillips
Mary Tripsas
Assistant Professors
Matt Beane, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(technology and work, deviance, AI and robotics, learning)
Sukhun Kang
Jessica Santana
Associate Teaching Professors
Renee Rottner, PhD, UC Irvine
(innovation management, science and technology studies, and entrepreneurship)
Stephen Barley, PhD, Sloan School of Management, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gary Hansen, PhD, University of Michigan
Kyle Lewis, PhD, University of Maryland
David Seibold, PhD, Michigan State University
Bob York, PhD, Cornell University
Joint Appointment: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Affiliated Faculty
Bruce Bimber, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Professor
(political communication, political behavior, collective action, digital media)
Appointment in: Political Science
Jennifer Gibbs, PhD, University of Southern California, Professor
(Organizational Communication, Global and Distributed Teams, New Media Affordances, Social Media and Knowledge Sharing, Social Support in Online Communities, New Media and Distraction, Intercultural Communication)
Appointment in: Communication
Umesh Mishra, PhD, Cornell University, Professor
(high-speed transistors, semiconductor device physics, quantum electronics, wide band gap materials and devices, design and fabrication of millimeter-wave devices, in situ processing and integration techniques)
Appointment in: Electrical and Computer Engineering
Karen Myers, PhD, Arizona State University, Professor
(organizational communication, organizational socialization/assimilation, vocational anticipatory socialization, organizational identification, organizational knowledge, workplace relationships, workplace emotions, Science Technology Engineering & Mathematics (STEM))
Appointment in: Communication
Matthew Potoski, PhD, University of Indiana, Professor
(corporate environmental management, political science)
Appointment in: Bren School of Environmental Science and Management
Ronald E. Rice, PhD, Stanford University, Professor
(social effects of new media and telecommunications, communication networks, bibliometrics, public communication campaigns, organizational communication, diffusion of innovations, environmental communication)
Appointment in: Communication
Ambuj Singh, PhD, University of Texas, Professor
(machine learning and data mining, network science, social networks, databases, bioinformatics, chemoinformatics)
Appointments in: Computer Science, Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program
Sarah Thebaud, PhD, Cornell University, Professor
(gender, families, social psychology, economic sociology, organizations, work)
Appointment in: Sociology
Rich Wolski, PhD, UC Davis, Professor
(cloud computing, high-performance distributed computing, computational grids, and computational economies for resource allocation and scheduling)
Appointment in: Computer Science
Irwin Appel, Diploma, The Juilliard School
(acting, directing, music composition, sound design for theater)
Ninotchka Bennahum, PhD, New York University
(dance history/performance studies, diasporic dance traditions: Hispano-Arab flamenco historiography, contemporary performance)
Risa Brainin, BFA, Carnegie Mellon University
(acting, directing, artistic director of Launch Pad)
Leo Cabranes-Grant, PhD, Harvard University
(Spanish Golden Age drama and poetry, Latin American drama, Latino and Spanish drama, intercultural studies)
Joint Appointment: Spanish and Portuguese
Davies King, DFA, Yale School of Drama
(American drama and theater history, ancient theater, modern European drama)
Greg Mitchell, MFA, NYU Tisch School of the Arts
Ann Sheffield
Anne Torsiglieri, Diploma, The Juilliard School
(acting, directing, theater and community)
Associate Professors
Monique Meunier
Jessica Nakamura, PhD, Stanford University
(Asian Theater and Performance Studies)
Brandon Whited, MFA, The Ohio State University
(contemporary dance, choreography, improvisation, dance studies, masculinities studies)
Assistant Professors
Letty Garcia Dahan
brooke smiley
Teaching Professors
Michael Morgan, PhD, UC Santa Barbara
(voice, speech, theater and community)
Vickie Scott, MFA, UC Los Angeles
(lighting design)
Daniel Stein
Associate Teaching Professors
Christina McCarthy
(modern dance, choreography)
John Chapman, PhD, Goldsmiths, University of London
Alice Condodina, Diploma, The Juilliard School
Dianne Holly, MA, San Diego State University
Peter Lackner, PhD, Institute for Theater Studies, Freie Universität, Berlin
Peter Mark, Diploma, The Juilliard School
Carlos Morton, PhD, University of Texas at Austin
Jerry Pearson, BS, University of Minnesota
Christopher Pilafian, The Juilliard School
Rona Sande, M Ed, College of William and Mary
Tonia Shimin, Royal Academy
Judith Tourney
Thomas Whitaker, MFA, Carnegie Mellon University
Simon Williams, PhD, University of East Anglia
Affiliated Faculty
Stephanie Batiste, PhD, George Washington University, Professor
(performance studies, Black cultural studies, critical race theory, African American literature and American studies)
Appointment in: English
Alenda Chang, PhD, UC Berkeley, Associate Professor
(environmental media, game studies, digital media, science and technology studies, sound studies)
Appointment in: Film and Media Studies
Micaela Diaz-Sanchez, PhD, Stanford University, Associate Professor
(Chicana/o and Latina/o Performance Studies, Visual Culture and Cultural Studies, Afro-Latina/o Diaspora Studies, Chicana/Latina Feminisms, Chicana/o and Latina/o Theater History and Ethnomusicology, Dramaturgy, Acting Methodology)
Appointment in: Chicana and Chicano Studies
William Fleming, PhD, Harvard University, Associate Professor
(early modern Japanese literature, theater, and cultural history; reception of Chinese literature in Japan; history of the book in East Asia)
Appointment in: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Andrew Griffin, PhD, McMaster University, Associate Professor
(early modern drama, early modern historiography)
Appointment in: English
Ruth Hellier, PhD, Birmingham Conservatoire, University of Central England, UK, Professor
(performance studies, ethnomusicology, theater studies, dance anthropology, Latin American studies)
Appointment in: Music
Ben Olguin, Professor
Appointment in: English
Dwight Reynolds, PhD, University of Pennsylvania, Professor
(Arabic languages and literatures, folklore and folklife)
Appointment in: Religious Studies
Katherine Saltzman-Li, PhD, Stanford University, Associate Professor
(Pre-modern Japanese theatre, literature, and folklore)
Appointment in: East Asian Languages & Cultural Studies
Jenn Tyburczy, PhD, Northwestern University, Associate Professor
(LGBTQ Studies; queer theory; genders and sexualities; race and nation; performance studies; social justice; transnational American studies; popular culture; ethnography; cultural politics; political economy; visual art and culture; museum and archive studies)
Appointment in: Feminist Studies
Linda Adler-Kassner, PhD, University of Minnesota
(writing program administration; public policy and writing instruction; representations of writing and teaching; theories of writing and communication; writing studies; history/historiography of education and writing; writing pedagogy)
Karen Lunsford, PhD, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
(writing across the curriculum and in the disciplines (WAC/WID); argumentation; computers and writing; international writing programs; writing studies; library and information science; collaboration)
Associate Professors
Teaching Professors
Madeleine Sorapure, PhD, SUNY-Binghamton
(writing in new media; computers and composition; professional writing; writing and popular culture)
Associate Teaching Professors
Kara Mae Brown, MFA, Emerson College
(creative writing; online writing instruction; e-portfolios; comics)
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Assistant Teaching Professors
Victoria Houser
Michelle Petty
Joint Appointment: College of Creative Studies
Susan McLeod, PhD, University of Wisconsin
Muriel Zimmerman, PhD, Temple University